Just recently, I was gisting with Le Boo and I told him a story of a particular neighbor my family once had. You see, this man (Mr All Weather) was a chronic womanizer, he loved all types; dark, fair, chocolate, tall, short, fat, slim, long hair, short hair, bald, figure 8, ''tirin gbeku'' name it! We saw them come in and go out everyday. To be fair to him, he was never married, but he had a ''stable'' relationship with a beautiful woman for say; five years and it produced two cute lil girls. He always beat the woman at every given chance (maybe even for breathing sef) and the relationship didn't last. The woman went away with her two girls. Mr All Weather didn't care, he didn't change either, he moved unto the next. Another fine woman who was a second neighbour's friend soon caught his attention, second neighbor warned fine woman of the dangers in plying that '''road'', fine woman didn't listen, I think she felt second neighbor was an ''enemy of progress'', so she ventured into a relationship with Mr All Weather, before long, they became live-in partners and had a son. Mr All Weather changed though, but for the worse. We'll always hear hot slaps, metals flinging, and all sorts from their flat. The resultant effect was that fine woman was never fine again oh, she feared to come outside because of the damage on her pretty face. The hospital was a constant abode for her. Mr All Weather will apologise today and beat her mercilessly tomorrow. After three years of torture, Mr All Weather goes to work one morning, and the next thing we hear is a loud noise in front of the gate, we peep and see a big truck coming to move things. Madam fine woman moves ev'rything from the house and RUNS away. She and her son were never seen around the environs again. Before one ''amebo'' could informed Mr All Weather of the drama and he rushes down, Madam Fine woman and her son don vamoose.

Sounds like a good Nollywood script shey? My dear, this is a real life story oh! Happened before my very eyes and under my very nose.

Domestic Violence. No reason given can justify why a man should lay his hand on another woman. (Let's be true to ourselves, the other way round seldom happens). If you are a man that beats a woman and you're reading this, shame on you and all that you stand for!!! Yes oh, I said so. It speaks volume of the kind of person you are and your breed. Na you born am? Is she a goat? She is someone's daughter, sister, mother, and friend. If you have any respect for these people, you will not want to hurt their own. This is someone you married and profess undying love to and for, and you subject that person to such torture??? Haba! Believe me, you may be lucky that she hasn't died yet, but she has died so many deaths already; psychological, mental, name it!

It is unimaginable, and you wouldn't want to be at the mercy of an abuser, they have no mercy! They can kill and if you love yourself, you'll take to your heels. If he is so good at throwing punch, he should go to the  boxing ring and make a career out of it like Mayweather and Pacquiao. Don't turn your wives to punching bags. This one is even for married folks. What of single guys and girls who are in relationships and the girl still enjoys going home each day with a red eye or swollen lip? How do you explain that? Dem swear for you? Is your placenta tied there? Is he your savior? It is beyond my imagination really. If your partner is a woman beater, you will know, except you want to keep lying to yourself. As a single girl, yours is easy, just walk away while you still can.

The married ones may have a dicey situation, especially when kids are involved. Truthfully, it will be hard leaving your two year baby with a violent man, who may marry another woman and turn your kid into a modern day slave. They may even feed your kid with all manner of information and turn your kid against you. I understand all of that and the peculiarity of their situation. But you also have to be ALIVE and WELL to enjoy YOUR LIFE and your children and your children's children. You shouldn't die when it is not your time to die, you shouldn't die another person's death. Now, you may think this is extreme, but, he may have beaten you severally and you came out of it alive after many medications, so you think you're a survivor, you might not be so lucky with the next ''small'' push and before you know it, you're with the angels and saints in heaven chorusing ''Halleluyah''. Who you help then? Oga woman beater will be flexing earth with a new Bae.

My advice to married folks; make sure you have a means of earning money; be it corporate work or business. Men respect women more when they know she has some kind of financial independence. Secondly, observe your man, you know things that easily infuriates him, stop doing it, it doesn't take anything from you. He loves to argue and when you respond, the punches start flying, don't even give him the chance to, when he starts, give him space. Men, if your wives get on your nerves, just walk to another room and hold your peace (I don't advice driving out, because at that point, the mind isn't settled). Iron issues out without raising your voices, it is even embarrassing that neighbors know all is not well within the household. Saying ''SORRY'' shouldn't be so much of a big deal really, if that will settle the matter, why not say it? Have a forgiving spirit. I have come to understand that bearing grudges against a person overtime can lead to hatred which may result into fights, so when there is an issue, talk about it immediately and let it end there, don't carry the bitterness of yesterday into today, forgive and move ahead. There was a time I had a grudge against a person, interestingly, we kept talking, but I found out that for the slightest quarrel, I was quick to throw a pillow or scatter the whole place or even hit...yes oh! I used to be that kind of person. I became someone I never was, if I got angry, I did the unthinkable and I hated myself each time I was done, but when I forgave and began to live a grudge-free life, I became better, I saw life differently, I stopped doing the demons. LOL.

