Since my celebrity birthday, when I was treated like a star by all of you (or some of you), I kinda forgot I own a blog! Like, it took me almost a week to even upload my birthday pictures on my last post…how lazy can one get?

I was awoken to reality some days ago, while watching a talk show on TV. Even though I joined them at the tail end of the show, I was able to garner what the day's gist was all about. They were discussing ‘’sacrifices for love’’. Guest speakers on the show were later asked sacrifices they had made for love. Two of the stories struck me.

The first lady said when she was younger, she fell in love with a guy, they had something going on for a while, and then the guy had to travel to another country but didn’t have money to foot his ticket. She ran a per time job whilst schooling, so she had a few bucks. She said she withdrew all her savings (about $300) and gave the guy. What she had left was less than $10. Mr. Guy collected the money, travelled to another country, and broke up with her almost immediately…oh well.

2nd lady’s story: She married a serial cheater. She was familiar with two of his other women, and her husband always sold the ill tale that ‘’she was the wife’’ to her, so she  comforted herself as having the pride of place as the wife and that the other ladies were mere side-chicks. She said it was so bad that whenever she caught him cheating, he’ll be like ‘’grow up babe, you’re the wife! The other ladies don’t matter where you are’’. She believed. He’ll even tell her, he was angry and disappointed that she wasn’t acting matured and she’ll have to start begging him to forgive her ‘’immaturity’’. She kept keeping on until she couldn’t hold on, and she walked away. Yeah, she left her marriage.

And I’m here thinking, how cruel can some people be!

It just felt like this talk show heard my not so long conversation with Le Boo. I was telling him how much ‘’sacrifices’’ I had made and he felt I was exaggerating some of these incidences, he also feels he has made some major sacrifices too...huh? When did it happen? Where was I? Ok, maybe. For me, I have made sacrifices, a lot of them. Some were so naïve, some, if things were to play out same way again, I’ll still make the sacrifice. Some were just so stupid, I pray my parents never hear of them…they’ll beat the living daylight outta me for not being the so strong daughter they thought and still think I am. LOL.

Never see your sacrifices as a weakness, or a thing to be ashamed of. They were all part of the formation process...to make you a better person in the future. And if your sacrifices went unappreciated, be not dismayed. It wasn't (and still isn't) your fault that someone else didn't see the good in you, or the efforts you put up to make things work, or the sacrifices you made. You should be grateful you don't have to spend forever making sacrifices that go unnoticed. Most times, someone better will always come around, and you wouldn't need to make as much sacrifices as you did before. 
When love happens, we do the unthinkable and we act in ways we never thought we could act. When love happens, you find an inner strength you never knew existed within you. When love happens, magic happens too.

So what have you done for love? What will you not do?

Personally, I'll say, never say never. I’ve been there, done that. You just never know what you’ll do or what you’ll condone, or what excuses you’ll make for the other person,  so that you can convince yourself that it isn’t what you gut-mind tells you it is. If you ever think that you’ve made the most sacrifices in your relationship, I have a not so good news for you, you’ll have to make more sacrifices even in marriage. Who wants a broken home? Who wants the stigma of a divorcee? Who wants to be tagged an ‘’abused woman/man’’? So you make all the sacrifices, just because…we want a happy home.

But I must tell you, even though you have to make sacrifices in life, make sure to make: ones you wouldn’t hate yourself for, ones you wouldn’t lose yourself in the process and ones you wouldn’t regret tomorrow.

Have a good day lovers!




  1. Sacrifices or no sacrifices,ladies learn 2 b wise,we r always @ d losing end,we always do d unthinkable n unimaginable 4 luv,which kind moi moi luv.4 d married 1s stay n manage ur home 4 d sake of ur children but if life is involved,hmmmmmmmm my dear run 4 ur dear life.lol

  2. always at d loosing end? i beg to disagree...d person at d loosing end dpends on d circumstances of each case... i hv had friends dt made sacrifices nd dey ended up bn sacrificed. So ladies pls stop thnking u pple r d only 1s dt makes sacrifices. we all do.

  3. My dear if we 've d chance of taking d statistics u 'll see wat I meant,I stil stand my ground 4 we ladies 2 always apply wisdom in our doings

    1. I'm with you on this Aunt FG. Women are usually the worst hit. My advice to everyone is clearly what I have written in my last paragraph of this article.


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