2016 GOALS

My People, my people!!! How have you guys been? How's the new year treating you? Who's been as busy as I've been? It's been a roller coaster twenty days for me...trust me! You don't want to hear all about it. I wish I could let you in on it all, but, as soon as they beginning to take shape, you'll be the first persons to know! One or two of it might be for our benefit here also...With all the wahala, I almost forgot I have a blog! (It wasn't that bad sweethearts, I didn't forget you guys). And I didn't want to start the year on here with all those many many relationship advice. So I've decided that we need more motivation than relationship advice, at least, for now. Though I still strongly believe that better and stronger and sweeter relationships (here I'm using the term "relationships" in its wider context) would improve the society in the long run.

I've decided to live by some life principles this year, and I encourage that you do too! As always, these are in no particular order...

  • BE AT PEACE WITH GOD, YOURSELF AND THE WORLD: Improve your spiritual life and experience peace that the world cannot give. If you believe in a higher being, then; pray, pray and pray. You just need to. The world is difficult on its own. Nobody knows the product more than the manufacturer remember? Be at peace with yourself also. Forgive yourself of past mistakes, just make sure those mistakes don't happen again. Use the mistake as a springboard for success. It's only a mistake, so adjust your crown on your head and focus. No time for self pity or any pity party at all. Lastly, be at peace with the world. Don't bear grudges. I use to be that person before. Thank God for God! I can't even sweat all that now. I'll just shake it off my shoulder and move ahead. No time! Have it at the back of your mind that people will always offend you, but you deserve your sanity and your happiness more than anything else. Let go sometimes. Don't hold on too much or too long. Forgive and move on. If you hold grudges against a person, it becomes an excess luggage. Who has the time to carry extra luggage? Let no one define your happiness, own it and be in control. 
  • Another issue I have decided to write about is the "BRING DOWN SYNDROME". This one, is just pure evil! I have experienced it! People are quick to say ill things about you because of their own insecurities. They spread falsehood just to tarnish your image and make you appear in an unpleasant light to the public. Stop it! Stop it!! Just stop it already!!! Making a person look worse doesn't make you look better...do you remember that? What's your motive? How has your evil motive helped your "saintly" life? Has it? Dear friends, in this new year, work on building, rather than destroying. Be a team player rather than a loner, be happy for people's achievements rather than laugh at their failures, share a bottle of chilled coca-cola rather than sharing falsehood.
  • Speaking of coca-cola; did I tell you that I've cut fizzy drinks from my meals?...not just drinks oh, I'm off flour, sweets and less carbohydrates now! Though today makes it just a twenty day journey, I'm impressed at my DISCIPLINE. Like, I see a sweaty bottle of coke (and you know how that's just the best thing ever!) and my mind just tells me immediately; "Barby, drink a chilled glass of water instead". Truth be told, it hasn't been easy. These things are everywhere and almost irresistible! But there is God *teary eyes as I write* There is God and I'll celebrate my three months, maybe six months or even a year's journey with you guys. Shout a louder AMEN!!! Away from my self pity now, DISCIPLINE has to be your watchword this year for you to achieve better results than the past year. You know what you shouldn't do, don't do it. You know what you should keep doing, then do it! Your life is literally in your hands.
  • LOVE, SMILE AND BE HAPPY. That's how I've decided to live the year. No time for bitterness or hatred. My smile is my best accessory this year. I'll be happy against all odds. No one can dim my light. I'll smile through it all...because this year is going to be ridiculously amazing. I see it already!
With this, the floor is open for all those relationship/life advices (lol) that I always give. I know you can't wait for the next blogpost! That makes us two! I can't wait either. Bring it on Barby! Aiit, all you have to do is to keep refreshing the blog and comment! Yes, comment oh! Don't read, nod and pass by, don't tell me on the streets or call my phone to tell me you read my article, I wee just beat you up!  This is a new year oh! Edakun! All you passer-bys, leave a comment so I know you stopped by. Encourage the writer oh. Pwizzzzz.

Thanks Folahan Sanxy for waking me up from my muteness. He had to stalk me on all my social media platforms because I haven't been on the blog, or facebook, or instagram or whatsapp. This is the kind of friendship I want this year, the ones that motivates...thanks once again!

With much love my darlings...


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