Hello Bloghearts! How have you all been? And how's the world treating you?

Thanks so much for your continuous support and love. You know I can't appreciate you enough!

Today's topic is another very emotional one for me...I had goose bumps writing this one, because I am guilty of it too (I'll tell my story in the course of this article).

So recently, we've been bombarded with one too many sad tales of man's inhumanity towards his fellow man. One too many. The stories are shocking and unbelievable but real. Very real. And to think that all these are perpetuated by humans to their fellow humans, is alarming. God help us all.

An example is the recent and incessant attack on Nigerians by the Fulani herdsmen. I really cannot place my mind as to the reasons for these attacks. All I can think of is FALSE ENTITLEMENT. You graze your cattle on people's farms and destroy their produce and means of livelihood, and still kill them when they resist your actions? Who are you? A god of some sorts? I don't get. (I'm not even on about being in another man's land, because as much as I care, we all own this country. I see no problem with a Yoruba man living in the East, or an Ibo man in the North). It's disheartening to think that some group of persons for reasons only known to them can inflict such harm and end the life of human beings, to preserve the life of animals. Nobody should blame this on illiteracy or religion, this has gone beyond that, this is now a struggle for existence of a LOT, because a FEW persons have decided to take laws into their hands and intimidate the rest of us.

You'll think it doesn't concern you because you or your family have not been hit, until you are hit (God forbid), and there's no one else left to fight for you.

I believe we all have to see ourselves as one people, one nation, one NIGERIA. Whether Hausa, Ibo or Yoruba or Efik, or Fulani or Tiv or wherever. We are first; human beings. And not animals. No one should comfortably take the life out of another person, for any flimsy reason. No reason however honey-coated is justiciable. I can't preach this enough! And you shouldn't too.

All hands must be on deck to make everyone see his fellow human being, as a brother, and you, a brother's keeper. It doesn't matter the tribe, color or religion. We all are human beings.

That's why I still have my reservations about federal character and all it stands for, which in reality does not reflect true character or merit. Or how else do you explain why I, a Yoruba girl should get an admission into a South - West University over a better qualified Ibo girl just because she is Ibo? It's irks marginalization and suppression and results into low productivity and lesser results. It takes away from the content. It supports mediocrity. It speaks high volume of entitlement and opportunistic sense of belonging. (now I'm beginning to speak big English that I don't even know if it makes sense sef). It's just an expression of how I feel inside...ANGER.

I'm guilty of this in many little ways. Let me share a story...

Some days ago, I needed to take a cab home, two cab men hailed me. The first simply said: ''Aunty, where you dey go, I'll take you''. The second (I'm assuming a Yoruba guy) said: ''Aunty, e maa bo'' meaning; please come. Only God knows why the second thought I am Yoruba (I get the ''you look like a Yoruba girl'' all the time though, so I wasn't surprised). I didn't have to think it twice, I jumped into the second taxi's car (the Yoruba one). I could see the look on the first guy's face. He wasn't happy. He even threatened to deal with the second guy when he came back from the trip. Now, in all fairness, I had no business doing what I did that day. I simply played the ethnicity card even though I am not Yoruba sef oh. I felt guilty afterwards and I regretted my actions. Trust me, if a war erupted on that spot, maybe we (the Yoruba guy and myself) would be the first hit, because we were not even in a ''yoruba'' city. You get my point? I promised myself that I was never going to play the ethnicity card or religious card or color card over fairness and justice.

Imagine my dismay again when I read recently about how some ritualists plucked the eyes of a young boy in Zaria. You've got to be kidding me! The things we hear and see (end times). This is a young innocent boy, barely 5 years old and he has already experienced this level of wickedness and inhumane treatment. Thank God he survived to tell the story, but what story does he have to live by? What offence did he commit? I stared at his smiling picture (even with no eyes anymore), and my heart was pained. What a world we live in. What a world!

If we all could just love one another, and treat your fellow man as yourself...

This is the same reason I stand strongly against jungle justice and all its accomplices. Remember ALUU 4? (I've never been able to watch the complete video, my heart wouldn't let me). It's just wicked and evil. No one should be at the centre of perpetuating these acts, neither should anyone have the heart to stand and watch such acts and even video from start to finish. You are as guilty as the one who threw the first stone. This brings me to the issue of burning thieves alive as was witnessed in Warri recently. Some people have argued that it is a double edge sword...it is wrong on one part, and on the other part, it serves as a deterrent to other thieves who hears the story. Wrong, wrong, wrong. So wrong. It's either good or bad, and what is bad is bad from start to finish. There are no buts. I know these people are daredevils when operating, and they can go as far as killing, raping their victims to accomplish their aim, but it doesn't in anyway justify jungle justice. Let the law takes its natural course. You have done well by apprehending the thief, hand them over to the proper authorities and move on with your life. That's the practice in developed countries. Even the Bible has moved from the Mosiac law of ''an eye for an eye''.

Learn to show love. But, you must have love first, because you really cannot give what you do not have. Statistics have shown that most people who exhibit these evil traits lived under much misery, or had problems growing up and this affected them psychologically. They didn't grow up with love around them. Everything they have or own was gotten by force, so they feel entitled to what you have. They would not ask for it, they take it from you by force.

