My darlings, how have y'all been? I have to confess to you, I am among those people that come to the blog and say; ''so Barby hasn't written any new article since the last one abi?'', and then I remember I'm the ''Barby'' who is supposed to be writing the articles. *Sighs*! Please allow me to be lazy sometimes jare...body no be firewood.

This week has been annoyingly busy for me, so much thinking and spending money to do, I feel like I should pick a million dollars on the floor somewhere, but, who go loss am??? LOL.

Recently, I have been spending so much on some kinda things, I don't want to call them ''unnecessaries'' and I'll also not call them ''necessaries''. You know that difference between what you need and what you want??? Yeah! You know, what you need should be topmost priority over what you want, and what you want most times are things you can do without but don't want to do without? Well, how about you want your wants so bad that you don't seem to get any satisfaction unless you get them? Is that a crime?

This brings me to our topic of today; how much is too much to spend on yourself? Like, how much is so much splurge really? Definition of Splurge -- To spend more money than usual on something for yourself...

I have an A1 in splurge and I am proud (cos I love myself that much!). My colleague at the office feels I'm a spoilt brat. I'm not. I'm not even close to ''butter'' (over pampered) and I cannot claim or fake what I am not. But, I'm a self-acclaimed foodie. I can crave cupcakes and ice-cream this moment, and tomorrow, I am on ''buka'' rice and orisirisi (assorted) meat. Yeah right!  I can switch from Ajebo mode in one minute, to Kpako the next minute, no shaming! Yesterday at the office, I was so moody because all the meals I had access to were not what I really felt like eating. An opportunity came to try food elsewhere, I got there, I saw varieties, I made my choice, sat down to eat, and I loved the result! I came back to the office feeling so happy and grinning from one cheek to the other. My dear colleague just shook her head at me and said she was sure I have had what I wanted, I scream ''hell yeah!''.
CAVEAT -- I'm a fabulous cook oh and sometimes I cook just what I want to eat and how I want it but the other times, work and work wouldn't afford you the time, and even if you have the time, who doesn't like being served??? Less worries about who would clear the dishes and wash up abi? Bite me!

Away from the food, how about splurging on material things like shopping; clothes and shoes! They are never enough right! My shoe rack is so full but there is always a little space somewhere, for that ''baddest'' heels, or wedge, canvas, or even flats. Especially women! they never stop buying. Is it that they don't have a shoe or a shirt in that color? Of course they do! But one extra pair wouldn't hurt. Personally, whenever I attain a feat or at month end, when the credit alert comes, I try to splurge a little jare. I get myself that dream gown, or shoe, or that perfume, or makeup set, or the simplest and most fulfilling and filling of them all...a nice meal in a posh place! Bring it on baby!

Now, I must say at this point, I envy these next set of people, and I can't wait to do this very soon...those that splurge by/on vacations. Oh My Days, you guys are the real MVPs! Imagine after a busy year of work, you spoil yourself to a cool place in a foreign land!!! See new places, experience something different from the usual, try new meals, and just enjoy a beautiful natural view from your hotel room! Omo babe, congratulations! You've just shared a little glimpse of heaven like that! I hear there are some underwater hotel rooms in some countries, you'll see fishes swimming around from the comfort of your bed (close your eyes and imagine please), you can climb mountains (like Frances), go site seeing and view the wonders of creation!!! Eat good meals too...this is the life!  Sometimes, you even need these vacations and serenity to communicate with your Creator.

But do you know some people see all these as waste of money and time and resources? I know that too much of everything is bad, but when do we start calculating when a vacation, or a shoe or a meal is too much? Do we order for rice without meat/fish or do we buy a canvas without its lace or do we go on a trip and not visit places??? When is too much really too much?

I love prioritizing, and I try as much as possible to save and be financially prudent in my spending, but sometimes, you just have to close your eyes to your account balance and make yourself happy. Money can never be enough and so if you're waiting for your account to read six zeros before you start treating yourself once in a while, your wait will tey well well.

