Truth be told, I had no plans to blog today. 10 days to the new year, and it’s beginning to settle in that 2016 is done and dusted. All I feel now is: AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE.
Yes! No better title will do justice to how I really feel. I started this year on a low. Real low. At this time last year, I was fresh outta NYSC with no job or prospects. Even though I wanted the service year to end as quickly as possible, I was not sure what direction my life would take. I went back to my father’s abode with no plans for my life.
Don’t get me wrong…I made alternative plans ahead of time. I wrote examinations for my Masters programme whilst I was still serving, I sent out CVs to different law firms and organisations, I wrote several examinations, attended interviews both within and outside my domain, and I spoke to a few persons about helping out with a job. I can say, I did all I could do, but, things didn’t work out as I envisaged. I was downcast, without a job, back at my father’s house and with a blank stare.
December 2015 passed, January 2016 came, and I was still jobless. I missed an important interview because of my hope for a Masters programme that also didn’t go through. So I was down by 2. No Masters, no job. My family encouraged and supported me all through, but I was already paranoid and bored and I started to snap at everyone.
Luckily for me, in January 2016, my church organised a 14 days’ programme tagged ‘’Amazing Grace and Divine Elevation’’ and I emptied my heart to my God. Some days after the programme, my former PPA (place of primary assignment during NYSC) called me for an interview. There were forces preventing me from being retained at my PPA, but God stood by and for me. After the interview, I was in the comfort of my home and was getting feedback. The lead interviewer insisted on merits. And I was chosen!
I got a call to resume duty the next day, sometime in February. The content of my letter of employment wasn’t as I wanted it, I knew I wanted more, but it was way better than nothing. And so, I began work like I never left.

I had my prayer intentions and every morning when I resumed at the office, I kept saying ‘’lines shall fall for me in pleasant places’’, ‘’protocols shall be broken for my sake’’, ‘’I shall be pleasantly surprised’’ etc. There were serious challenges. But I was pulling through. At this point, I had gotten rid of any anger and bitterness from the past, and so I was free and I worked with an open mind. Through the tough times, I kept my faith. I told God that I didn’t know how it will happen, but I knew he had to do something about my employment before a year.
And voila! The very thing that was a stumbling block was what God used as the cornerstone. I heard the news about my proposed promotion, and I couldn’t contain my excitement. I must have gone to the restroom to burst some dance moves! All these plans were still in the works, and my mum, sisters (my prayer intercessors) and I kept praying.
Then this amazing thing happened...on the 22nd day of June (my birth month) 2016, and the first time I went for a worship session in church tagged ‘’wonders of worship’’, I received a mail from my office, it was a new employment letter and a pay upgrade!

Imagine my heart of gratitude this day 22nd December, 2016…six months after. I’m indeed very grateful to God this year. I can attest without fear of contradiction that God is super good. My life didn’t turn out as I planned it, but the Master Planner had it all figured out! Better than my best plan. It was a journey of hopelessness to hope. Mirage to miracle. Low to high. Grace to higher grace.
If I was never convinced about God's love for me, this year is all I need to confirm it. Don’t even get me started on the other bigger things that happened this year! Life, health, joy, laughter, good news, peace of mind, favours and my family, friends and I.
I have had losses this year too, painful and regrettable ones, but I will rather count my gains because they outweigh my losses. I am proud to say that the devil lost with me this year. And it’ll keep being that way in the new year. I’ll have greater testimony next year.

What's the reason for your attitude of gratitude??? Please share with us and encourage someone today.

For everyone believing God for a miracle to end the year or begin the new year, a quick reminder…God is still in the business of blessing people. He will do it. Keep keeping on. Don’t lose faith.
Here’s wishing our esteemed readers/commenters, A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love you all for being with me on this journey. I’m grateful to know I have you. I am blessed to have you. And for all those who kept calling and requesting for more articles, thanks for the PUSH.  

Let’s do it again next year. Remember, God’s love is the reason for the season, so spread genuine love now and always.



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