Make a lemonade!

Hi beautiful people! Top of the day to you all! Long time no post right??? I feel terrible that it happened too and I sincerely missed you all.

Let me tell you a little story...

After work yesterday evening, I was in my room reading for my examinations, and my mind wandered...whilst in Law School, I hated Corporate Law. I was a bad-ass criminal litigation person. I loved the course so much and it flowed through seamlessly. But you see, Corporate Law was my Achilles heel. It was unnecessarily complex. Our lecturers (Barr. Osamor and his team, especially Prof. Nwosu: God rest his soul) were the truth! They taught it well, but mehn, corporate law was my bad dream. Anyway, we passed the bar finals and got called to Bar. Fast forward to youth service, and my primary assignment was in the corporate world. Very far from all I envisaged. I thought I was going to be in the courtroom and I knew I was going to be a sought after solicitor (I still think the court room has missed one of its finest lawyers though...lol), but one part of me kept telling me that my life will not play out how I wanted it but how God has planned it.

Voila, and I was faced head on with the corporate world which I previously hated. It felt like the worse has finally caught up with me. I started to ask myself serious questions...how will I fit in here? How do I make a career out of something I do not like? Why did it have to be corporate law which I never picked an interest in earlier? So this is how I will just  fail from the beginning? Then I consoled myself...Ok, Barby, this will last only for a year (youth service) and you will get back to your life. No, it didn't! My company retained me after youth service.

I started working and I must admit, the practical didn't seem as difficult as the theories I had to master in Law School. It was way easier. Provide legal advice to Management and staff on legal issues, keep up with statutory regulations and other compliance matters, render secretarial services to the Board and management...sit pretty (I had to add this one). That's all. All these became a part of me, and I was doing them effortlessly. I began to pick interest, and I have now decided to make a good and rewarding career out of it. Hence, the reason for my professional examinations (which has kept me far way from the blog for sometime) and my resolve to make myself a better company secretary and an authority in the corporate world.

This is my short story...just to encourage someone.

So yesterday I began to think of people who feel like the world is on their shoulders and that the world have dealt them a severe blow. If you are reading this, know that there is always an opportunity in every distress. Be a bad-ass. Turn that unpleasant situation into your cash cow. I admire successful people and I've learnt that you cannot sit still and expect things to play out as nicely as you want them to. You have to put in some work. Sometimes, you'll get it wrong...that's okay, one day, you'll surely get it right.

Some people feel caged by marriage...''if I knew earlier, I shouldn't have married this early'' or ''I shouldn't have had kids this early'' etc., Or by work or school. Find a purpose wherever you are or wherever you find yourself.

A good education is a foundation for success, but it is never enough. I belong to that school of thought. We have artisans and entrepreneurs who are cashing in more that the professors, doctors and lawyers around. Sad but true. Wherever your place is now, don't remain stagnant and wait for manna to fall from heaven. Do something, keep moving, and one day, you'll surely hit a goldmine.

I am not where I want to be, but I've surely gone past where I used to be and I only just started, with God leading the way. I hope you can say same too. Your life may not have played out as you planned, but you can carve a niche outta what you already have now. Just don't be ordinary. Ordinary is too basic and crowded. Be extra.

As the year draws to an end, I hope you've been able to achieve all you set out to do in 2016. If you haven't, these last two months is a long time for you to make a way. I pray that as you read this, you find purpose and direction to move ahead and be great. This is my wish for you...GREATNESS and a POSITIVE MIND.

As FalzTheBadGuy sang...''It's the life we chose, I could have been in chambers, no regret, this one dey pay pass''. I concur.


Have a good life lovelies!


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