
For lack of a better title, let me just stick to today's date. Lazy blogger. Yeah, I know. *tongue out*
Hey Guys! ‘’Like play like play, it’s the sixteenth day of the ninth month in the year two thousand and fifteen. Holup, holup mehn!’’ The year is hurriedly coming to an end. I see Christmas already…do you?
Yesterday, on my way to the office, I was going down memory lane on how far I have come this year... Things I set out to achieve and if I had achieved them. The ones I haven’t, if there is any possibility of achieving them before the New Year. Any setbacks? How well was I able to recover from them and move forward? Any lesson learnt? How has it helped me to be a better person? Any failure? What strategies are in place so they don’t happen a second time, etc.
In a nutshell and without blowing my own trumpet or beating myself so hard, I must say that it has been a fulfilling year for me. God has been good to me! Most of the projects I planned on embarking, I actually did. God surprised me in my confused state. He had everything planned. I may not be where I thought I’ll be now, but I’m definitely not where I used to be last year. There's been progress. There have been achievements. There have been lessons learnt. I can safely say that I am on the right path…the path that leads to greatness. HALLELUYAH SOMEBORRI! LOL!!! I am a work in progress. Interestingly, there’s still a lot to be done before the year runs out, but I am in a good place now, and I’m optimistic that I’ll get through with all of them! Yes oh, that’s what we do. We conquer. We breakthrough. By the end of the year, I’ll show y’all the scorecard and I hope you can share yours too.
And then, I was drawn back by some lady in the cab also who was equally speaking aloud to her friend and complaining about how the year isn’t going so well for her. Her friend was quick to shut her up. I liked that. Her friend asked her if she was ‘’alive’’, and the complainee looked at her friend in bewilderment, her friend asked a second question; ‘’are you healthy?’’ complainee was confused even more. Her friend just told her to thank God for life and health.
Indeed, these two are priceless. LIFE and HEALTH. If you feel like the world in on your shoulder and your worries are caving in on you, just thank God that you’re hale and hearty. Because, once there is life, there is the hope of a better tomorrow. Don’t beat yourself too much. Believe in your heart that it can only get better. The truth is, God has plans for all of us. Some of us are so in a hurry that we want to jump the gun. There’s a reason, you’re facing that challenge now, it’s so that your story may be complete. Do your best, don’t be lazy, pray in and out of season, do good, be kind, have a clean conscience, lend a helping hand. Work hard like your life depends on it, because it does actually. In the real sense, nobody owes you anything, you owe yourself everything. If you think you aren’t getting it right, re-strategize. You can never get a new result by doing the same old thing. Work smart and be wise.
Have you ever wondered why those we consider as wealthy and comfortable never quit? They have all the money, but they keep creating new businesses to cash in more! I always wonder why. I feel like screaming and telling them to move away so that ‘’smallies’’ like me can make it. The rich don’t quit! Then imagine you and I that are still struggling would want to give up. The rich don’t give up, why should you? Lesson learnt; the world will never wait for you, you have to meet up or fall by the side.

God bless our hustle!


  1. If being rich and not quiting to be richer is your most favoured example here, i might have read the article wrongly. Its been a fulfilling year to even though most things were unplanned, i wanted to explore the Northern part of Nigeria and to my surprise its the place exploring and exploiting me. I can say ve learnt alot and most importantly value of family, friend and loved ones....... Living the Aboki life yen boring.
    Have always been scared of death considering the number of times ve gone close to it.. Staying happy is my riches.


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