Hi Hunnayzzzz! How is your week coming? Today is an emotional day for me, but I will try not to cry…lol. I’m happy though, and I thank God all the same. Note to myself (and to you guys of course): Be Positive always.

If you’re in my part of the world, you must have heard last week, one of the trending topics on social media: #ThingsILongThroatFor…it is just ''Things I Long Throat For'' merged together. It started as a tweet by a famous artiste in Nigeria. Apparently, it was a promotion for a brand’s new product. Trust social media to make it trend and yes, we were able to know some of the things people crave for. Funny, funny things oh!

Well, I have decided to bring it to you guys, so we wouldn’t be left out of the fun. I expect that you also participate and state things you crave for! You never might know, there may be a genie somewhere waiting to grant your wishes!

So here’s my own list of #ThingsILongThroatFor, and it is in no particular order…

1.    LOVE AND FAMILY: If you know me well enough, then you should know I am a romantic. I love love very very much but TAKE NOTE, I am no ‘’fool in love’’, so don’t think you can catch me mugu there. Mbanu! And oh well, I love family too. When I see a close knitted family where love reigns supreme, you guys would just win my heart easily. Love is sweet oh, and family? I don’t joke with family! You can take a jab at me and I’ll let go, but when it comes to family, be sure that I wouldn’t let go so easy…FYI. And when I get married, I long throat for a happy home. Where hubby and I as well as the kids would be such a happy bunch and make the world jealous!

2.    HAPPINESS AND LAUGHTER: I cannot even deal with being sad one bit! Happiness is a priceless gift, you shouldn’t mortgage it. Nobody should have the keys to your happiness. I try as much as possible to be happy. I ‘’long throat’’ for it. I want to laugh so hard, that my laughter becomes infectious to those around me. If I am not in a pleasant mood, I try to eat good food or buy new stuffs. You know I am a foodie, and these things have a magical way of reversing my mood to its happy state…easy excuse right?. Life is too short to be unhappy jare. So, I crave happiness all my life. NB – Don’t let my sometimes hard face fool you, I am a happy soul, I long throat to remain that way all my life.

3.    CAREER AND MONEY: Let’s not kid ourselves…the reason why we all work this hard is because of money and fulfilment. If I could sit at home doing nothing and still make good money, enough to take care of the basics and a little extra, why not! I’ll simply just be doing the number 4 of this list every day. I’m not lazy oh, but I am not a slave to money either. Money is made to serve me, I am not going to serve money. Dazall! I really long throat to get to the peak of my career. I want to be greater than the Dora Akunyilis, Abike Dabiris, Justice Mukthars of our time. Career wise, I want my name to be a household name, one that wouldn’t be forgotten. I crave to create an impression in the minds of good people so much that they see me as a mentor, role model and inspiration. I also want to own a booming business just like the BMPros, DooneysKitchen, LindaIkejis of this world...Not bad yeah? 

4.    VACATION, SHOPPING, PLAY AND PARTY TIME: See ehn, forget all my career talk and co, I love to catch fun and play big time! As a matter of fact, since I was born, I haven’t had the kind of vacation I long throat for. I fantasize being in a serene environment with lovely views and no worries. Do you know there are nice places in this world? God is a good God oh! You’ll wonder at the marvel of creation. The world is a beautiful place. It doesn’t have to be Dubai, US, UK for vacations…I have heard and read of other countries with good tourist sites; Mauritius, Seychelles, Ghana, South Africa and even some parts of Lagos too. Your budget doesn’t have to be over the top to enjoy a good vacation actually. I see myself sitting by the beach, in beach clothes, sunglasses, a colorful hat, and a glass of chilled champagne in my hand…with my hubby, family, or friends. Or eating dinner at a fancy restaurant where they serve all those ‘’mede mede somethings’’, you don’t have to eat everything on the plate, the beauty of the dish alone can fill you up. Is this too much long throat? And please, who goes on vacations without shopping? Some people love window shopping, well I don’t! I like the actual shopping. No need punishing myself by drooling over stuffs and not buying them. Why would I put myself through that so much wahala?

5.    GYM LIFE: This one may sound funny and cocky, but I want you to think of it also…how can I have a good body if I continue eating akpu or fufu. Ok, I admit, I don’t eat these, but I eat eba, sharwarma, burger et all. All these things wouldn’t let a young girl be great and have a killer bod! Work isn’t even helping issues one bit! If you wake up by 5am so as to leave the house by 6am to beat Lagos traffic and resume work by 8am, abeg when would you na work out? In your sleep? Or is it on Saturdays when you have chores to do, or when you want to catch that extra sleep? Idongetit! How do people even do it sef? So,` I long throat for a time when I would be able to create a gym time, so I can stay healthy, and of course, flaunt that bikini body and figure 8. So help me God!

These are all I can remember for now.

And while #ThingsILongThroatFor was trending, some people said they long throat for more followers on Instagram…mbok! What do I want to do with that biko? LOL. It was fun while it trended and I enjoyed every bit of it. People with their different taste sha!

I am curious though…what are the things you long throat for?

Please let us have your list, it doesn’t have to be as lengthy as mine…don’t mind me, long throat is catching my long throat.

Have a good week my darlings. I love you guys!



  1. A vacation immediately after this Nysc ish but then the vacation will not finance itself so I long throat for money ����

  2. #ThingsILongThroatFor.. To become a business mogul like Dangote, everyother thing will fall in place. Lol


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