Ladies and Gentlemen! Or should I say Boos and Baes'? How have you all been? I have to confess to you guys so you don't start feeling like I'm losing interest in the blog (I can't, I'm already addicted!). My absence sometimes can be traced to the fact that my week starts on Tuesday. So you can safely say that Tuesday is my Monday. I know a lot of readers expect to see new posts on Mondays (to start a new week), but my Mondays are usually very busy (or not), so please spare me if you come on here and don't see a post to start off the new week. Any post you read here on a Monday has got to be a miracle of some sort or my lazy not so busy Monday.

Away from my confession, I don't get tired of appreciating my readers especially those who take the extra effort of dropping a comment and making my blogging interesting and interactive. To these ones, I say thank you. It takes a lot of energy, time and patience to read my long and sometimes boring (I'm trying to be humble here) articles, and then you drop a comment so it doesn't look like I'm alone here, I see all of it, and I'm grateful. Also, for those ones that are finding it difficult to comment but don't fail to tell me how they appreciate my work and enjoy reading my articles whenever they get the chance to, I also say thank you. Don't give up on trying to post a comment, one day, it may just drop and you wouldn't be left out in the discussion. I'm trying my best to resolve the issue. But you know that there's a problem when engineers tell you that there's no problem with the blog and that everything is fine but people are still having troubles posting comments.

Today is my Appreciation Day. I appreciate all of you. ALL. I'm tempted to mention names, but I resist this temptation. All of you are wonderful. There'll be no "Barby's Diary" without you guys. Gracias.

There's been a lot of changes going on around me (work related), so I'm trying to adjust and plan my time and of course, fix y'all into it. I'm also working on new projects (jack of all trade right? Lol) and other things, so it is more work and less time. It's all good, I no run, God's got me!

Yesterday, I escaped an accident by God's grace and I thank God for that. It could have been me. I got there an hour later, the accident happened an hour before I got there. I was an hour behind schedule and I complained to my brother how angry I was running late. I never knew the delay was to my favour. You see! Sometimes, when things don't work as you planned it, just look up and say in faith "God I know you have greater plans for me". Decree with your mouth and watch it come to pass.

Semi-finally, *yelz, I said so, bite me* some persons have "accused" me of writing only gender sensitive articles, that favour my female folks only (well...yeah, yeah. Babes over...). On a serious note, it has never been intentional. Na as e take dey pain me naim I dey talk am. I try to be unbiased in my writing and I also encourage readers to form their own opinions, they can counter mine (which is acceptable) and we can learn from each other. I just try as much as possible to input personal experiences and stories I have heard or read about so we can follow up well. I try not to take sides and when I do, believe me that it is for the best reason.

Finally, there are new articles coming forth this week on "full disclosure in relationships" and other inspirational topics. They promise to be interesting and I'm eager to hear all your thoughts on the stay tuned and keep refreshing this page.

Till then, keep an open mind.


  1. I am waiting for the article on full disclosure. Uberimae fidae

    1. Uncle Pee! One of my valuable readers and commentator. God bless you. Article coming soon.

  2. Thank God u escaped d accident....accident aint our portions IJN...Amen


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