Hello Cupcakes? Been a while yeah? I think so too! Last week, I left you all in the hands of a very good writer and ardent reader of the blog; Arnold. I hope y’all enjoyed reading his piece and learnt a thing or two from it, ‘cos I did. Preach it till it gets to the end of the world! STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!!

Today’s topic is a very sensitive and highly implicative one for me. I can literally say that it took me nine lives to write this article. I’ll tell you why; my family (including my extended family, maybe my grandma in the village also) reads my blog. I can imagine the look on my Dad or Mum’s face when she opens the blog today and see the topic. They’ll be like; ‘’warrisdis kwa?’’. Now I have to face them alone whenever I go home on holidays. No thanks to you guys…Another reason I dread this article is the majority African cultural belief. Where we come from, it is almost weird to talk about issues like this in the public. It is either people feel you’re too young to talk about it, or when you’re perceived old enough to talk about it, then it becomes really awkward or unpleasant to hear it. That’s why you hear myths like; ‘’if a boy sits next to a girl, the girl gets pregnant’’, or ‘’don’t talk to boys, it leads to pregnancy’’ or the likes.

The world has moved from how it was some hundred or fifty years ago, where all these myths could ‘’sell’’. We’re in the 21st century, and myths as these will only be an experiment for a curious child. So please, parents, ditch all the witty talk and get to business. Teach your children (especially at puberty) SEX EDUCATION. There’s no easier way to say a thing than to say it the way it is. Don’t allow them hear it from outside, you’ll be surprised the type of damage it will do to them. They are your offspring, so, direct them in the way they’ll not depart from. With this, they’ll be more open to discussing their concerns and fears with you. You’ll also be shocked at the kind of information (negatives too) they can get from the internet.

Slightly away from this, let’s discuss PRE-MARITAL SEX.

Pre-marital sex is sex before marriage. The Bible’s stance on this is uncompromising.  ‘’Thou shall not fornicate’’. Now, this is not a religious blog, but I am also aware that the Muslims have similar law in their Holy Book. It’s a no/no for you if you are unmarried. Simple.

God invented sex for married couples, but the world has ‘'commonized’’ it. The world has made sex look like it's nothing in order to justify engaging in it. My dear, if you are reading this, then know that sex is a BIG thing. Aside from the physical connection that there is to it, there’s also the spiritual connection and of course, the emotions that flow from it. That’s why it should be exclusively preserved for marriage; between a husband and his wife, for procreation, and for pleasure and to lock all the physical, spiritual and emotional connections there are, within.

There are a lot of dangers in engaging in pre-marital sex. One of such is the possibility of not ending up in marriage to the person. Imagine revealing your inner self to someone who has no business knowing your details. Awkward right? I think so too. Again, you’re indirectly robbing Peter to pay Paul. What should be only your husband/wife business has become a common commodity because you chose to reveal same to X, Y, Z. Not nice at all. Another reason? Well, sex is addictive. You start, it’s difficult to back out. Why rush to ‘’taste’’ what you have the rest of your life to enjoy? What you don’t know wouldn’t kill you, so don’t rush. Additionally, pre-marital sex can lead to pregnancy, which would lead to unwanted babies, which may lead to abortions or pre-mature fatherhood/motherhood. Now imagine what one singular act can lead to, so many things! Not worthwhile. Easy way out—don’t indulge at all. Pre-marital sex can also lead to unfaithfulness in marriage (when you finally get married). You’ll hear people say they don’t enjoy sex in their marriage probably because they have had better sex before they got married (supposing they don’t get married to the same sex partner). Mr. Boyfriend was so good, and Mr. Husband isn’t so good. Madam is not having any of it, she has ‘’tasted’’ something better, she cannot cope with average for so long, so she goes in search of a ‘’beast’’ in bed = UNFAITHFULNESS begins. There is also the possibility of contacting STIs and STDs…So, so many instances. So, so many reasons why pre-marital sex should be non-negotiable till marriage. If you’re so eager, please get married A.S.A.P and enjoy without guilt. Bear in mind however, that marriage isn’t for kids at heart. I say kids at heart, because age doesn’t connote maturity. Some twenty years old are more knowledgeable than some forties. My apologies for that bluntness.

Notwithstanding all of these, some critics have spoken and they agree otherwise. They claim that the major causes of most divorce or breakdown of marriages can be linked to sexual issues between the couple. They argue that if one’s sexual needs are not met in a marriage, there’s the temptation to have them met elsewhere. For instance; sexual incompatibility. Imagine the couple were celibate till after the wedding, only to find out that one partner is drifting towards sexual addiction, while the other isn’t so interested in sex…square peg in a round hole kind of situation. Some people naturally don’t like sex, but they want to get married and somehow have children too. Imagine that these kind of people find their attitude et al match in someone who enjoys having sex, what happens to their marriage in the long run? Your guess is as good as mine. Or, the man lies about abstaining till after marriage, only for the wife to discover after the wedding that his ‘’down there’’ cannot function properly. Or, sexual inexperience between the two of you which leads to boring ‘’bedmatics’’ and finally, lack of interest. Etc.

