My darlings, good day oh. I greet y'all wholeheartedly. I had to rush down here before grass starts growing on the blog. Been a long time yeah? Feels like it's been ages! But I come here every now and then, to read the articles over and over again and have a long laugh. I can't believe I wrote some of these articles. LOL. Madam Talk Talk. I am not a talkative though, I am only talk-active. I hope you know the difference. Me that use to wonder how people write good, nice, interesting and intelligent pieces, now I see myself writing and people commending me, it can only be God my people. Oghene Doh (Thank you Jesus).

Sincerely, I'm getting tired of apologizing for not posting articles as frequent as it used to be. I told you guys that there has to be an inspiration for every article and I mean it. It's not like ideas haven't been flooding my mind since oh, but sometimes, the ideas come like a flash and vanishes almost immediately, other times, it comes and because I can't pen it down the moment it is there, I lose its content. I must confess that I have some articles in mind, but they are HIGHLY controversial and can spark up 3rd World War on the blog and I no get strength for quarrel. Others are too wide, the thought of penning it down scares me, because we may use up the whole blogosphere, literally. Give it up for professional writers sha, I hail. Like how do they write a whole book and keep you on it till the last page? Those guys are good.

Today is going to be random, random thoughts. So forgive me if the article isn't well put together in your opinion.

Common sense they say, is really not common. Don't expect it from people so they don't dash your hope. I want to believe we all know the right thing to do and we are our best adviser, that's if we want to tell ourselves the truth. That is why I am always skeptical about the reason people bring their problems to social media for solution. Pardon me if you do that, but hear me out first...

You come on there and ask questions like; ''My husband demands too much sex, what should I do?'' or ''I am a side chick, please is it proper?'' ''My Boo and I are not on speaking terms, please who should beg first'' and other questions. Now you may think people don't ask these dumb questions, trust me, they do. Sometimes, I want to also believe the questions are just the imagination of some people who are seeking attention. The first instance I gave was actually a real question by some lady on instagram this morning.

Your husband demands too much sex and you want to bother innocent minds on social media with your ordeal? What's your gain really? Do you want us to come plead with your husband to be ''merciful'' or do you need a knife to cut down his ''libido''? Or what is our business with your bedroom affairs? Is he ''our'' husband? As in, answer my own questions before we can help you answer yours. What kind of unsolicited information is that bikonu? The kind of  ''helps'' we see people ask for on social media these days, only God will help us. The answers will be starring at them right in the face and they'll still be asking us for it.

I digress...

During a meeting at the office this week, a senior colleague on a lighter note said that, if a Pastor/Imam has a wife, and he locks her up in one room while he goes to another room and pray for the wife to take in, she can never get pregnant by that venture. From what he said, I could deduce that; ''faith without work is dead''. Action must accompany your faith and belief. So for every one of you that want to be Billionaires tomorrow, you have to begin today to work for it. You cannot fold your arms and expect magic to happen, there has to be a continuous push to get to the top (permit me to say this; that's why I love Toke Makinwa, she's a fighter, she knew what she wanted, and she dared to forge ahead despite the unfriendly environment and hate talks.). I tell my younger brothers that if they make it today, they have made it FIRST OF ALL; for themselves before any other person, that alone should be a driving force to motivate them to succeed. I'm all for successful people, and I hope to be one someday, we working at it now.

Enough already. Please tell us about annoying and funny questions you've come across on social media...

Do have a splendid weekend and stay outta trouble.

NB--- Something really BIG is coming to the blog soon. Something everyone of us will benefit from. Very valuable and unquantifiable. Keep refreshing this page so you don't miss out when it's finally here.

PhotoCredit---Yvonne Nelson.

Take good care of yourselves for me,


  1. its been a while for me actually though i always look forward to going through the blog. your articles ve been wonderful and mostly objective, everybody can write but few bodies can write well. i ve similar issue with ideas not penned down disappearing like it never came so i mk use of a note pad or my message draft often, that way i gt to ve down the key points to be developed at my convenience.
    finally, Africans are just notorious about everything.. notoriously religious, notorious contented or discontented and some notorious set out to disturb others with their so called over blown problems.
    NB.. your blog is your opinion as it relates to what u write on or about and anybody can express themselves the way they like also, Life and living itself is controversial. if u leave articles unpublished because of controversy then... i dunno wat to say nio

    1. LOL Lateef. I hope you'll be here when the controversy starts...thanks dear.

  2. D article is funny, interesting nd enlightening...Some pple dt ask dese kinda qst r actually confuse...esp btw wat dey like,njoy or dislike as opposed to what is right in d context of some religion or belief. Bcos as i journey d earth in my own lil way, i am bgining to undstd dt wat is totally un acceptable in some places r acceptable wt joy in some other places...Nyc 1 barby

  3. My GF lives in another city. I miss her warmth, companionship and sex. My neighbor is winking at me, should I make the move. Pls advise me.

    1. Hehehe...good examples of their mumu talk oh. LoL at my neighbour is winking at me...


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