Dear Son,

You are one. Ryan is one! The big ONE. It’s funny how time flies…one minute, I’m too anxious and cannot wait to birth you, next minute, I’m planning your first-year birthday and trying to make it perfect…just for you. Please where did all the time go?

It’s been quite a journey. From when we were pregnant till your birth and then, now. It’s been too many emotions packed in one, but I wouldn’t trade YOU for anything else in the world. I still look at you in awe and wonder how I got so lucky with you, a true confirmation that God really do love me…and your dad!

I’ve watched you grow, from that little man who depended on us for everything, to this not-so-little man, who has a mind of his own. It’s beautiful to observe how intentional you are about what you want, how independent you can be when you want to, and how easily you warm up to everyone and light up the room with your cute smiles. God really sent me a slice of heaven in you.

Thank you for the best 365 days of our lives (yet) which had you with us. Thank you for the time before these days which had you growing in me! I had the most surreal pregnancy. It is a privilege to have been the vessel through which God brought you, our star boy, to the world. It is a rare honour to be your Mum and I do not take this responsibility for granted. As your name implies, you a royalty! You are a precious child, and we are so happy and lucky to have you.

You are easily the smartest one year old I know, I didn’t have to worry about your growth and development phases, because they were just near perfect! One minute, you could move your head from side to side, next minute, you could turn from side to side, another minute, you were sitting up, the next minute, you were creeping around the house and now, you walk unaided and make the most audible sounds that I know means something in the baby world but I cannot quite decipher (lol)…all in twelve months. What’s not to love about you Son?

I apologise for the many times I have done wrong by you. I apologise for those times when you were barely three months and I drove you to my school because I had to attend lectures…guess what, I passed and became Chartered. I’m sorry for those times you needed me to be there, but I had to run along to work because ‘’this money needs to be made’’ and there’s no time for pity party. I’m sorry for those times we were not so careful, and you fell or hit your head…you didn’t deserve any of that but, life happens and the road through life isn’t always smooth. I’m happy that each time you fell, you got back up and took those steps again. There are life lessons to learn here my son.

You have been our greatest blessing, Ryan. Since we birthed you, your dad and I have had more reasons to be purposeful, focused, set goals and smash them one at a time. You have been our motivation, you have strengthened our love and bond, you have made us a strong united family, and you have given us one more reason to dream and put in work to achieve our dreams! Your dad and I are working tirelessly each day to make your future truly amazing…to give you a life that you truly deserve, to show you by example, that there is dignity in labour, that there are no shortcuts to genuine success and wealth, that teamwork makes the dream work, that there is so much we can achieve together if we love and help each other, that your dreams are valid, that impossibility is nothing!

You see my son, I’m not the perfect mum. Heck, I do not even have my own life together. I’m basically just winging it on most days. On other days, it gets really overwhelming combining my role as a career woman, a wife and mum but I wouldn’t want my life any other way. If for anything, you motivate me to live my dream. We are growing through life together. We are learning from each other, you are showing me inner strengths I never knew existed, you are teaching me a different kind of love. I want to be a mum you would be proud of; I want to be successful at this wife, mum and career woman thingy (millennial slang…lol), I want to be a proof and a reference point that a woman can be all she wants to be and be successful on every count too. I want my life to be an example for you to encourage women to have a voice in every sphere of life. And so, because your mum did it, they too can do it!

The world is filled with evil, and we wish we can protect you from it all. It’s so difficult to try to be you and stay true to yourself, but we hope that by our actions...more than our words, we will be able to show you that, you are unique, you were not born to be ordinary, you do not need to succumb to the evils of this world to be successful, you can live your truth and be a shining light for others to follow through hard work and consistency. Your dad and I hope you learn from us that God is the author and finisher of our lives, he alone knows our end before our beginning, he alone can guide and lead aright, he alone is our SAVIOUR and so, always run to him in prayers…ALWAYS. We also hope you learn the importance of family, of integrity and honesty.

We hope you grow up to be all God wants you to be and you push yourself to achieve even more. Be respectful, loyal and kind and be responsible. It is beautiful to see you love and look up to your dad the way you do. I like the bond between you two (sometimes I get jealous…I am only human). I hope it lasts forever and you learn valuable lessons along the way, I hope you pick up the beautiful traits he has that endeared me to him, I hope he influences your life positively and you live to always love and respect him.

You are one today, and someday, you will get to read this, and I hope it blesses your heart and you learn a thing or two from it. You are DEEPLY loved. Never in a thousand years should you doubt the love everyone has for you…Your dad loves you, your mum loves you, your grandparents love you, your aunties and uncles love you, your cousins love you so much and our friends also care about you. I wish I could express in words the love these people have individually and collectively shown to you in just a year of your birth, I’ve seen it and I must say that you are one EXTREMELY lucky child to have them all!

My prayers for you - May your days be blessed and prosperous, the mighty hand of God is upon your life, God’s choicest blessings and favour shall locate you, you will always be the first and not the last. Long life, good health, sound mind, peace, and happiness will constantly be your portion. You shall call forth a thousand and ten thousand shall come answering, evil and bad energy shall be far away from you, you shall not be found among bad company, sickness and diseases shall not know your name. It is well with you and everything you lay your hands upon. Amen.

I love you Ryan Oghenekaro Ikemefuna Omo-Odudu. Happy first birthday my "son"shine!

From your Mum,


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