Ok Guys! It only gets better on Barby’s Diary. This is a new segment we are introducing and I anticipate that there’ll be full participation, since most of the questions that would be put up for us to discuss are real life issues and maybe, just maybe, one of us are going through or have passed through similar situations.
But before we dive into that, let me quickly ask how the long Sallah break went for you. I had so much plans for it, but unfortunately, I didn’t seem to leave my room, as I was down with malaria and typhoid. For the love of God, some tablets just need to leave the shelves! I took some pills and it knocked me off worse than I was before I took them. It felt like I took expired drugs. In the last few days, I’ve been through all the phases; headaches, tummy aches, waist pain, loss of appetite etc. I’m still recuperating. It was one long short holiday for me. How was yours though?

Back to today’s question. I kinda stumbled on it on Instagram, and I thought we should discuss it here. so, here it goes…

A certain couple woke up on a Saturday morning and the wife informed her husband that she had a party to attend and she needs him to drop her off at her party. Her husband expressed displeasure that he wouldn’t be able to as he has a quick meeting at the office that same morning.  He however gave her money for a cab and they went their separate ways. Tori never finish oh! His wife attended the party and made a new female friend. When the party was over, his wife was about leaving in a cab again, but her new female friend told her (wife) that her boyfriend was coming to pick her up, so they could drop her (wife) at her house. It seemed like a good plan, so she waited for her new friend’s boyfriend. True to her word, the new boyfriend came shortly afterwards and…it was her (wife's) husband! New friend was too engaged on her phone to even notice any awkwardness between the two of them. New friend just jumped into the front seat, and told her (wife) to sit behind (please remember; she was in her husband's car). Wife just obeyed, sat behind, got home and bade her new friend bye. Her husband was dumbfounded. He still drove new friend home, and came back to meet his wife.
End of story.


Enjoy the rest of your day Hunnayz!!!


  1. Hmmmm! Before I delve into the question of the day,barby thank God you are very much better now,kpele! Ehenn back to the question!well if I were to be the wife,God forbid sha o! I would be speechless,and shocked to my marrows,hmmm,its a would be a very painful experience,well with the grace of God upon my life I would act normal,honestly! When we get home I will not even bring up the topic I swear down! Because in life generally I have come to understand that shouting,quarreling,or fighting don't solve problems,rather when you are angrily boiling,you try and relax,think,and pray! Because if you unleash that anger,you may regret what would follow,i tell you,thats the truth,i have heard so many stories of women hitting their husbands with a stool or pestle,and he dies instantly,hust because they caught him cheating,i have even heard of some stories where the woman just pushes the husband a little and he falls and dies,believe me the devil hates togetherness,and hence tries any means possible to induce separation. So what am I saying? The main issue here is,what I would do as a wife? Like I earlier stated, I would act normal,I would be the good wife I have always been,but the quickest thing that kills a cheating man is SILENCE!he fears it more than death! When he wants to bring up the topic,i would just say "save it" " it's ok", and when he apologises I would say"i forgive you" afterall you are a man"! Yes o,that is exactly what I would do! And he will be so scared to take the next step,I tell you,because men generally are stronger than women physically,but emotionally women are stronger! Bottom line, just keep him silent,and be the woman of the house!

    1. Thanks Efy. I must say that u would be a real MVP to allow this slide oh! I'm still writing my long epistle on what I would do. When I'm done, I would let u all know. Lemme still be reading all d opinions there are to this. Lol.

  2. Sorry dear.. i didnt enjoy Sallah cos of malaria n cold myself, still fighting it with the workload sef. As for the question, seeing my wife with her.. its either i refuse to pick the gf at all for the wife or i dont pick the two at all to go wait by the entrance of the house for my wife. See, i will just pick my wife ni jawe if she agrees to follow me home but i probably wont eat that night to avoid the story that touches in the heat of passion.
    Seriously, guys dealings these days dey coded past dt level abeg.
    Get well totally soon madam.

    1. I'm better Lateef. Thanks.
      So you'll leave d both of them at d party. I'm sure that was a joke right? Thank God u thought better. Watch out 4 what me think about this soon.

  3. see gobe....lollllz.. 1st of all, which kine witch scenerio be dis?..anyways, il persuade my wife to enter d car nd go home wt her...its good night for mrs side chick nd bye bye for real for her too...then il apologise to my wife, ofcos der is nothing else 1 cn do other than an w8 o, hw does 1 make dt kind of apology sef? all dpends on d reaction of d wife sha. il sleep alone dt night wt d room doors locked ofcos, nd stay out alot durin d day for d nxt days sendin text messages of apology. stayin indoors will be very awkward esp for pple like us dt intend to mk our wives our friends...

  4. Ok, so here's my answer. And I'll try to be very truthful and plain.
    First things first, we wouldn't get 2 a point where my new friend would sit in "my" seat while I sit at the back. No way! I'm not that humble or kind or slow or whatever. I deal with issues as they arise. I can't just keep calm in such madness. Trust me! I'll simply (in the nicest way possible) tell my new friend once we get to the car that her so called boyfriend is a married man and coincidentally, my husband. Rare coincidence! Next up, I'll ask that we drop her off at her place (I'm sure she'll decline cos d situation is weird at this point, but I'll still ask). Believe me, I'll not take it out on my new friend, she's not to blame. I have no business with who she chooses to date, I have every issue with a married man who has a side chick. Simple. Ofcos there'll be absolute silence till hubby and I get home. And then, he has some explaining to do.

    Would I forgive? Yes. Would I forget? No! How can I? Would we get past this phase? Of course! Would there be any possibility of a re-occurrence? NO. He must have learnt...

  5. Thats not a bad thing to do.
    If they are good friends, the side chick will knw the husband.


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