Tough world. *sighs*

Personally and honestly, I’m tempted to take a cue from both sides, BUT, God is not a God of confusion or sitting on the fence. There’s a reason (which we may not so understand) why He wants it the way he says it. We just have to believe wholeheartedly and pray for grace to live a holy life. Sex outside marriage is sinful. If you can obey ‘’don’t kill’’, or ‘’don’t steal’’, why can’t we obey ‘’don’t fornicate’’? The test of a believer is not only in obeying the simple commandments, but also, in adhering to the not so easy ones too. Secondly, there’s more to a marriage than sex/love making (what’s the difference please?), there’s partnership, there’s companionship, there are (may) be children to nurture and care for, etc. Don’t allow sex or too much love for it becloud your other responsibilities to your marriage. If there are sexual related issues to address, look for solutions together and experiment together. It’s just the two of you in it, and technically, you’re one body, so there should be no reservations or restrictions. Explore together. Watch sexual enhancing films together and learn and try out. Above all, pray to God, the inventor. You’ll be surprised how far you can learn when you approach the manufacturer for the manual. LOL.

Sex before marriage is spiritually and morally wrong. People have healthy relationships without sex, you can too, it's possible. If you are unmarried and have engaged in sex, don’t chastise yourself just yet, it’s never too late to stop and live free from it. Above all, pray for grace to abstain.

Long article shey? Yeah, I had to punish y’all for my not writing an article last week. Pardon me jor, I had so much to say about this topic. Over to you, please share your opinion on the matter. What do you think? For or against pre-marital sex? Your reasons? We always love to hear and learn from you! But me I sha have a quick question oh-- when we talk about no sex before marriage, are we also talking about no touches, smooches, kisses and the likes? Or is it just the full blown ish we are talking about? If you engage in the preliminaries without the real thing, does that also implicate you as indulging in pre-marital sex??? Please someone should be nice and explain this to me. Thank you.

Meanwhile, I found myself humming to this lyrics though; ‘’please don’t judge me, and I won’t judge you’’…who sang this song again??? LOL.
Photo Credit - NHN Couture.

Enjoy the rest of your week Sweeties.


  1. "This is not a religious blog.." All I see here is Christian advice lol..

    1. Lol. Austin, keep an open mind and share YOUR thoughts. U didn't counter mine, so I'm thinking we share same thoughts?


  2. "Pre-marital sex is sex before marriage. The Bible’s stance on this is uncompromising. ‘’Thou shall not fornicate’’. Now, this is not a religious blog, but I am also aware that the Muslims have similar law in their Holy Book. It’s a no/no for you if you are unmarried. Simple.

    God invented sex for married couples, but the world has ‘'commonized’’ it. The world has made sex look like it's nothing in order to justify engaging in it. My dear, if you are reading this, then know that sex is a BIG thing. Aside from the physical connection that there is to it, there’s also the spiritual connection and of course, the emotions that flow from it. That’s why it should be exclusively preserved for marriage; between a husband and his wife, for procreation, and for pleasure and to lock all the physical, spiritual and emotional connections there are, within."

    -Atheist Marginalisation. Lol. I don't see any spiritual side to sex. For me, it's pure biological fun. Recreational and procreational, that's if you want.

    I understand your concerns about not eventually marrying a prior sex partner. But then, that's life. It's not about what's gone on in the past. What matters more to me is your dedication and commitment to you eventual spouse who should, as a matter of utmost importance, be very abreast with your sexual history.

    We wey no be virgin again, Barbara, how you want make we dey severe all our spiritual connections with past partners? Stop am oh!

    1. LOL at "Atheist Marginalisation". How could I forget than some people don't believe in God! My apologies. But, I hope they do very soon...Ok, I'm going back there again...


  3. Sex before marriage is spiritually and morally wrong. People have healthy relationships without sex, you can too, it's possible. If you are unmarried and have engaged in sex, don’t chastise yourself just yet, it’s never too late to stop and live free from it. Above all, pray for grace to abstain."

    No. Maybe spiritually wrong if that means anything g to you. Certainly not morally wrong if it's between two consenting partners. Rape is morally wrong. Paedophilia too. Two adults want to have fun together, no need for all these unnecessary inhibitions.

    Just my two cents though.

  4. And yes, I'm not chastising myself for having fun and attending to my worldly desires. The way you say "it's never to late to stop and live free from it" makes sex seem like some sort of self inflicted bondage that we all desperately need to break out of. A kind of addiction to hard drugs. Or alcoholism lol. Do we need liberation from sex? Sex is our liberator from the stress of life.

    1. LOL. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT!!! All our readers should get in, it is getting so hot here.

