Hello beautiful people! I'm so happy to bring this good news to you. Let me be the first person to tell you that I am MARRIED! Yaaaaaaaaay!!! I truly am. Traditionally. And yes, I am married to the man of my dreams...seems so surreal and BOOM! at the same time. But that's not why we are here anyway. Let me give you the full gist of the relationship from the beginning. How it all started. Because you deserve to hear it from me and I share the little deets about my life with you innit? I'm sure MJ (My Jewel) will be like, ''naaaaaaaa, baby, you did not just say you want to discuss our private matters with your readers''. Yeah honey, I did say that. I am a blogger remember? I am about to wash our sparkling linen outside for the world to see. *tongue out* Or maybe I should just write my own ''On Becoming'' book (my Nigerian readers will understand better)? I'll try to be brief though, so I don't spill all the juices, in case I ch...