However, if your partner doesn't change, I advice that both of you take some time apart, you can leave with your kid, you MAY go to your family house (but I don't support it), go on vacation somewhere and live life to the fullest (responsibly). Don't compromise by jumping in with another married man to pay your husband back. Just go somewhere nice and good to cool off. Within the period, re-evaluate your life and your marriage, find that spark that was once there but which has been lost. Both of you can attend therapy sessions and counseling together and separately. Decide whether your marriage is worth your life or your death...

I also think society is not fair on divorcees and separated couples and that's why people would rather be married and live in a violent household than leave the marriage and be stigmatized by society.

So what couple drama have you experienced in your neighborhood? When do you draw the curtains and say you have had enough? Do you think society is unfair to divorcees and separated couples? How do we stop domestic violence in marriages?

We'll love to hear from you...


  1. No offense but some men are just beasts ...I had this neighbor that would hit his wife at every given opportunity. my parents spoke to her to stop arguing with him and then he began to hit her for keeping quite when he's trying to argue with her so my question became if you talk dem go beat you if you nor talk dem go still beat you so Wetin person go do? In the end he beat her till she died and he married someone else. domestic violence is a very emotional topic for me because this lady in question was a very close friend of my family and she refused to leave because of her children those children today are being treated like slaves in the hands of their step mom. My opinion is if you can't take it RAW(run away) my dear don't stay because of society and children save your life because in the end people must talk. Some excuses that men give for being violent to women sef can be very funny you'd hear stuffs like "she talks too much, she's too stubborn blah blah blah" na you born am? My candid advice to guys is if she's too anything for you and you can't take it please walk away... don't turn yourself into an animal because you want her to change abeg and for all those single girls in abusive relationships that stay because you love him and you think he loves should go and read 1st corinthians 13 nowhere does it say that love is violent so abeg get sense...*yawns Ohk bye before I'll now come and use all the space for comments

    1. Lol...we can even take 6 pages comment. U're in order my dear friend. I'm so sorry she died from it...MEN!!!

  2. Once a woman beater always a woman beater,they can never change unless he undergoes deliverance and sticks to the rules of deliverance,i can't stand men that beat women,they disgust me!!!! But the funny part of the beating thingy is that some ladies actually enjoy men that hit them,with the whole excuse of the make up sex blah blah blah! And when I hear the excuses from des ladies I just say to myself these are animals just like d beaters! Becos I cannot comprehend y a lady will love to be hit my the strong hands of a man,na wa! Ok back to the ladies that stay in marriage becos of their children even when they r being battered by their husbands, my advice, RUNNNNNN!!!! And to the single ladies in relationships with the beaters,remain there oooo,MUMU!!! I have never seen a human being in love with an animal b4, so all those excuses about love is completely RUBBISH! And for men that give excuses for hitting a woman just know that u are not a man atalll,and u r not fit to be seen in this world .if your woman does things that irritate u,walk away and get another woman that gives u peace shikena!

    1. I've heard that ish abt great sex after all the beatings. That na strong mumu talk oh! Like u'll let him touch u immediately after the beatings??? And if you deny him, he'll possibly get it some place else. Na wa! Women are trying oh! To even say that some men see all of these as normal, is scary...Lord God, I don't want a cheating man, a woman beater or a drunkard for a husband. Take them far away, very far away, Amen.

  3. My dear that's my prayer too,i know there is no perfect man ooooo,but there are good men! And I once asked a married man whether all men cheat,he replied 99.9% of men cheat,then I said I will go for the 1% funny right!!! But true

  4. If ur woman does things dt irritates u, walk away nd go find urself anor woman dt gives u peace...Ebonka Efoma.(JSC)...nd if d nxt irritates U, walk away agn...Until u find peace to d end of d Girls like dis kinda topics sha,meanyle, my friend's GF is beating him o, nd he said he stil loves her. As we speak, e dey hosp, sh beat am agn dt he worked late last nyt...pls advice

  5. There is no excuse whatsoever for domestic violence. The perpetrators should be reported to the police and the law should be allowed to take its course. Until we start to treat domestic violet as a crime that it is and not as a mere delinquency, the shameless men will continue in it and Will go unpunished. As for those women that enjoy after the fight sex and look forward to the fights cos of the sex that follows, you need both spiritual and psychological help.

    1. Hehehe...valid contributions. I also think domestic abuse shd be treated as a crime. But how does a wife run to d station or call a police helpline and say that her hubby just "dealt her several blows"? In this country whr a lot is taken for granted? I'm sure d police guy will be like "shoroniyen" (in local parlance; dat na talk?) Family and friends will be disappointed in her for taking family dramas to d cops. Notwithstanding though, there shd be serious penalty for all violent men, before the woman will die one day and then it becomes a case of murder...LOL at spiritual and psychological help, I think all who think that way need help too.

  6. Hahahaha!i totally agree with you @ pee


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