Ok guys, I admit…this isn’t nice at all. I goofed big time, and I take all the blame. Though, it is partially my fault and the other half is due to circumstances beyond my control, I take responsibility for it all. My biggest, loudest and most sincere SORRY goes to all readers of Barby’s Diary. I’m so so sorry my people for my long absence on the blog.

How have you all been? A lot of catching up to do yeah? I feel like saying everything here and now, but it’ll be too much for me to write and work beckons…

Yeah, WORK! That’s basically taking 99% of my time now. I got a new job (yaaaaaay!). Not like a new job sha, but let’s say same old job with a new package (lol), and work has been more demanding, tasking but enjoyable. Why wouldn’t it be? The struggle outside is real mehn! Life could have been worse, but it is not, so, I just can’t take this life for granted! Thank you Lord! Even though I still wish I can make money by doing nothing. Is it too much to ask? Is it a possibility? I want to sleep and wake up in one fairytale island sipping on good wine, watching the wonders of creation with no worries at all. I wish…

So what have you wonderful people been up to? Any sweet stories you’ll love to share? The not so sweet stories too? I’ll love to hear all of it.

In other good news, I’m delighted to announce that the blog will be one year (drumroll) in a couple of days. I’m grateful for the progress and growth. It couldn’t have been possible without you guys. I’ve been able to connect with each of you on another level and in a special way and that’s what makes everything beautiful. Even with my sweet, not so sweet, controversial articles, you’ve read, commented, shared and urged me on…words fail me in appreciation, I cannot quantify my gratitude really. In light of this great anniversary that gladdens my heart, I have thought of the best way to reward my adorable readers...


We’re still in the process of ‘’hammering’’ (making wealth), so we’ll do the one wey our hand reach (pardon my French). The details of the giveaway would be announced shortly, I’m thinking the date of the anniversary is best, so stay tuned. Keep refreshing this blog. And to satisfy your curious minds, it’s a BIG giveaway. A very big one! Monetary (because that’s the only quick and easy way I could think of) you don’t want to miss out on this one trust me! The winner takes all. A quick tip: just keep refreshing and paying attention on the blog, you could be the lucky one. If you’re a frequent visitor, reader and commenter, this would be easy (yeah, I have to protect the interest of my blog commenters, they are the ones that make my blogging fun and interactive. I hope one of you wins, so good luck!). Enough expo already.
Finally, we're still working with an IT personnel to help us achieve hosting our blog by ourselves. We're one year already, it's time to stand up and walk! We can do it, we will do it!

See you guys in a jiffy. Have a great week of pleasant surprises. And be good, I trust you all would be fine right? I love you darlings, mwah.



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