
Showing posts from September, 2015


Ok Guys! It only gets better on Barby’s Diary. This is a new segment we are introducing and I anticipate that there’ll be full participation, since most of the questions that would be put up for us to discuss are real life issues and maybe, just maybe, one of us are going through or have passed through similar situations. But before we dive into that, let me quickly ask how the long Sallah break went for you. I had so much plans for it, but unfortunately, I didn’t seem to leave my room, as I was down with malaria and typhoid. For the love of God, some tablets just need to leave the shelves! I took some pills and it knocked me off worse than I was before I took them. It felt like I took expired drugs. In the last few days, I’ve been through all the phases; headaches, tummy aches, waist pain, loss of appetite etc. I’m still recuperating. It was one long short holiday for me. How was yours though? Back to today’s question. I kinda stumbled on it on Instagram, and I thought we ...


My Sweethearts! How are you? How’s the week going? It seems like a long time I’ve spoken to you all, but I had to remind myself that I wrote an article last week and there was no feedback from you guys (when you people will not comment nko ? Why wouldn’t it look like I’m here alone). It’s been a roller coaster week for me and I’m enjoying it! I hope you all have reasons to smile this week and always. For the benefit of those that don’t understand the meaning of ‘’OBODOYIBO’’; It means ‘’overseas, or a foreign country’’. Our dear brothers and sisters from this part of the world are often in the habit of travelling (through legal and illegal means) overseas in search of greener pastures. Sincerely, I have no problem with you taking a leap of faith or challenging yourself to a better life, but I have every problem with you not having a plan and just leaving your fate (and that of your dependents) in the hands of unknown persons or circumstances. A story was told of a particular fa...


For lack of a better title, let me just stick to today's date. Lazy blogger. Yeah, I know. *tongue out* Hey Guys! ‘’Like play like play, it’s the sixteenth day of the ninth month in the year two thousand and fifteen. Holup, holup mehn!’’ The year is hurriedly coming to an end. I see Christmas already…do you? Yesterday, on my way to the office, I was going down memory lane on how far I have come this year... Things I set out to achieve and if I had achieved them. The ones I haven’t, if there is any possibility of achieving them before the New Year. Any setbacks? How well was I able to recover from them and move forward? Any lesson learnt? How has it helped me to be a better person? Any failure? What strategies are in place so they don’t happen a second time, etc. In a nutshell and without blowing my own trumpet or beating myself so hard, I must say that it has been a fulfilling year for me. God has been good to me! Most of the projects I planned on embarking, I actually di...


That didn’t sound like it was my wedding right??? Relax…I was just introducing today’s topic. I’ve played you once with the ring thing here , don’t get played a second time! Maybe it’s just me and my good news season (I prayed for it), but, I figured that a lot of my friends have been getting married. I wake up everyday to new wedding invitations, BBM or whatsapp messages from these friends, and I cannot contain my excitement. Although, not to sound hateful, some of these IVs have come as a surprise to me, but hey! It's all good! I share in their joy and I celebrate them. Marriage is such a beautiful thing and I look forward to it someday by God’s grace. But before the marriage itself, there is the wedding… To start with, relationships are expensive; no matter how economical you try to be, they are expensive. For it to work, there must be exchange of phone calls, messages, gifts (monetary and material) etc. All these things don’t come cheap. It’s even more expensive if y...


Good day my people!!! Long time no talk, how are you, and how did your weekend go? Anyone missed me? I guessed as much! The feeling is mutual. The previous article on Sex generated so much reactions. Like, I keep laughing anytime I read the comments. Especially that of Austin Ogbolu (yeah, I had to call him out oh! I kept on laughing in the office, and my colleagues were wondering if I was okay. Of course I am!) Austin took the matter very personal and his comments were hilarious. Anyway, I get the gist. I enjoyed reading too, thanks for taking out time to read and send in your comments. My blogging keeps getting more fun and exciting. E-hugs to y’all… So away from all the sexual talks, ‘’VALUE YOU’’ is today’s motivational topic. Everyone has a price tag (whatever that means). All I know is, you shouldn’t be cheap! In your own eyes, you should worth something before anyone can value you. If you sell yourself cheap, you’ll be bought cheap. Learn to create high standards for...


This happened... Aiit guys, I have to give my sincere apology for being A.W.O.L for so long. I admit, it was very rude and unfair, especially considering that I didn't even drop a hint. I feel so bad already, and I promise to make it up to y'all by filling you in on everything, and I mean everything! No detail would be left untouched. So, I hope I'm forgiven and we're back to being good buddies right? Yeah, yeah. Thanks. I attended my first Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Conference and it was splendid! I must say that I enjoyed every bit of it, I wish I can go back and start all over again. It was really nice meeting old friends and acquaintances and making new ones too. God bless the organisers for putting up such an amazing one week! I stole the opportunity of attending the Conference because it was happening where I presently reside, and it was my first Conference as a lawyer. Typical human being, I left registration for the last minute, and I almost suffered a ...