Dear friends, it is for the love of God I do this. I'm so not happy with all of you cos nobody wished me a happy birthday except Frances...I see y'all oh and God is watching you too. I had a swell time though, thanks for not asking.

How una dey sha? You know you can hardly get angry with family for a long time? Well, I have forgiven everyone and that's why I'm still typing, if not, I'll have stopped typing long time ago, (like you care right?) LOL! However, I'm still accepting gifts till June 3rd next year, then we'll start all over again.

I took a mini vacation from work for a week! I strategized so well that, with the public holiday and the weekends, I think I had about ten to eleven days to rest and chill and rest again. I so didn't want the vacay to end...talk about ''Oliver Twist asking for more''.

I've been finding it difficult to upload the pictures, for some weird reasons, something that shouldn't take me a minute to upload is taking days! I had to find another loooooong way around it. I  was almost giving up on the post since birthday has been over for like a week now, but I just said I should struggle and get it done, so that all my snapping and posing for the pictures wouldn't be in vain.

Let the pictures do the rest of the talking...

Birthday Girl...

And just when I thought this birthday would be sober because I wanted it that way. I have always had few friends around for a small party each birthday and I wanted this time to be different, this happened...
Drum roll for the CAKE!!!


Here's a quick pic...my 2014 cake. Yeah right, an LV Hand bag.

From my birthday in 2013, that cake was super nice! Friends were coming back into the room to ask for extras. LOL.

 I have a lot of the pictures, but this should do...I spent the rest of the day, eating sharwama and ice cream and of course lots of cake! I didn't have friends over cos it was my getaway trip and I was away from people I know (sowee loves). Later that evening, I went to hang out at a joint with Le Boo and his friends. The live band there was craaaaayyyyy!!! I have always loved live band. I wouldn't want to start a debate on whether it is better than listening to music from a DJ, but it is sui generis (in a class of its own). Like you can hear and feel the sound of every instrument used, and you can relate to the energy coming from the stage, from the backup singers to the dancers (If you can feel me right now say ''yeahyeah''). That was just the deal breaker for me, I was giggling till I returned home at 12am (now I hope my mum doesn't see this). 12am??? I love you too Mum.

And the next day, I went to the cinema with Le Boo. I watched ''AVENGERS; Age of the Voltrons''. I hope that's the title oh. It was an amazing film and though I was lost at the beginning, I kinda keyed in at some point and it was worth the money and time. We were alone in the cinema, so I was able to goof around and take some pictures before the film started showing and other viewers joined us.

Here are some of the pictures too...

Aint no ''pishure'' coming between me and my bottle of coca cola and popcorn. LOL
You see that creep on the screen too right??? Looks like he wanted to hit me on the head.

                                                               Me, my popcorn and I.
                                                                  Le Boo and I.

And finally, "My Peaches" and "My Lady" are one and the same person and there's just one Boo too. LOL.

I hope you enjoyed the picture story??? 


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