  5. And No, I cannot have a healthy relationship without sex. In fact, the health of my relationship is determined by the quality of sex.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There is nothing like pre-marital sex, what is obtainable is Fornication

    1. Welcome Jesse. Thanks for your opinion. The dictionary meaning of ''fornication'' is consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other. Meaning; sex before marriage. Meaning; pre-marital sex. I think they mean the same thing. Contrary view anyone?

    2. Lol. Jesse is trying to "christianise" it. Fornication is a biblical sin. Premarital sex is simply sex between an unmarried couple.

    3. Lol. Jesse is trying to "christianise" it. Fornication is a biblical sin. Premarital sex is simply sex between an unmarried couple.

  8. D article is so long dt i cud nt read d entire piece well, bt i think i get d gist of d article...If u remuv sex in an adult relationship, i wonder wat is left in it....Somwer in d bible talks abt sex bn okay if d parties consent...i may nt be sayin it well, bt its in d bible...Sex is for adults, married or nt married. Let d bible nt confuse us, i hv hed abt xtian hu got married wtout havin sex nd found out dey cnt cope for diff reasons...frm low/high libido, to smal or xtra large penis nd d likes...etc...lol...Finally, 1s der is consent, sex is fun nd fun is sex. My humble submission. No compromise..shikeena..Anyways, nyc article barby, .

  9. Fornication!!! The most prevalent sin in the world. Its easier to swim in the same direction with the waves in a river than to swim against it. With the very nature of man itself especially the female folks who desires sex more than the male folks leaves me with the belief that fornication has come to stay. The thing dey sweet too much but that's not an excuse for indulging in premarital sex. If you can hold the sexual fire burning inside of you till marriage, fine. But if you can't, keep fucking, just don't forget to fast and pray for forgiveness for all the fornications you must have committed when you eventually get married.

  10. kai, how could i have missed this conversation. blame it on the stolen phone though.

    1. Oh My! Who stole Uncle P's phone? Welcome back. It's never too late to add your two cents.

  11. This, this isn't in the Bible:

    "Somwer in d bible talks abt sex bn okay if d parties consent."

    This is in the Bible:

    http://bible.us/1co6.13-16.msg You know the old saying, “First you eat to live, and then you live to eat”? Well, it may be true that the body is only a temporary thing, but that’s no excuse for stuffing your body with food, or indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body! God honored the Master’s body by raising it from the grave. He’ll treat yours with the same resurrection power. Until that time, remember that your bodies are created with the same dignity as the Master’s body. You wouldn’t take the Master’s body off to a whorehouse, would you? I should hope not. ... There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.” There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another. Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.

    Or put in the NLT version:

    http://bible.us/1co6.12-20.nlt You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” (This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.) But you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies. And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead. Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.” But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

  12. I won't say much on this, most of what I have to say on sex which only aligns with God's Word on sex are strewn all over my blog and I even felt the wrong mindsets of the world on sex so deeply in my heart, I wrote a book on it, "chastity for men".

    The world's thoughts on sex is misleading and so many persons are walking around, linked with soul ties they have no idea on how to break out of.
    We take out the one who created sex out of the equation, abuse and misuse our bodies and think it's just pleasure, it isnt.
    Sex is good and was created by a good God to be enjoyed in marriage. Anything outside of that spells trouble. Soul ties, casual sex, sin, etc.

    And as for smooches et al, I already wrote on even how kissing before marriage can be done in a way that arouses other pleasures and in that case, some abstain from even that. Yes. The world may not understand these things. It takes renewed minds in Christ for us to truly get what our bodies mean to the Lord.

    1. Thanks Frances. I've been waiting for your comment. Didn't want to chat u up about this article, cos I wanted you to see it for yourself. Now I know you still read Barby's Diary. E-hugs.

  13. Call me silly and maybe secular but i am aligning myself with the submissions of Austin Ogbolu Jr. The only thing Africans are good at is notoriously being religious. You like drag religion and morality into everything.
    It is religiously wrong but are we all religiously inclined and upright in other phases of life. Also, it maybe part of youthful exuberation which one shouldnt deprive him/herself of in entirety.
    PS... I still remain celibate.

  14. Nice Informative Blog having nice sharing..
    sex sitesi

  15. Austin has simply applied the power of reason to come to his conclusion and I support same. Let's be logical here... if I'm supposed to be married before I can have sex...a thing and desire that forms one of the basic instincts in all animals...can I like the other animals just find a partner n get down to it? No. As a human being I have to be physically and mentally prepared...and also financially prepared. So what happens if at the age of 55...after having sexual urges for 40yrs an bearing the temptation of all all the sexy clothes these young girls keep wearing I still can't afford to get married? Whereas my younger ones all have wives/husbands and kids. I nor go lash be that? Even the God we serve once allowed men to have more than one wife. Sometimes I fear many of the rules of 'christianity' as we practice it today are aimed more at achieving control than spiritual growth. Even those that are happily upholding the 'christian' position...hmmmm...u r too well versed on the subject to pass as virgins...lol.


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