Hi Guys, join me and T.G.I.F. Thank God It's Friday! The week has been awesome. Thank God for life, thank God for shelter, thank God for his provision and sustenance, thank God for everything.

There's been a lot of birthdays around me this month of  May, today particularly, four persons from a special family I know, celebrates their birthday today. Can you beat that? Happy birthday to the Omo-odudu's. God bless each one of you specially. Amen.

Today also, a Comrade Governor married his belle and social media especially twitter has been going frenzy about it. You will ask; what's so new in a marriage and why so much ado? Now, let me do small aproko with you guys...

The Comrade Governor lost his wife years ago (at the beginning of his tenure as Governor) to cancer. He's been technically ''single'' ever since till today when he decided to be ''double'' or single again 'cause 1+1 =1 in marriage abi? The whole frenzy has been because he chose as a bride a young beautiful girl from a foreign country. He is quite old, and the pictures that have been flooding the internet all day suggests he is way older than his bride and some other funny stories about his appearance and co (don't put me in trouble these people oh, go read for yourself, google is your friend).

Some of the stories that has arisen from these seem to suggest that; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, money can get you everything including love, you don't have to be all cute or wear the nicest of clothes or form #BeardGang, or have swag dripping all over you before you can get ''Bae'' and a young and beautiful one at that. You just have to have the correct amount of money and in the right figures. Dazall. Nobody really cares if you are monkey's elder brother or the chimpanzee's nephew. Just have MONEY. C'est fini. (Yeah, I speak a lil' French too)

This brings me to my question of life; Which will you choose? LOVE OR MONEY??? Will you sacrifice love for the ''love'' of money? If you are married or in a relationship, would you rather your man has unconditional love for you?, or are you comfortable with enough money to buy all your Givenchys, Louboutins, Diors, Gucci and the likes with no love? What's your thought on this issue?

The economy is hard in itself and social media is promoting fakeness among everyone. Especially Instagram. Everyone acts as if butter does not melt in their mouth on that platform. Everyone is a fashion icon of some sort. People are being pressured to post on social media the latest bags, shoes, phones, human hair, clothes, cars, houses and everything. Everyone wants to belong, nobody wants to be left behind.

You want to ''feel among'' when you're with friends, you want to be able to hang out and let your voice be heard (talk about ''dress the way you want to be addressed''). How do you now explain to your friends that your hubby or bf loves you unconditionally but he just cannot afford these luxury for you because there is no money?

Society has pushed people especially females to settle for ''anything'' as long as there is enough money to foot the bills that will come. That's why you'll see women settle for womanizers, violent men, and the likes, just to keep face. Love isn't necessary anymore. With money, they can fake love till eternity. These kind of people will tell you that love doesn't put food on the table for anybody, love doesn't settle bills or pay the children school fees or buy the latest designer bags and shoes. These ''material'' things make them happy and makes them LOVE you. Your money for their love. To them, love without money is dead. Very sad reasoning I must say, The love of money and material things has eaten deep into our consciousness, we are somewhat blinded and cannot see the wrong in it.

This mentality is what has caused problems for many, especially the womenfolk. This is the reason why prostitution and unhappy homes thrive. Women (and some men too) are ready to sell their bodies for money . Unhappy homes because the money might not be there tomorrow and then the center cannot hold anymore, unnecessary fights and bitterness springs up and before long, the marriage is a forgotten issue.

NOTE; You can never buy love with money.

I agree that everyone needs money, you cannot do without it, however, no one should sacrifice love on the altar of money. Some people have ''used their husband to do boyfriend while others have used boyfriend to do husband'' because they allowed money cloud their judgment. Love wholeheartedly, regardless of a person's financial position. Nothing in life is certain. The money you see today, might not be there tomorrow and the fact that there's no money today doesn't mean there wouldn't be money tomorrow.

So dear friends, what's your take on this issue? Why do you think people marry money and throw love aside? Is there a chance that if you marry a man because of his money, you may fall in love with him somewhere along the line? Has social media helped to promote fake lives and put other people under pressure? We'll like to hear from all of you.

In the meantime,
Live, love and be happy. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.


  1. money is is as much as love is swt, its difficult wtout money...let der be enof moni to cater for d needful atleast...u cn luv a man dt has a bright future, y w8in for for bright future to cum...u need food to be alive to w8,u need a roof over ur head...u need alot of necessaries to w8 for d bright

  2. We all need love and money...they work hand in hand.

  3. What can I say! Well for me I like money,but I love love,when love is unconditional its so sweet. But I want to talk like a realist now,when love goes with money it's the best! Yea! Your man might not have all that money now, but aleast he makes attempt to make you feel like a queen ,buys little things for you,even sending recharge cards ,takes you out, escetera.and still shows that commitment, with that the gal might over look all oda richer dudes,but when he just relaxes and just tells the girl everyday about love, my dear it's boring,yea he's gonna be rich someday,but atleast do the necessaries,then if you know u cannot show any commitment,then wait until you are able b4 asking a gal out......for me love is the strongest foundation,while money is the pillar! When I mean commitment,i didn't mean marriage oo,b4 sm dudes will eat me raw,lol! But that does not mean I will marry becos of money,like I said love is the strongest and the greatest cos without a strong foundation,a pillar cannot stand!

  4. @ebonka...u were jus tlkn abt d man buying this nd if woman buys stuffs for her man, dey will arrest her?or if una send us airtym our phone go spoil shebi?...or dnt u knw its nw a 2way tin?abi if our 2 fall in luv wch accordin to u its d foundation,na only me go be d pillar?lol...everybody shud try nd go dutch o...u pple like remindin us abt 21st century behaviuors...hw women dnt cook,clean or jus sit at home...did u pple skip d part of d 21st century behavior where men dnt spend anyhw agn...its called goin

  5. @ charles,the woman can reciprocate the love for her man when he shows it,left for me if you don't show me love nothing for you,u can never get the best out of me!

  6. Hehehe...y'all are cracking me up big time. 21st Century behavior...topic for another day.

  7. money makes love sweeter. Barbara Madam, love is overrated and i dont believe money cant buy it.

    1. Yes Sir, lol. Money makes love sweeter and although money MAY buy love, it sure wouldn't last. I hope you know so too?

  8. Choosing Love over Money in this present Age would constitute an Unstable Relationship as a result of the growing need to belong due to peer pressure like u've rightly pointed out in the above Article. in the other hand, choosing money over love would also constitute an Unstable Relationship (temporal if u may)......but the difference is that in the long Run, love over money would last longer depending on the perseverance of the concerned parties


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