This life ehn, this life…you’ll think you’ve ‘’jumped and pass’’ until someone throws you another one. So, some days ago, I was on my own ‘’jejely’’ and someone asked me a question…

‘’Madam, what are your plans now that the service year is over?’’ See me running my mouth and downloading her with my plans. You know, as a lawyer, working under supervision is very crucial at this stage, so as to build your craft and establish a solid clientele base. So I told her how before the service year ran out I had sent out applications and CVs to reputable law firms and how I intend to also go back to school in between and run some professional courses to broaden my knowledge and enhance my chances in the society, I also told her that I intend to take more intense classes on bead making and grow my hair business which I have already started on a small scale. I told her in the next five years, I see myself achieving all of these and many more.
I was innocently telling her all of these without looking up (because I was busy at my desk), but the moment I caught her gaze, I could see the look of disdain and displeasure on her face. Ahn Ahn! Warrapun? She had that look of someone trying to control her fart from making a sound. I had to ask her if anything was wrong. Her reply was that I had just spoken ‘’unwise words’’. That was exactly how she put it oh dear friends. *insert confused emoticon at this point*

So I asked what her reasons were…her next question would shock you!
She asked if I had a boyfriend and if he resides in the same city with me. I replied. Then I asked her what her ‘’boyfriend question’’ had to do with what we were discussing. She said ‘’in your five minutes career talk, you never mentioned him’’. I told her it was because we were talking career and not relationship. Two distinct topics. If she had asked about my relationship status and where I see it in five years, I would have given her a different answer and showed off my romantic side. *winks*

I made her understand that she couldn’t have asked her initial question and expect my answer to be ‘’…I have a boyfriend in Sokoto, since I am done with service, I am moving in with him and we intend to start a family there’’. I asked her what she would have thought if my answer was that. My dear lady wasn’t having any of my arguments still. She stood her ground that I had said gibberish. We went on and on on this and she tried to confuse  convince me, but, I sha stood my ground ni o. Everybody with what appeals to them mbok!

My dear people of God, did I say anything wrong? Did I answer foolishly really? Is there a problem with a lady being ambitious? What’s with this after youth service marriage thingy sef? Is it by force to follow the trend?
Please don’t get it wrong, and don’t misinterpret…marriage is beautiful, very beautiful. I look forward to it, but I have to put things in place before getting into it. By now, I’m more than certain that readers of this blog know my stance on this. I know well enough too that you cannot finish one before you enter the other. Career is a continuum, and so relationship/marriage has to come in between anyway. I know that too. I also know that these two are no guarantee to happiness.

The lady also said something about how all the money in this world cannot buy happiness. Who says marriage can? No guarantee jare. We all hope for happiness but we have to set things in motion and that includes fulfillment.

Priorities vary. People should know that. The fact that I decide to get married whilst still in school, and you decide to pursue your career and get married later doesn’t make anyone better than the other. We have seen successful career women, we know great sit at home moms, we also know women who have successfully been able to manage the home front and their careers. Thumbs up to all of them!
You’ll wonder why I am making this a one sided gender issue? Well, that’s because most women face this kind of attack in the society more than the menfolk. The reason may not be far-fetched. It’s general knowledge that men have to work and earn a living for themselves and their dependents (which includes their wives) and so it's just normal that they are career-driven. It's not the same reasoning for women, especially in this part of the world. People still are of the opinion that a University degree is okay for a lady, the next step in her life should be marriage and procreation. I don’t belong to that school of thought. Pardon me. I believe a woman can go further and attain more, aside the regular University degree (if she wants to). And I also strongly believe that doing so without ‘’side attractions’’ of a husband and child(ren) is easier and maybe quicker too. That way, your family doesn’t lack, and so also does your career.

Priorities changes with time. My priority now, may not be my priority in two years and that’s because in two years, I may have achieved most of my priorities now. So priorities would change then. You see? Lol.
Finally, so long as you and Le Boo are on the same page about your short term and long term plans, and you both agree on what works best for you guys, then, you’re right on track. What people say don’t actually matter.

Dear Hubby, don’t do slow motion now oh! It is play I dey!

So guys! What’s your take on this? Remember you have an opinion, and I am not always correct, so share yours.
Barby’s Diary is back! The break is over! Expect more juicy and interesting topics.



  1. We all have career goals, we also have marital goals. Both can co exist but one has to take the front burner. Deciding to make prioritise ur career goals has to be with the consent or permission of the person you are dating, that is assuming you are in a serious relationship that is heading somewhere. Anything short of the consensus would lead to friction. But take mote that where both a man and a woman make their career their priority, the home is bound to suffer. Its all complicated. There is no hard and fast rule to succeed with it but there is a hard and fast rule to fail with it.

