Dear Son, You are one. Ryan is one! The big ONE. It’s funny how time flies…one minute, I’m too anxious and cannot wait to birth you, next minute, I’m planning your first-year birthday and trying to make it perfect…just for you. Please where did all the time go? It’s been quite a journey. From when we were pregnant till your birth and then, now. It’s been too many emotions packed in one, but I wouldn’t trade YOU for anything else in the world. I still look at you in awe and wonder how I got so lucky with you, a true confirmation that God really do love me…and your dad! I’ve watched you grow, from that little man who depended on us for everything, to this not-so-little man, who has a mind of his own. It’s beautiful to observe how intentional you are about what you want, how independent you can be when you want to, and how easily you warm up to everyone and light up the room with your cute smiles. God really sent me a slice of heaven in you. Thank you for the best 3...