Dear Diary, you remember I got married in April this year? Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t forget.
It’s been a different school entirely. And it’s been more than I imagined it to be. Even better. But sincerely, it has come with so much responsibility, which I am still trying to wrap my head around and be on top of my game. Hubby thinks I (we) are doing well, but I think I am still struggling. Partly because I am in LAGOS!

I like the part where I get to come back from work, and instead of thinking of dealing with poor networks and conversing with Bae, I get to talk to him face to face and he ‘’feels’’ me, literally. No, I’m not even writing about this part. I now have to deal with two hungry people who just got back from work. Himself and I. If I were probably home alone, I’ll sometimes just sleep off in hunger and continue my life the next morning. But now, I have to ask bro ‘’what do you want for dinner?’’. Even when deep down me, I do not really care but just want to shower and sleep…who can relate?

And then, there’s that part where things aren’t just where you left them. Oga has moved them unconsciously and I start looking for everything. Some days ago, I was prepping for work and got up earlier than my alarm (God is good), so I immediately put my phone into my handbag and dashed to the bathroom. My alarm went off and was obviously disturbing MJ’s sleep. He got up, found the phone and switched off the alarm. How sweet of him. Only for me to get to my office and I started to search all over my bag for my phone. I could swear I dropped it off in my bag before hitting the bathroom. Apparently, MJ heard the alarm, traced the sound, removed the phone from my bag, switched off the alarm and dropped the phone on the bed. He claimed he was sleepy-eyed. There I was thinking I had my phone all along. Long story short, I was without my phone from 6am to 8pm. Thanks baby.

And there’s that part where you have to arrange the cupboard that holds our colognes and toiletries per second. I kinda do that on a daily and it is so tiring. At some point, I thought we had too much of these, so I threw some out and created SPACE, only to find out that space was not really the problem. Oga, just loved to keep these things at the edge of the cupboard. I have not given up on this one, we just decided to get an extra cupboard.

The Loud music part. I’m not even getting use to this one one bit! MJ listens to too LOUD music and we have this talk every time. Methinks he has spoilt his ears and in prepping to destroy mine. I aint having any of that. How do you increase the volume of your music to a 30 very early in the morning? Just how? How do you wake up and need so much noise to get the day started. He feels I’m both uptight, and boring. Oh well…I just cant. And then, after a day’s work and you’re just there seated beside him whilst he drives us home, he’ll still want to listen to those mixtapes and increase the volume and have us screaming down at each other whilst discussing the day’s work just because of a self-inflicted noise my MJ has imposed on us. I ALWAYS reduce the volume and I hope he learns that loud music doesn’t make you hear the lyrics. It is what it is…NOISE.

Now to the sweet part…

Someone else has to bother about providing for ME. Yeah, it is no longer my full responsibility to look after me. So, I am letting him do most of it now. Hair, clothes, food, emotions and all. Thank goodness!
Shared problems too. I get back home, or we drive home together and I bombard him with all the stories from work that day. He listens, admonishes and we argue, or laugh it out together.

The best part? Work stays as work and my family stays as family. Once I am off work, I focus on family. Him, for the rest of my day. At least for now, till the family expands.
So, this article is a test. I kinda think MJ has been too busy with work, he barely reads my blog again. I’m putting all these to confirm my suspicion. I’ll let you know what he says when if he sees this article. I know he’ll counter half of it and claim that he is a ‘’caring husband’’. I do not doubt that, but some of these habits have to go my love.
Meanwhile, how have my darling blogreaders been?
I’ve missed you all oh!

P.S – I am starting a ‘’MARRIAGE SERIES’’ on the blog. Everything from the planning, to the execution, to everything in between. As usual, I will be as real and open as possible so that everyone can learn and be better. It hasn’t been a walk in the park, trust me. There are a lot of things I would have changed if times can rewind. But so you don’t make the same mistakes like I did, I’ll let you in on everything as event unfolds. Deal? Yeah, Deal.

Watch out lovelies, 


  1. Nice piece, loud music is good if it's cool songs like rnb. I can't wait for my "Provider"to show

  2. Hehehe. I can see someone thanking God he has a concurrence...una doh. Lol at "provider". Thanks for reading!

  3. Marriage woman as I always call u...can see u r having fun in marriage ...gud 2 d preacher ll always say u can't change ur man...u adopt 2 his ways... Gud 1s anyway...can't wait 2 see d wedding article.FG

    1. Thank you our Aunty FG. The first article on the wedding series is out! Please read...

  4. Enjoy the flavour of marriage. Life is sweet

  5. Thank God for your pre wedding update on instagram if not some of us wouldn't get know about your blog, it's so lovely cos you are being real. Please keep it up


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