I want to think that MJ’s first formal proposal was to my family; my Dad in particular. Not bad…

Maybe I am a traditional person, because I had always wanted my Dad to give his blessings before we went on with the wedding plans. I see that some people just get engaged and that’s when they get families involved and then one person’s family is not totally receptive of the other, and the problems just never stops from the outset. I didn’t want that embarrassment for either of us. MJ comes from a large family and is the last child of eleven children with all his elder siblings married with children (now you have a mental picture). It is usually very difficult to warm up to such number of people at the same time due to diverse backgrounds but I must say that I had a seamless transition and in my opinion they were all receptive of me. We had built and sustained a healthy relationship with them over time and I was a regular face at family occasions and all. Likewise, it was also pretty easy for MJ to be loved around my family because he is a totally lovable person (If I can say so myself), and is a gentleman so it was a swipe for him too...but not with my Dad. Oh yeah, I remember, there was a brief meeting between my Dad and he at my sister’s wedding some four years ago where my Dad referred to him as being ‘’dressed as a Senator’’. Lol. But I didn’t have so much guts to introduce MJ to him as my boyfriend at the time. So their first meeting was at the Port-Harcourt encounter. Last post here

So back to my proposal story…

MJ and I planned a Christmas vacation trip; I blogged about it briefly here. I was the trip adviser, so I recommended Calabar because it was Christmas and I was interested in attending the Calabar carnival that always holds during the period. Truthfully, I had guessed that my proposal may take place in Calabar or after, but MJ took me by surprise.
In his usual ‘’family man’’ manner, he planned that on the night he arrives Abuja, we have dinner with his sister and her family and my sister and her family who both resides in Abuja. I didn’t suspect a thing because prior to this time, we usually hung out together. He even said he was going to call them himself and invite them for the dinner and all I could think of was ‘’Awwww, how sweet of him’’.

On Friday, 23rd of December, 2016. He arrived and went straight to his sisters’. I was still at work till 5pm. After close of work, I got us food and went out to have my nails did. I was making my nails because of our vacation trip the next day. Little did l know…I recall that my sister was insistent about my hair and nails the previous weekend, this was her usual fashion, so l didn’t suspect anything once again. I only succeeded in making my hair the weekend before, and she was bothered about my nails, so l told her I’ll try my last chance after work that Friday. When she called past 6pm, I was still at the nail shop and she was kinda furious. In my head, I was like, ‘’relax, we are the host for the dinner not you na’’.

Unusually, MJ was calm all through my failure to keep to time. Still, I didn’t suspect a thing, I only thought he was being nice because we only just reunited after a long time and he was avoiding a quarrel. So I was the one feeling guilty and calling him every thirty minutes to tell him I would be done with it shortly. I got back and had a bath and he agreed to pick me up after that. Because I had packed up for a short trip, I hadn’t special clothes to wear for the dinner, so I grabbed a short black gown and wore very little make-up. I really couldn’t be bothered afterall it was a dinner with everyone I was familiar with, so no unnecessary slayage.

We got into his friend’s car and I only saw his brother inlaw, his sister couldn’t come because she was nursing her baby. No qualms. I asked about my sister and her family and he informed me they were going to join us at the venue. So I settled in and we drove into town.

Retrospectively, I feel like nudging myself in the head because I can clearly see that the signs were there and I chose to ignore them. Maybe it was my mind helping me to not to spoil my own surprise.

We got to Kung Fu Restaurant Utako and I recall I had seen the beautiful scenery once when I came around the area to make photocopies whilst registering for my professional exams months back. The waiter almost sold MJ out when he approached us and requested to know which of the two events happening there that night we were attending. In my head, I was like ‘’ah, so this place is strictly by order and reservations, why did we come here without our proper due diligence?’’. MJ tactfully escorted him to avoid him spilling more beans and I once again thought he was going to appeal that we get a space for the night.

Oh well…

MJ and the waiter came back in a few seconds and directed us to a table of about twelve chairs which was already set for a dinner. We sat down calmly and MJ excused himself to go to the restroom I guess and there was soft music playing at the background. Across the hall was another ongoing birthday party too. Before long, my elder sister, my niece and my younger brother walked in and the table was getting fuller. I was too distracted to even notice that the lights had gone dim and the tempo for the music has transited to something really cool. When I heard MJ’s voice via the speakers (ofcourse I couldn’t have missed his voice for the world!), I knew I had been set up by all and I was obviously the last person to get the memo.

MJ greeted everyone and went on about how hopefully his status was going to change this night and about how I have been a positive influence in his life all along. He recounted the not-to-good times and how our love has finally won et al. At this point I was already grinning from cheek to cheek and accusing everyone around for not being loyal enough to even hint to me and make me dress ready for the occasion. He then said something about not boring everyone and then proceeded to come out from his hiding with some of our amazing friends too!

I screamed when I saw him advance with a ring box, a cake inscribed with ‘’Please Marry Me, Barbara’’ and fireworks on it and Fatima (my dear colleague whom we both left the office together that evening and she never acted like we were going to see till after Christmas), Ogbe (a mutual friend from University who knew us so well), Efoma (our dear friend and also a blogreader; she won the most active blogreader last year on the blog, and guess what? She shopped my ring for MJ). So, it was all smiles and shock for me.
MJ went on his knees and asked me to marry him. I have always thought I was going to cry on this day, but I didn’t oh. I was rather SHY! Very strange. I said YES and we got a resounding applause. Next up was food and drinks and snacks and pictures.
My inlaw came in right in time to join the fun as he closed late from work that day. After this, we all went home and jetted out for our Christmas Vacation trip to Calabar the next day…

There's a video, and maybe I'll post that some other time yeah?

Let's take a break now!

Till I come your way again,



  1. It is not a small something. see me grinning as I am reading even though i already know the story. A true life story that is so much fun to read.


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