Happy New Month my people! God bless all of you! May this month herald new blessings, favors, miracles and breakthroughs. I wish everyone a better and longer life, good health, blessings unlimited, favors unmerited and joy in abundance. It's the second half of the year already!!!

I know that at the beginning of the year, a lot of people had both long and short term goals (or resolutions) which they hoped to achieve...some persons have achieved all of it (congratulations!), others are still on it, while some others may not have and may want to lose hope now. PLEASE DON'T LOSE HOPE! Keep trying, keep pushing, keep praying, put in your best, and you never can tell, you may just be closer to your miracle than you think. GIVING UP SHOULD NEVER BE AN OPTION. GOD'S GOT YOU!

How have y'all been doing? I bet great right? I'm elated and ''over the moon'' here. Earlier this week, I decided to advertise my blog on ''Whatsapp'' and I sent a link from the blog to all my contacts. While some were asking me awkward questions like ''why should I visit your blog?'', ''what should I expect?'', ''what's there?'' and co, I also got some amazing feedbacks. A friend of mine saw me on Monday and exclaimed ''Oh Barbara, I love your blog!''. When we had the chance to chat, she explained how she read ALL the posts in one evening. She said her battery was very low but she kept reading and her elder sister became curious about why she was so glued to her phone... My dear, that alone was enough to make my day oh! I was extremely delighted.

If there's one thing I have learnt, it is that it cost you nothing to say a word of encouragement or gratitude or to show appreciation to the next person. You never can tell how words like these can help and motivate them. That person may just be at the verge of giving up or losing faith or retreating or worse case, suicide!

I know a lot of people on this blog who never fail to tell me ''weldone'', ''nice article'', ''good job'' and the likes, even before posting a comment. God bless you! But there are some, who'll read and be like; ''madam know all, only you na relationship expert, financial manager, inspirational speaker and life coach''. I know that they love to join in the convo, but hatred and envy wouldn't let them, to these ones, I pray today for thee, get healed quick. Bitterness kills.

We have about 6000+ pageviews in less than three months of commencing this blog. The comments are not coming in like I expect them too, but I am deeply grateful that there's significant progress and that we are not where we used to be when we started. Some of you will think the money has started rolling in, unfortunately, NO, it hasn't, and I am very sincere about that. I'm encountering some challenges getting google to approve (so If you have an idea on how to go about it, please let me know, I'll appreciate that). Having y'all here waiting to read, is worth writing any article any day.

It's midweek already! Monday was just yesterday...or so it seems. Me I am sha proposing that instead of seven days a week, we should have like eight days in a week. I know the seven days has a biblical undertone, but e no dey reach again oh. I am very diligent, so I have done my research. I think the eight day should be called ''Restday''. STRICTLY for rest. Any form of work including household chores should be frowned at. Don't go out. Everyone should stay indoors. Doing anything asides resting and of course eating should be punishable and defaulters should be labeled criminals and should be put behind bars...sounds like a perfect idea right? LOL!!! If you're with me on this, say ''yeah yeah''. I discussed this concern with my elder sister and she disagrees, she feels that if seven days is no longer enough, eight days will not make any significant difference. Maybe we should make it ten days per week? Or what do you think?

In conclusion and confession, this was actually not what I set out to write about today, but then...this happened. I hope you enjoyed it?


  1. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ŠAmazing...more grease to your elbows and all other joints thereis, for those that envy and feel like dying...twas a perfect prayer over there! Ps: I hope this comment gets published, i visit this blog everyday, with new ways of making my comments show up,this is one of d million ways today *praying*

  2. Wowww! It worked...Its a beautiful July for me,whoop whoop!!!! *crosses legs* LET THE POSTS ROLL IN...!!!

    1. Awww! So happy it worked. Beautiful July it is indeed. Thanks 4 not giving up on the blog. Ur resilience is appreciated dear.

  3. Yeah yeah...relationship xpert .financial expert..etc...i cant stop laughing. ...haterz sha

    1. Yea na. Jack of all trade, master of all. Lol


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