Hi Guys! "Happy" is the least way to describe how I feel. We've hit 10 million page views (I meant 10 thousand actually…lolzzz) in less than six months. The excitement is surreal. God bless you guys. And yes, my last article is the blog’s most popular article. We had almost 1000 page views on that topic in less than 24 hours which is happening for the first time actually. I appreciate every one of you. You’re my motivation to keep writing. I wouldn’t be writing if there’s no one to read and also share their thoughts with the rest of us. You don’t know how much all these mean to me. Thanks again!!! You know how most of the articles I write about is usually about something that happened to me, or someone close, or one of those things I read or hear about right?…yeah, my life has become one storybook. Someone yesterday jokingly told another person to be careful around me before I use them as a topic on the blog. LOL. Is it that bad? Le Boo may start thinking same very so...