You hear people say things like ‘’if you move with four billionaires, you are likely to be the fifth’’, ‘’your network determines your net worth’’ etc. Life is so funny and you may want to ignore these wise sayings. Please don’t! The secret to your open doors and potentials lies within these words of wisdom.

You move with the right team, the possibility you get it right is high. You move with the wrong team, you’re on an all-time low. Thirty friends cannot walk together for thirty years…there’ll be a paradigm shift as you go along. Whilst you may discover why you do not need Mr. A in your team anymore, you may as well be awoken to the reality that you need Mr. B on your team. Excuse me, but there is no hard feelings to this! Like I always say, complacency is not an option. You did not come to this life to be mediocre.

When you see people hustle their way to the top, and you mock them for being a ‘’famzer’’, you have no idea why they do what they do. And you may keep laughing at them whilst they are getting it. Don’t be an aggressive go-getter though, it makes you come off as desperate and this is unflattering.

Your first step to getting your team right is knowing where you are going. For instance, if you enter your car and head out without a destination, you’ll accept anywhere you get to as your destination. However, if you head out in your car to destination Y and you arrive at destination X, you will definitely be prompted that you are in the wrong place and need to make a U-turn to destination Y. Same goes with life goals, if you have a set target for say, five years, and at four years, you find out you are nowhere near your goals, as a smart person, you re-strategize and get back on track.

Once you know where you are going, you know the right ‘’tools’’ to get you there. You can’t be going to the farm and have a pen in hand. A pen is good but is totally useless for your journey. Same way you cannot be going to a classroom and have a catapult with you, this is totally unnecessary. You need the right tools for your peculiar journey.
Which brings me to my next point…you need the right people on your peculiar journey too. You see, it is okay to be an ‘’everybody’s man/woman’’. But if you intend to make significant progress in life, you do not need everyone in your circle. In local parlance, they say; ‘’carry carry naim make mad man bag full and e journey slow’’. Easily interpreted to mean, if you keep stopping to pick up all the baggage on your journey, you’ll definitely arrive at your destination late. Your circle need not be big, you do not need everyone, and you only need like minds and people that share the same vision as you.

Your circle/team need not be a billionaires club. As a matter of fact, this has nothing to do with finances or material wealth. You may be the least wealthy in your team, this also means you may be the next wealthiest too! But far from wealth, the ability to grow and become more is higher when you move with the right people with the right vision.

I’ve come across persons with great insight and vision but with no direction. This is because their circle is surrounded by people who are less visionary and complacent towards life and their future. There is no cutting corners, you cannot get it right if you are the only one doing it right in your team! Because the time you have to focus on advancing in life, you’ll spend it selling your vision to your team. And guess what? The world isn’t going to wait for you! I’m not saying you cut out on relationships you’ve built overtime just because you appear to be the most serious, No! But when there’s a decision to be made on the spot, you come first and you should consider yourself first too. You can still have this long relationships that has transcended time as acquaintances but YOU need to think of yourself first.

Biblically, when Jesus had to choose his disciples, he chose just twelve! When I think of this, it’s actually funny but instructive. He had a multitude following him and who believed in him, but he needed a smaller circle in order to get things done. He didn’t abandon the rest, he only prioritized to make progress.

It has nothing to do with you feeling better or more focused than others. It may shock you to note that some people after proper evaluation of their life ambition, do not think they need you in their team. Guess what? That’s fine also! No hard feelings. Life shouldn’t be a competition, it’s only fine not to make people be the reason you are not ‘’getting it’’ done.

Also note that a ‘’small’’ circle does not necessarily mean you are getting everything right. You may even need a bigger circle. The main point is having the correct mix of people and potential in your circle. If I have a circle of say five people and they are not the right mix, I have still not achieved anything. But if on the flipside, I have a circle of say 10 persons with the right mix of talent, creativity, positivity and ambition, then I’m on track.

So dearies, who are on your team? Do you think you need a re-shuffle or letting go of some friends? Do you think the number on your team is right and can help you achieve your life’s purpose? Do you have a set goal? Do you have a set timeline to achieve your goals? Do you have the right tools for your journey?

Have some critical thinking today and make a life-changing decision. Your success story is one step closer…

Best wishes,


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