How are you my long distant relationship??? Lol. (Ok, I know this is not funny!) It's been forever yeah? But, if I tell you my story and what I have been up to in the last one month, you will be very happy for me...

All I can say is GOD IS TOO GOOD! Just when you feel like everything is going south, God makes a way out of little or nothing.

I'm having to keep up with the blog, and I admit. Trust me, you guys are still priority. Top priority actually. And, I missed y'all while I was away. I wasn't so far, I tried to visit the blog, read articles and have a good laugh once in a while. I'm so very engaged now, new responsibilities have been added, new projects are being embarked upon, and others are still in view. You know we have to work, work, work and work. The work don't work itself, we werk it (now, I hope I just made sense).

On the flip side, and without wasting more time than we already have in the last month (I'm still sorry for my long absence you know), let's discuss how we can make good progress in the second half of the year.

And one of such ways is to eliminate toxic friendships.

You know those friends that do not add any value to your life? The ones that I'll love to call the ''friends with benefit'' kind. They are just there sha, no meaningful impact to you, same old stuff all the time.

I really don't have friends. My best friends have to be my family and Le Boo. Well enough, these guys are more than enough for me. Our friendship is beneficial. No pretense, no hard feelings, no drama, no envy. Just love. Exactly how friendship should be. It's not all rosy or laughs, or play or happiness with them, we have our days, those days when we fall apart and raise the roof, and then, we still make up to break up again. We are fine like that. But we don't kiss and tell. We don't judge, we don't hate. We support each other. That's how friendships should be.

I've experienced one stupid toxic friendship like that. We weren't even close friends, but I saw that all Mr. Friend wanted were free free things. Like, you're going for lunch, and he wants you to pay the bill. That's fine. But not too fine, especially when it was our first lunch ''together'' and we didn't even plan to have lunch together, we only ran into each other at the restaurant. I paid. Less than 1k bill, so I was fine. And then again, I was going to get snack for tea one morning also, I saw Mr. Friend, I needed company to walk to the eatery, and he obliged me. We got there, and then, he wanted a burger too! I must have had ''mugu'' written all over my face all along. On another occasion too, Mr. Friend lent a certain amount of money, he needed an extension of time for refund. Very funny. I had reached my limits. I collected my money like it was hot! Nonsense. Who has time for rubbish? Thanks Oga, we cannot be friends. I remember the one time I needed a ''favor'' from him for a friend of mine, he even came up with a flimsy excuse about why he cannot help and I was thrilled. We were friends with benefits, only that Mr. Friend was the only one benefitting.

I had another friendship experience too, with a female. Older female. So it was more like an elder sister - younger sister thing. Though it was beneficial and I was fine with it, until one of those days when I had to run an errand for her and I declined after going twice on the same errand in the same day (kindly note the highlighted part). Since then, older female began to give me attitude. I tried to condone at first, but when I remember the sacrifices I made for our friendship and just because I declined once, I get a bad vibe, I just put a stop to all the drama. We stopped being friends. I moved on. We are now acquaintances. And that's fine with me.

It's not all bad friends with me though. I've had good ones. Rather, I have good ones. Friends that have gone outta their way to be of assistance to me. As a matter of fact, I feel indebted to them. During my sister's wedding, my friends travelled all the way to grace the occasion. It wasn't my wedding oh, my sister's. God bless you Juliet and Ufuoma, One of them even was on errands that day, I felt sorry for her. I must have snapped at her then, maybe once or twice...I had her serve my friends and go to my hotel room to get souvenirs we forgot there! God bless you Bukky.

So, today, we are celebrating friendship. Beautiful friendship. Tell us about your friendship experience. Tell us about the toxic ones too.

I'll love to hear from you my darlings...and I hope we can bridge our long distance relationship. I'll hopefully be more dedicated and post interesting pieces.

Massive shout-out to Albert on his graduation. We are extremely proud of you my darling. More grease to your elbow love!



  1. I know a certain Ozege who has been a very bad friend friend. I mean very very toxic. I asked her once to call a certain person for me and she failed. I dedicate this post to her. Keep being a good example of toxic friend

    1. Oh dear! LOL. Now I'm a bad friend. I actually forgot to call and deliver your message. You are also guilty, you are quick to forget those times I called because you said I should, and I even had to lie so I wouldn't spoil the surprise. Now, who is the more toxic friend? LOL. @Gift, Oya come and take your sub.

  2. Is play I am Na, don't friends play again? ��

    1. got served. I love you too darling.

  3. Friends r friends n they r hard 2 find,A frnd cannot b tag as bn "TOXIC"dat frnd can't help or as not b there were needed or always want 2 b @ d receiving end does not mk he or her toxic.we r humans n as such distinct n unique in our diff ways,dat frnd u tag toxic 2day can b of 1 great help 2 u 2moro n u 'll say wat a frnd, lol.2 both entities coming 2geda in d name of friends should expect d gud bad n d ugly,I 've my gud/bad sides likewise frnd should b tag TOXIC.I disagree on ds Barby girl.FG

    1. Awwww! Thanks Aunt FG. I can't deny that I don't understand your point...God bless you for stopping by, even when we have dissenting views on the topic. Mwah

    2. Friends can b toxic some r even really toxic dose ones who dont even portrayed good things alwalys up to bad thing if u have all dose kind of friends nd let go u can never nid them in d future again its like jst solving a problem.. it wont come bck its gone... Albert

  4. Friends r friends n they r hard 2 find,A frnd cannot b tag as bn "TOXIC"dat frnd can't help or as not b there were needed or always want 2 b @ d receiving end does not mk he or her toxic.we r humans n as such distinct n unique in our diff ways,dat frnd u tag toxic 2day can b of 1 great help 2 u 2moro n u 'll say wat a frnd, lol.2 both entities coming 2geda in d name of friends should expect d gud bad n d ugly,I 've my gud/bad sides likewise frnd should b tag TOXIC.I disagree on ds Barby girl.FG


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