  2. I concur. Yeah, there has to be a consensus between the two partners. Good to hear from you Uncle P!

  3. @ barby well said! Before I give my opinion on this issue,i would go by writing on a very sad note that these days majority of our ladies are so desperate for marriage,that they go as far as getting diabolical. It's really sad! Immediately after their first degree /youth service, is marriage! My question is, is marriage the only way to success in life? Is marriage the only factor that makes you fulfilled? The answer is NO! For crying out loud these them beautiful ladies do not even think ahead of life,its even more painful when I hear some ladies say they will never work when they get married,that the husband must be so rich to take care of herself and the children,mehnn that's a very dumb thought! For crying our loud,the world has gone beyond men providing for the home,wait o! I no mean say una men go relax sha,lolz! You know what I mean! My God! Women should be creative and innovative,thinkkkkk! Further your education,broaden your cv,think of a business, then along the line if marriage comes knocking ,delve in! Please don't get me wrong o! I love to get married some day,i love to have a lovely family, but I also want to support my husband in one way or the other,so that our children can have the best in life,even more than we the parents ever had! And I haven't forgotten about some men that will still say they will never work, but rather depend on a woman all their life,DUDE please wake up! Don't be a nasty gigolo! Lolz! Ok all in all, my opinion is that everyone should work hard to get the best in life,attain that desired zenith,and most importantly let GOD be your all! Howbeit, when marriage comes along the way,LOVELY!,because making marriage your priority! Believe it or not it. Sometimes leads to wrong and regrettable decisions,and makes you appear a desperate person!

  4. barbie i wont use all what you said against you, take your time and pursue your career and when you done we can tie the knot.
    pursue your dreams dear and if marriage comes along the line please dont waste time to grab it. You can achieve your dreams even when you are married and if you are not psychologically ready for it then u dont have to. Everything happen to people at the right time and when its your time then its your time.

  5. @dorobucci! I agree with you to an extent! Yes achieving your dreams when you are married is possible,BUT not in all circumstances! Like the first writer said,it depends on the understanding of the partners! I have seen and heard a lot of stories where some husbands/wives are dream killers! Yes terrible dream killers! Sorry to say it's more common with men killing the dreams of their wives because in their myopic mind they forsee the fear of the unknown! So you see this situation is a two way thing! Like I stated earlier make the best out of your life and when your God-given partner comes, then GRACIAS DEUS(thank God)!

  6. @ebonka you have spoken well but i stand to disagree on the fact that about so many stories you heard about men killing dreams after marriage, we have women who have gotten to the peak of their careers because their husbands supported and stood by them. you chasing your dreams after marriage is 100% possible base on the understanding of your partner and who you really are but all the same i support the concluding part of your comment.
    dear writer, you have LLB and BL already i feel you should start considering marriage esp when if you have a stable and ready partner who is ready to do so.

  7. @dorobucci please read my post very well! I guess we are saying the same thing here,am trying to be objective here,like I stated earlier,i said it is not possible in some cases to achieve your dreams when you are married,believe it or not,agree or disagree! It's your opinion! The interpretation of my post was that it is possible to achieve ur dreams in marriage based on a reasonable partner, while on the other it is impossible in some cases where the other partner is a dream killer! In a nutshell the main phrase used is "possible" "impossible" and "in some cases"! That is me being objective

  8. *PHARES USED ARE*! And again Yes a woman can achieve her dreams in marriage based on the understanding of her partner, while in some cases a woman's dream is killed by her partner,I have seen, I have heard,and I have learnt! That was why I made it clear on my post," when your GOD GIVEN PARTERN COMES, THANK GOD! The main phrase is "GOD GIVEN" and "DREAM KILLERS"! It's your choice!

  9. All I can say is ''It's getting HOT in here''...thanks my people. I love that this is interactive. But sincerely, I have seen men who feel intimidated by their partner's success story. You'll start hearing things like; ''you love your job more than the family'', ''you have to stop work because you barely have time to cook or take care of the home'', ''family should be your first priority'' ''your work carries you far away from home'', ''you work with too many male colleagues and I don't like that'' etc. Then again, there's that part where women get carried away with their career and forget the home.
    Like I pointed out in the article, it isn't wrong for a lady to be ambitious. I am ambitious, but I am very ready to align my ambition to fit into my marital life whenever that happens. God bless you guys! I AM LOVING THIS.