Another woman burnt her co-wife's baby's leg out of jealousy. Huh? Do we live among human beings at all?

We all should join hands in this fight against segregation and bias. Teach love, preach love, practice love. From the classrooms, to the workplace, to places of worship, to everyone. BE YOUR BROTHER'S KEEPER.

Because it is only when you see your neighbor as yourself, that you can treat them as yourself.

Meanwhile, would you believe that this wasn't the topic I thought I'll write about? Life happened, and I don't regret writing this today. I'll gladly discuss this a hundred times over any other romantic or motivational article. Because, love is the center of all our activities, and what greater love than to care for the next person?

In other news too, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALBERT NWULI and success in your exams too. My brother in whom I am well pleased. My greatest blog cheerleader. Guys, help me wish me a happy birthday too. He'll be glad to see all of it when he's done with his exams.

Enjoy the rest of your week hunnays,


  1. Please continue preaching love. The hate in this country of ours today is unfathomable.

  2. Happy Birthday Albert,Gods blessings always. Well love can never be overemphasised, we as a people the younger generation I feel have the most to do. Like when we hear ppl saying Nigeria cannot be one or we should just breakup we should educate such person on the foolhardy. Most of us one way or the other has fallen victim negatively of federal character and other sociocultural policies of policy makers. Let's just preach unity with love. Make points without insults and preach against war. Who did the civil war help in this country or the prior ethnic violence in the north. NOBODY. And through it all, Nigeria didn't break up. The reality is we never will. Therefore we new generation must make things better for ourselves and generations we will bore. So that their lives can be better than the one we are living and we will live. 1 Love is all we need. Preach it, act it and practice it daily

  3. Hapi bd Albert God's blessings nw n always n success in ur exam.love my dear in ds our dear country 'll always b d Grace of God upon Nigeria.our hrt is as black as our skin,wickedness is our meal,only God my dear can help ds country.let's start by calling on God each day 2 've mercy on us n shower us with his luv so we can pass on 2 our neighbours,colleagues n so on.thanks barby 4 ds nice piece.God bless u

    1. And there's that part: PRAYER. Thanks Aunt FG.

  4. For the umpteenth trial i hope this appears. Happy birthday to Albert.

  5. Finally it appears ... (Joyous). Love has always been the key to living peacefully unfortunately some people have decided to break the door. However,as regards jungle justice we have contrasting views. These criminals nor get chills faa!! You would switch sides if you have encountered them on one on one basis (i ran faster than bolt). Albert happy birthday and God's blessings once again. Ugeh

    1. I'm happy it came through too! I'm gracious to not have experienced them ever, but jungle justice is never the answer. Let the law take its natural course. Justice may be long, but it will always come.
      Thanks Anthony, so happy to have you on board.

  6. Nice writeup babe,LOVE is all we need in dis nation,wif LOVE,there will surely be peace,unityand harmony!love is d key. happy baiday 2 ur bro wishing him better and greaterdays ahead!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy birthday Albert, more grace and success in your exams! Nice one barby, love the article. Love is the key,like I would always say let love lead, no need to possess bitterness, envy,jealousy,hatred and what have we,it is better to die doing good than bad. Our utmost desire should be to make heaven, I would say people who possess the hex of wickedness do not love and fear God, because if they do, wickedness would remain on a blank slate! The other day I read a story f a 35 year old lady that poured hot water on her female house maid,how many can I say! Yes I agreed to some extent that the up bringing of some persons affect and make them wicked and heartless, but to a large extent I disagreed, because I feel and know that it is only you that can define you, nobody can define or change who you are expect you decide to change, and except you were born wicked, my dear we all have our stories,I was a child that didn't grow up with my mother up until I got to 12years, and even when I got in touch with her I was still living under my father's roof, I had been living with a very wicked step mother( who is now late, I leave judgment for the Almighty), with all the wickedness she meted on I and my elder ones, we never for one day meted it on someone else instead we took the situation as a stepping stone to reach our zenith, instead we swore never to be wicked to people because we knew exactly how it felt like, we suffered physically, emotionally, and otherwise,a lot of stories to say,but I would stop here. Why am I saying all this, is for people to learn, they shouldn't capitalise on the amount of wickedness meted on them and hence turn out devilish, instead learn from it and be the best you can be! The earlier people realise that there is nothing in this life the better for them, like I said earlier our utmost desire should be the heavenly race,after life on earth! What next?it is well. And for the jungle justice thingy, I agreed with barby, yes I love being objective, the reason why some persons resort to jungle justice is because when these so called criminals are arrested, they are bailed by some rich relatives, in the sense that these people sometimes pay a whooping sum of money to the police to aid their release, and these criminals are released into the public to continue their wicked acts, well all I can say is that we should seek justice through law, not taking laws into our hands, yes I totally understand that these guys are rootless when you encounter them, we pray never to fall into their traps,Amen! But as hard as it may seem jungle hustice is not the answer.....as earlier stated, Prayer is answer....bye

  9. *jungle justice, * prayer is the answer!


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