Compliments of the season my lovelies!!! Drum roll for all of you! How was the Eid el Maloud and Christmas celebration at your end? Believe me, mine was "ama-ma-mazing". I can relive the experience over and over again. Family just has to be the best gift ever! You wouldn't believe that I didn't go anywhere else but be with my family. Someone was asking me if that was fun, and I replied; "you have no idea". He really doesn't oh. My family is a full community on its own. Not in numbers though, (plus our parents, there are seven of us. Oh well, and there's my niece now too, so eight), but we are our own company. Going out is pretty difficult when everyone is around. Maybe that's because we barely have a full house any other time of the year except at Christmas. So you can imagine the gist, gossips, play, food et al that goes with everyone being around! I love family...dazall! And I love family reunion even better.

Before I get carried away (maybe I was already...lol, pardon me jare). As the year ends, just three more days, WOW! Aside from some behaviours which we should drop off in 2015 as illustrated in the picture above, I have decided to make a list of slangs (annoying ones actually) which the social media populace has to ditch in 2015 as we move on to 2016. Especially here in Nigeria. Life is all about progress...let us move on please. They are;

  1. SNEH: Everything "sneh". And I mean everything. What have you guys been "snehing" all year long. Why are you people snehing sef? What is sneh? Baddosneh, big boy sneh, makeup sneh, money sneh. I give up! Let us stop it already please. Thank you. I sincerely love Olamide. I am a big fan. I love the particular song, but you guys take things too seriously in this country! That's how Dorobucci had people putting "doro" before their names and co. Una own too much. Let's make a deal; we stop it, and I keep blogging...(like you guys care...lol)
  2. FLEEK: It has to be the most abused word of 2015 no doubt. How do you guys even do it. I mean, how do you "fleek" everything? "Everything on fleek". Let it go please...ladies especially. Makeup on fleek, hair on fleek, nails on fleek etc. God help anybody I hear fleeking in 2016, I'll just return you to 2015 asap.
  3. BAE: Ok, I admit. I may have been part of this trend in 2015. I'm sure Bae (sorry Babe) would be like "yeah right". But I can swear that I dislike the word too. How did I even get to that point where I Bae"d" too? Just how? Henceforth my people, please let there be a "b" between your "ba" and "e". God bless you as you comply. I love you guys.
  4. TURNT: "Turnt up". "I'm so turnt". "Yesterday was turnt". "Everything turnt". Is that the past tense of "turn" or something??? God help anyone of you turnting in 2016. You are on your own.
  5. LE BOO: Well, this is according to my elder sister. I beg to differ though, because I'm a constant user, especially on this blog. So I'm throwing it to the house...does my use of the words "Le Boo" annoy you??? Highest vote has it!
  6. "Issorai", "Issokay", "dazall"(as in; that's all. I used that a while ago too...guilty as charged), "kontinu"(continue) "shalla"(shout out)...I give up!!!

Please add your own annoying slangs which we must wind up with 2015. My list isn't exhaustive...
I wish you all a wonderful 2016. Happy New Year Dolls. I love you Baes, I really do.

Photo Credit: Peniel Enchill.

Fleeky, fleeky...


  1. In as much as I never "SNEH'ed", or "FLEEK'd" or "LE BOO'd", I sparodicall "BAE'd" (still do and ain't sorry), seldomely "TURNT'ed", occasionally "ISSIOKAI'd" and "ISSORAI'd" and probably abused the "DARZOL" and "DIARIS GOD OH" more that anybody ever did this year. I don't really have issues with the whole slang thing, if I don't like it, I don't use it. If it doesn't stick with me you don't hear it from me. If it doesn't sit well to me it's not swell to me neither does it dwell with me. People must do what you disapprove of so people using it won't hurt or offend me. At least not like some abbreviations do. Like those who among all the annoying abbreviations, use "am" where "I'm" should be used. that has to be the most annoying of all I see people use. Then the mannerisms like "as in", "shey you get", "shey you understand". But then these things are stuff a can't run away from, just don't do official things with them, like using "am" where you should say "I'm" when you're replying your boss' mail, or using "as in" to explain something in your written address or even when you're addressing the court. All I'm saying is that we should know when to cut what and where to put which as regards our slangs and mannerisms. In friendly convos and discussions, do whatever. When its serious business, knkw where to draw the line and not demean yourself by yourself with all that foolishness you adopted from following trends. Trends are good, they're fun, for the laughs and for the thrill of it. Most times its buzzing and you want a feel of it; partake, but in all you do apply sense.


    1. True words Aycee. "Shey u get" "shey u understand" like five times in one sentence can be very annoying. How did I forget those? Hopefully we get a guest post soon right? I'll keep stalking u till then oh! Just be prepared. Happy New Year Dear.


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