Dear Trekkers, how market oh? *gives them the side eye* Mtchewwww.

My Darlings, before I lose my manners because of some lot, how have you guys been? How did your week go? Who missed me? It's the weekend already! What plans do you have? My week was amazeballs! My elder sister came around and it was a full house for us, we didn't want her to leave when the time came. Her birthday was some days back, so it was only fair that we went ice cream and cake tasting at some place. Those who follow me on BBM saw the pictures. (I'm still considering whether I should do such reviews here, I would not want to bore you guys with my ''interesting'' life). LOL. I sincerely didn't know how we are already in Friday oh. It was just Monday some days ago but lets just say it happened and we thank God. We are alive, we are healthy, we are happy. We have hope for a better tomorrow and that's enough consolation to face today headstrong.

About today's topic, I have kept quiet since and pretended like I haven't read stories or heard the news, I just wasn't so much interested but, my dearies, the rate at which these people are trekking ehn, it is becoming alarming and shameful oh. I call them ''LEGENDS'' because I presume that's what they think of themselves as or that's the motive behind the whole trek thing, so let us not spoil their 60 seconds of fame. After all, major newspapers, blogs and other social platforms have publicized them and some even celebrate them.

I am confused and I need you to help me out of this confusion, because ''na from clap them take dey enter dance'' (for the benefit of those who didn't understand that, it means, little things which we don't pay attention to might escalate into something big). Now this is very true. The whole trekking thing started from a man who TREKKED from Lagos to Abuja to congratulate Mr President-Elect. Other trekkers from all over the country have followed suit. Even ladies! Recently, some guy started trekking alone, but he got a female companion along the way who joined him in the trek. I am forced to ask; to what end really? I heard some of these trekkers, aside from going to congratulate the ''winners'' and the ''conceders'', they also hope to relate some messages from their people to whoever they are trekking to meet.

Now, I am even more confused. Don't they have representative members at the State level and the National level whom they can relate their messages through? Does it mean these people we elect to represent us are not capable enough to be our mouthpiece? On a personal note, why would you hate yourself so much to TREK such ridiculous long distance. By commercial bus, you'll spend not less than 12 hours on road from Lagos to Abuja. The first ''trekker'' who started all these trekking drama sojourned for three weeks plus. I dare to say, what a waste of precious time! Is he jobless?  Did he consider the risk involved? What will even prompt this kind of reasoning in the first place? The first trekker achieved his aim, he was able to meet personally with the President-Elect, he received a robust welcome when he entered the capital city with ''people'' cheering him and it soon became a carnival (the things we celebrate over). Was that why others followed suit?

A popular On-Air-Personality in Lagos tweeted some days ago; ''another trekker emerges, government should please create more jobs''. I think so too. In a corporate environment, to get an excuse to go for a wedding or burial or exam is difficult enough, how would you apply for a trek? Who will take you serious afterwards? Can all these treks be as a result of idleness? How do you explain these happenings to children around you when they ask why someone had to trek from Lagos to Abuja? Can we youths use our youthfulness for something more productive and engaging? We should be pacesetters, I agree, but not in things like this please. Enough of the treks already, it is getting boring and tiresome. Let us start hearing inspiring stories that would motivate and challenge others to do more and be more...and not some lame excuse for idleness and joblessness.

Dear friends, what's your stand on this trekking palaver? Do we have any of our readers who are contemplating on trekking? Should we applaud the trekkers? We would love to hear from you.

P.S -- I haven't heard complains about people not being able to comment, I hope that is solved now. If you were finding it difficult to comment but you can now comment, please let us know the steps you took so others can learn from it and join the convo. Thanks.

Have the best of weekends,


  1. Wen its a lengthy mail,its difficult. Comment check

  2. Hmmm,trekkers (Lol)D 1st guy did it n was applauded met with d President elect, Na sm monkeys want 2 follow suit, they r wasting their time, Buhari is a no nonsense man. FG

    1. I have heard of some new trekkers again oh! Including a woman with a 40days old baby. She is trekking from Minna to Abuja to congratulate the President-Elect. Can someone call these people to order pleaseeeeee.

  3. I want to trek from Nigeria to Las Vegas to congratulate Floyd Mayweather.

    1. Uncle P, where have you been? We have been looking for you all over the blog. Welcome back.
      About the Mayweather and Manny fight, please I will beg you on this one oh, if you can trek all the way there and bring quarter of the money Mayweather got to me, I will rewrite my article in favor of the trekkers...hehehe

  4. Recently, a 20 years old lady; Mhairi Black, made history by becoming the youngest lawmaker in the UK since the 17th Century. She toppled a political heavyweight during the election. Can we all learn from this? Why must we copy the ''not so right'' things? Nigerians, change!

  5. crazy jobless people ni jare, me that i cant trek from tanke to tanke junction will now embark on such a distance mentally derailed people would be scared to attempt..... pssssh

    1. Lol. This got me..."tanke to tanke junction".


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