My advice (ehn, madam advice eyaf come again!)--You only have one life to live, live it to the fullest. Spoil yourself once in a while, it mustn't be so much, a little makeover, or a manicure/pedicure, or spa visit and massage or a new car, or a vacation to someplace, wouldn't hurt. Save towards a major splurge; it can be once or twice a year, keep a certain amount of your income for your ''spoiling treat'', enquire about places and things to visit and weigh your options, so you don't waste your time and money. To each his own_ I might enjoy a meal as a splurge, you might prefer a novel or a visit to the zoo or window shopping, do what your heart enjoys and what you'll derive satisfaction from, not what every other person is doing. Be original and live your life. Let me rest here.

Sweethearts, please share your cherished experiences and vacations, is there anything like too much enjoyment?, When is too much really too much? What's your usual splurge? We'll love to hear from you dearies!!!

Meanwhile, Happy Birthday and best wishes to Arnold Okolie, he is celebrating today. He is one of our ardent readers and goes by the nickname ''Aycee''. Though we haven't seen him here in a while, I hope he visits us soon. We love our readers like that!

Much love,


  1. This is so interesting cos i love fun times (you might say who doesnt but i bet u i do more than u lol).The importance of vacays, shopping or 'splurges' like the Op said cant be over stressed.

    Firstly if done with a partner it spices up the relationship and you find that you both cant get ur hands off eachother (or tongue as the case maybe lol), secondly the satisfaction it brings increases productivity in the work place.

    At any little chance please, go for it!!!

    1. Yaaaay! Ogaga is here. Yeah, vacations with spouses are the best! Thanks for reading.

  2. This post is soooo me, believe me i "splurge" alot, i do not even reserve any particular budget for it, it just happens and then i hear that voice "life na one,money is for spending", I had always learnt that what you care for too much, you loose. Been stingy to oneself is the height, i feel if the money is there,postpone the window shopping and do the real shopping, go on the vacation and take plenty selfies...let the money be the perfect replacement for a fantastic memory, eat the chinese rice so you'lld have something to contribute when u meet the Chinese men and women in China...lol, get on a plane sometimes and allow the buses and taxis chill. It is the life,its beautiful and short like that. I tell my friends,looking good in clothes,shoes,weaves and the likes magnets people who would even become better channels for the resources to get some more. Personally there is no long or short route as to how to spend cash,we know ourselves,our budgets,salary,our upbringing, our scale of preferences,our special kinds of favours and all thereis. Wisdom na em still "sure pass", bet ENJOY YOUR LIFE.(forgive my spirit of blogging in the length of the comment..lol)

    1. Konye! Ur comment cracked me up big time. I feel you jare. Long comments are allowed. Thanks dearie.

    2. "...I do not even reserve any money for it, it just happens". Guys una they hear xo...LOL

  3. Looooool @eterhere wottapun na?

  4. Seems i am late on dis gist...well, its beta to be late than to be late...Splurging as barby has described it is jus d xoxo, there is no such tin as 'too much' in wat gives u joy provided u cn afford it nd aint inconviniencing anor pesin financially. We only live 1s nd even d holy bible has said it in d book of eccl. 5.5 that life is 4d living...So lets live it to d fullest. Remb to hussle hard too, so u cn splurge well, if nt yle others r splurgin, u may be splashing mud on urself bcos u r broke...lol. interesting article barby...go girl

    1. Yeah yeah. And Eccl 5:5? Lemme go and check 2 confirm. Thanks.

  5. I believe in spending with caution sha...save for the vacay..save for the trip...plan it as part of your budget, that way there will be no regrets..

    one thing I know I can spend on is seeing new places..just travel. Mountains oh, hills oh, seas, different countries...hmm, we will upgrade soon.

  6. Realy I love enjoyment let me jst say it's lyk d traits is flowing well in d family


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