  10. Nice one, no opinion of mine yet. I am hungry...

  11. Hmmmmm...marriage, work, ambition, career, 1 is even talkin abt shawarma nd coke. Dnt u all jus think jollof rice would solve d puzzle, esp party jollof rice...@ebonka, u hv seen, u hv heard nd u hv learnt...loollzzz, dt got me rolling on d floor. My opinion goes thus...its nt easy to mix career nd marriage, 1 definitely will lack, il align myself more with d very 1st person dt commented, u need an undstdin partner to be able to achieve these. Marriage is nt everything, bt happy marriage is almst everything . Its like sayin moni is nt everything, bt mk some moni b4 spitting dt thrash... No matter hw u wnt to downplay d importance of marriage, it gets to a point in 1s life, u hv gotten d basics, it is xpected u settle down. Career is also very good, bt pls dnt chase a good husband to be bcos of career. Finally, in d end we will all die nd leave d marriage nd d career behind. So i advice we all do wat makes us happy nd fulfilled. On a last note, i honestly wont hv issues wt having a career wife, so long as der is enough moni to makin it as easy as possible...

    1. Nobody talks about shawarma and coke...lolzzz. Thanks for your input Akpos. You have spoken ''wise words''.

  12. In my humble personal opinion, i have been receiving alot of prayers ever since i finished NYSC and its always concentrating on Ise and Iyawo... u dnt wanna knw hw diverse prayers on these two points can be. That said, i am scared as a man of responsibilities and particularly living an underachieving unfulfilled life. I had to come to terms with the lack of mental strenght as a major cause of misplacement of priority and living a life that aint yours.
    I dunno ur age and wouldnt ask buh in as far as everything u wanna do in within 27-29yrs i dnt ve much of a problem with it cos from 30yrs, ur mental strenght will be put to test alot of tyms and really not everytin can wait. If a guy feels intimidated by ur ambitions and prospects, tell him to get a wife from his village cos he aint ur man. If ur fiance or wife's success emasculates you, then i dunno wat to say to u o.. get it right. Not like you shud now spend all ur life working ooo cos women sef sabi overdo everytin. You will just ve to marry ur work n put a ring on ur desk or chair o. Dnt mind me
    I have eaten well.

    1. Lateef! Always has a way of passing off his opinion in the most subtle and sarcastic way...I look forward to your comments (and big big English too)on my articles. Thanks dear

    2. Sakasm ke and big English nibo, i enjoy reading your write ups as it feels like a part of me. Na hustle no dey give time. You are always welcome.

  13. This is a very interesting topic, and people are always ready to prove their points on either sides. firstly i will like to say this @ barby you aint wrong in anyway by stating your goals and ambitions for the future, in fact i love the fact that you stated it as an individual. Some people throw away their identity as an individual because they are in a relationship or married (Hello you are you first). I have a cousin who refused anyone calling her by her childs name "Muumy this or that" she said she can't afford to loose her identity as who she is because she is married with kids, some women throw away their dreams and ambitions and identity. I will say we Africans talk about marriage like its a do or die affair (i'm not saying marriage is bad its Beautiful, in fact i'm getting married soon). An average african expects that as soon as you are done from service the next thing is wedding especially when you are a lady. The most important thing is to set you PRIORITIES RIGHT. Some ladies because they are getting older and lots of pressure from those around they go on a 'BOO HUNT MISSON' but really, i believe that period of waiting for the right guy to come your way is a great opportunity to improve yourself in every way possible, this might even make you get a better prospective spouse, and when he he comes you both decide either to complete stuffs before or in the marriage. Like i said earlier Set your priorities right have a good plan and a good strategy in executing it. And when marriage comes you both make decisions as circumstances and event unfolds you both find a balanc..

  14. Well my dear. In lyf dia is tym for everything. Lets all pray dat God almighty's plan for us shud cum rathee quick dan later.. I personally hv dis bliv dt struggle continues. We hussle to attain success, u hv to kip on strugling to maintain dt succes or grow further. U go to skull, aquire d degree nd it dosnt end dia, masters, phd follows. So my dear, if dia is sum1 good enof, sum1 responsible around nd he shows seriousness nd commitment den dnt delay. Grab d chance bcos Dt is d person God plannd for u. Nd most importantly be prayerful nd am sure, Baba God will never fail u. It is wel

    1. Mankind! So humbled to have you guys here (all the way from Secondary Sch). I agree with you, when the right person comes, don't delay. Wise words.



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