Hi Sweethearts! I bet we have reached an understanding that I cannot post articles as frequently as I used to. (Some people will be like ’’I told you so, the fire has gone’’). But I’m sorry to disappoint these ones, I still got the fire. But unlike when I had less on my plate, now, I have much more. I’m not complaining though. I love this life. I love the busy me. And I still love to blog.

On a much happier note, I feel honored to inform you that one of our articles will be publish in a book to be written by someone I hold in high esteem. Yeah, we making it! We are going places! Thanks to all of you for pushing me. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the comments and thanks for your opinions which I totally appreciate. I have learnt from all of you since this blog started last year, and there’s more to learn…

I’ll be sharing with you my five worst fears in life…and this is in no particular order.

1.    POVERTY: Ok, who doesn’t really? And don’t ask me why it was the first thing that came to my mind. Poverty is so wrong on every angle. Nobody deserves to be poor (let’s assume everyone decides to work hard though). Poverty comes with its mentality. It causes frustration, anxiety, depression, confusion etc. I fear poverty so much that I never want to experience it. I’m working towards making sure that that never happens. Not being able to afford the basics in life? Food, shelter, clothing? No way! I’m doubling my hustle.


2.    AN UNHAPPY HOME: You wouldn’t want to experience this one! That’s why you must do everything within your power to make sure you are happy and those around you are too. You wouldn’t want to raise children in an unfriendly environment where every person is angry with the other. Unhappiness breeds resentment, anger and stagnancy in life. When family members or couples aren’t happy with each other, there is bound to be friction with and in everything they do. And if there are kids, be sure you’ll be raising fearful kids, angry kids and unhappy kids too, because you cannot sow unhappiness and reap joy. So yes, I’m also working towards making my home a safe haven for the family. Everyone comes home happy, literally.


3.    UNFULFILLED LIFE: There’s a reason we go through all these stress! We did not come to this life to be mediocre. All the struggle, all the hustle, all the books, all the compromise…all of these will be nothing if we don’t find fulfillment at the end of the day. To overcome this fear, I ask myself each day what I want to be in five years and where I want to be in five years. Then, I work towards these goals. You don’t want to work hard to be an engineer, only to find out in five years from now that your real passion is event planning or public speaking. I bet you understand now?


4.    MAKING HEAVEN: I think about this one a lot I cannot lie abeg. What will all the wealth and accolades be for if you don’t make heaven after earth? My apologies to those who don’t believe in No. 4. I do, and that’s why I am bothered (lol). You should be too. Maybe not bothered (‘cos you’re a saint), I am not a saint, so I am bothered oh. Nigeria is hard enough. Why suffer after here again? That’s why I am trying not to fall astray. I want to go to heaven oh! Do you?


5.    ADDING WEIGHT: Yeah, roll your eyes at this one. I mean it! I fear this one a lot. Maybe the most too. Not because of judgmental people, but, because I love junk and my body doesn’t think we need it. My mouth and the rest of my body haven’t come to an agreement on this one. I stand with my mouth sha. I also fear adding weight after having kids. Is this weird? I don’t want baby fat, I don’t want stretch marks, I don’t want a sagging body! Exercise seems like the best solution to this one. But how do you exercise when you have to leave home for work as early as 6am (now, I’m lying) and come back as late as 8pm? (I’m giving these excuses on behalf of residents in Lagos and other populated cities actually). And Saturday is a rest day while Sunday is for church. So you see? Where does one squeeze in an hour exercise here? Or should we make another day? Maybe an ‘’Exerciseday’’


Ok, there you have it. My top five fears. What are yours?

Have a great weekend.



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