
Showing posts from August, 2015


Hello Cupcakes? Been a while yeah? I think so too! Last week, I left you all in the hands of a very good writer and ardent reader of the blog; Arnold. I hope y’all enjoyed reading his piece and learnt a thing or two from it, ‘cos I did. Preach it till it gets to the end of the world! STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!! Today’s topic is a very sensitive and highly implicative one for me. I can literally say that it took me nine lives to write this article. I’ll tell you why; my family (including my extended family, maybe my grandma in the village also) reads my blog. I can imagine the look on my Dad or Mum’s face when she opens the blog today and see the topic. They’ll be like; ‘’warrisdis kwa?’’. Now I have to face them alone whenever I go home on holidays. No thanks to you guys…Another reason I dread this article is the majority African cultural belief. Where we come from, it is almost weird to talk about issues like this in the public. It is either people feel you’re too young to ...


  Hi people, my name is Arnold .   Whatever you read from this article is all true. I at most modified the scenarios to the stories but the events were real and exact. The opinions I air are mine and you mustn’t agree with it so please do not see it as a cause to throw insults at me. Not that it will matter but I thought I put it out there, and if you have a contrary view to mine, please share and let’s logically reason it out.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EFOMA EBONKA, an ardent reader of Barby's Diary. God bless your new age and your latter years! She's very intelligent, humble, soft-spoken and yes, she graduated tops in our class at the University. I'm very grateful for your support and encouragement as regards my blogging. You never cease to write your opinion about our articles and you are non-apologetic about your stance, I always look forward to reading your comments and learning from you and our other readers. God bless your kind heart darling. Happy earth strong! Back to the topic...FULL DISCLOSURE IN RELATIONSHIP (FINANCIAL) I have heard couples say that it is ''risky'' to disclose your financial status to your partner, I'm surprised and I wonder why. My curiosity led me to ask certain married friends their opinion. One of them said she always tell her husband only half the amount she has and earns. For instance, if she earns N500,000 a month, she'll tell her husband s...


Hi Guys! I promised to write this article before the week runs outs, so here it is! There are a lot of things and a lot of dimensions to this topic. I'm tempted to just write as they come to my mind but I don't want the article to be too scattered and lose its value and I'm also trying not to make a too long article. I'll try to pass my message across without losing the essence of the post in its help me God. In  discussing this topic, we will break disclosures into two; sexual disclosures AND financial disclosure and others. Today's post will be based on the former. ''Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and it connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, TRUTHFULNESS and straightforwardness...'' They say that ''honesty is the best policy''; meaning that you should always tell the truth even when it seems as if it would be easier to tell a lie. I have discovered that it is easier to tell a...


Ladies and Gentlemen! Or should I say Boos and Baes'? How have you all been? I have to confess to you guys so you don't start feeling like I'm losing interest in the blog (I can't, I'm already addicted!). My absence sometimes can be traced to the fact that my week starts on Tuesday. So you can safely say that Tuesday is my Monday. I know a lot of readers expect to see new posts on Mondays (to start a new week), but my Mondays are usually very busy (or not), so please spare me if you come on here and don't see a post to start off the new week. Any post you read here on a Monday has got to be a miracle of some sort or my lazy  not so busy Monday. Away from my confession, I don't get tired of appreciating my readers especially those who take the extra effort of dropping a comment and making my blogging interesting and interactive. To these ones, I say thank you. It takes a lot of energy, time and patience to read my long and sometimes boring  (I'm trying...