Good day my people!!! Long time no talk, how are you, and how did your weekend go? Anyone missed me? I guessed as much! The feeling is mutual.

The previous article on Sex generated so much reactions. Like, I keep laughing anytime I read the comments. Especially that of Austin Ogbolu (yeah, I had to call him out oh! I kept on laughing in the office, and my colleagues were wondering if I was okay. Of course I am!) Austin took the matter very personal and his comments were hilarious. Anyway, I get the gist. I enjoyed reading too, thanks for taking out time to read and send in your comments. My blogging keeps getting more fun and exciting. E-hugs to y’all…

So away from all the sexual talks, ‘’VALUE YOU’’ is today’s motivational topic.

Everyone has a price tag (whatever that means). All I know is, you shouldn’t be cheap! In your own eyes, you should worth something before anyone can value you. If you sell yourself cheap, you’ll be bought cheap. Learn to create high standards for yourself. ‘’Never let anyone treat you like white rice, you are jollof rice, party jollof rice!’’ I laughed hard when I saw this on Instagram one day. If you are African, and Nigerian particularly, you will get the whole gist behind the talk. There’s a HUGE difference (in taste and presentation) between white rice, jollof rice, and party jollof rice. Party jollof rice is BAE! And you should be that, or even better. LOL! Foodie like me.

Never let anyone treat you like sh*t. Don’t let anyone make you feel worthless. Not everyone would be there at the end of the day. It’s okay if they aren’t…their loss. Anyone that isn’t there probably isn’t supposed to be there in the first place. You don’t need validation from anyone. Be yourself. Be convinced in your heart that you’re doing the right thing, then leave the rest. The worst thing you can do to yourself is allow others get comfortable with treating you poorly. No way! Guide against it. Speak up, and if the person isn’t willing to change, cut out. There should be no room in your life for ‘’friends’’ who don’t value you or regard you.

Some people try to talk you down to shield their own insecurities. Or it may just be another way for them to deal with their jealousy or your achievements. You’re unique in your own way. Don’t try to be someone else, you’ll never be satisfied being that. There’s a reason you are YOU, never shortchange yourself for someone else. I’ve seen people derive pleasure from bringing others down, it is very disgusting. The sky is large enough to accommodate everyone. Never be happy because someone else is failing. Support when you can, counsel when you can, lend a helping hand. There’s too much hate all around us, and the world would be a better place if we show care and love a little more.

Love yourself enough to let go sometimes…a word is enough for the wise. No much talk today. Watch out for new write ups in the course of the week. Till then, hold your head high and walk tall.

Have a pleasant week ahead my people!!!


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