Hi Darlings! Wataguan??? It's Friday already and the weekend is here again ''as usual''. I'm getting used to waking up on Monday and feeling like the days should just rewind to Friday and before long again, it's the weekend and then it's Monday again. I'm hopeful this weekend stays longer.

I can remember when I was in school (especially Law School), I use to pray that school ends quickly so I can work and begin to earn my own money. I thought reading books, writing assignments, projects and preparing for exams were very stressful. Now I am working and I'm beginning to wish again. LOL. You know when you're in school, there's no coercion to go for your lectures and co, you don't even have to be sick to miss a class, you just wake up on the wrong side of bed and say ''abeg I no dey go today jare'' (Please I'm not going for lectures today) and nobody issues you query for that. This is what I call freedom, welcome to the real world. However, when you work for an organization, nobody cares if you woke up on the wrong or right side of bed oh, ''oga/madam, come and do what you've been paid to do''. You may be given time off work once in a while, but it can never be all the time. Now, you see why I'm beginning to wish again.

Life is in stages, and at every stage, there are bound to be challenges. We have a choice to either allow these challenges swallow us or we surmount them, move on to the next and keep conquering. Never live like the world is on your shoulder, people face worse situations than yours and if you feel there's something more to your problem, pray to God and ask for grace and direction. I hope these little words of mine meets someone today and helps them to be better *hugs*...back to today's topic---

Let's define COURTESY: 1. Polite behavior that shows respect for other people. Synonyms: well mannered, civil, respectful, well behaved, well bred, gentlemanly/ladylike,
gracious etc.

Regrettably, some people lack courtesy and some others consider it luxury. Simple words like ''please'', ''sorry'', ''good morning'', ''thank you'' and the likes will go a long way when addressing a person. Respect is reciprocal and the way you address a person (just like the way you dress), tells a lot about you and also gives a pointer to the reaction you get immediately.

Some people misunderstand the concept of being courteous. Respect doesn't have to be only between equals or superiors. Your subordinates at the office, or students in your class, or children at home or casual workers, deserve respect too. Haba na! the poor guy already knows he is a janitor, why address him like; ''Hey you! Sweep my office before I get back''. That's rude and unnecessary in my opinion. How about you address him this way, ''Hi dear, how are you doing today? PLEASE help clean my office, I'll be back shortly'', believe me, you'll meet your office as clean as new. Even at restaurants, bars and co, you have to be nice to them, if not, they may just spit into your food or drink. Ewww! How will you know?

Also, parents should address their kids properly, that way, they'll address outsiders correctly too. Haven't you heard kids talk and you marvel at their courtesy? It all starts from the home. Tell Junior; ''please can you help me pass the remote?''.  Then again, a typical African parent never admits their wrong! They always find excuses and can NEVER say sorry. It okay to say ''I'm sorry'' and admit their wrongdoings. Do we see a generation where parents can admit their wrongs and say sorry??? I am optimistic (in my dreams).

I have seen people wait for others to greet them first. Amazingly, they even expect their elders greet them too or when they greet their elders, they can't say ''Sir'' or ''Ma''. It irks the waters out of me!!! Greetings shouldn't be a big deal at all. It's respectful and responsible to greet. It cost nothing. Even when you make a phone call, saying ''hi'' first is a deal breaker for them. It's painful and selfish.

You know what I think? I think that pride makes people feel entitled to receive all the greetings and courteousness there are. They can't dish out but they expect to be served. Not nice. Please if you are one of these persons, CHANGE! It's bad for reputation, for business, for friendship and goodwill.

From today, ask about the welfare of the security guard, ask if your chef had had lunch, ask the gardener about his family, treat your kids and your subordinates with courtesy (use ''please'', ''thank you'', ''sorry''), open the door for that lady, let her go first, say sorry to your partner etc. The world will be a better place if we do all of these.

There's always another angle to it... Some people misinterpret and misuse respect and privileges. NEVER abuse privilege, never abuse respect, never misuse it. Just never! Because, what goes around comes around and you might just be at the receiving end someday.

I wish y'all a wonderful weekend. Please stay outta trouble and be nice!


  1. Nice...respect is indeed reciprocal. We r all learning to behave well. Welldone barby

  2. Courtesy can never be over emphasized, one way or the other everyone needs love in the little "sorrys" "thankyou" "wow,beautiful" "how've u been?" "I miss you" "great Job" "well done". Becuse in the end,it is nearly impossible to resist love.Courtesy should be our modern day definition of CIVILIZED. Nice piece (smileys wouldnt show, buh ive got a big TUMB raised


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