Hi Guys, top of the day to you! How was the loooooonnnng break? Trust me, I enjoyed mine and I didn't want it to end. I wish everyday can be a holiday. (Un)fortunately, we have to work; for the money and the satisfaction it brings. Interestingly, money looks good on everyone, and I have never met one person who money doesn't sit pretty on (please show me if you know one.)

You remember that article I wrote about cheating? Where I gave a story of a married man who impregnated a side chick? Well, Mr. Married man took to social media yesterday to publicly apologize to his wife and seek her forgiveness. Sounds good right? Social media was turn between if the lady should forgive him or if she shouldn't.

Well, as its our usual fashion, I'm not going to make this article about them (the story is so stale and has become over-flogged) but let's talk about ''FORGIVING CHEATING''.

Dear friends, pray not to be in a cheating situation because it is a very dicey and sensitive one. In a relationship, it's easy (not so easy though) to stand up and walk and enter the next relationship and stand up and walk and keeping walking till God knows when, but in marriage; where both parties have promised each other ''till death do us part'', the situation is different and difficult, very difficult. Let no one be deceived that walking out on your marriage and partner because he/she cheated is easy, it is not and those who choose to stay back should not be judged, they most times have their valid reasons for doing so.

There are a lot of issues to consider when a spouse has cheated...

Personally; you need to search your heart and find out if you can forgive the person. It's your choice to make, let no one make it for you and let no one pressure you into what is obtainable ''worldwide'' because it is only he who wears the shoe that knows where it hurts, and, to each his own. Secondly, it may not be easy to forget, which in my opinion is understandable, but can you live with the thought and with him? This question is very necessary to avoid putting yourself, and by extension your partner through hard times in future (especially if the cheating spouse has changed and has become faithful), if you cannot live with the thought and if living together would be hell, no need living in bondage and unhappiness, just move on please.

For the cheating spouse, you have to ask questions; was he lured by her or did he lure her? Are they (married man and side chick) willing to part ways? Is there a child between them? If there is, what is his plan as regards the kid? Is there a likelihood of your spouse and his baby mama rekindling their affair? Is there a likelihood of ''it'' happening again with someone else? All these and many more questions need to be addressed and settled.

In all, there are no hard and fast rules. We all react to issues differently and our reactions should be respected. While one person may just keep quiet and continue life, the other may need time to digest and heal. It's even more difficult for the innocent partner if he/she is a religious person whose religion preaches forgiveness and frowns at divorce. The world will be waiting to judge their every action.

I always feel for the innocent partner. Cheating is really a lot to digest and understand. Personally, I think forgiveness is inevitable especially when it is a first time (if it is chronic, please just move away quickly. Life is too precious and short to be unhappy) and if kids are involved too, they have to be put in the picture. I'll also need a reassurance that it wouldn't happen again (CAVEAT: THIS IS NOT A GO AHEAD FOR LE BOO TO CHEAT AT LEAST ONCE OH!!! LOL). I have a problem with dealing with complex situations, I might just break down, so of course, I'll need time to heal and breathe before we get back to normal.

How about you? Can you forgive cheating? How many times? Would you encourage separation for a while so that the couple can rethink, probably settle and get back together?

Please share your thoughts...


  1. If our heavenly father cn forgive us our sins...who r we nt to forgive others. A repentant and changed person deserves forgiveness. Except u hv other issues in mind dt makes it difficult to forgive. I wonder wat such issues wil be anyways...

    1. I wish it was easy for guys 2 remember the "preaching" when it's the other way round and they're d ones cheated on. What is good 4 d goose is also good for the gander.
      I believe in forgiveness, but forgiving cheating is hard.

  2. "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us". If we don't forgive a cheating spouse, how do u want God to forgive your numerous trespasses? "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". If the lord protects us from temptation, we wouldn't even cheat. If the lord delivers us from the evil women and men that will not allow us concentrate on our relationships, we wouldn't even be distracted. I think the solution is the Lord's Prayer. Say it thrice everyday in normal times and 6 times a day in times of extreme temptation. God bless you.

    1. with their excuses. So now it's God that doesn't protect u guys from the women? Some of you actually lead yourselves to d temptation.
      Anyway, I see d humour in this comment though. Let every1 say the Lord's prayer. I'll prescribe 10 times for extreme temptation.

  3. @ barby u kw generally men are selfish creatures it's always easier for them to cry for forgiveness,but the moment they catch their lovely partner cheating,it's automatically over, evenif it's just once! "Smh" ! Yes I can forgive cheating, when it's not a continuous act. When the man represents the image of a dog it really becomes very difficult,not everyone can forgive!like I said when it is continuous I will forgive u, BUT!!! Boo boo off u go,i will so kick u off like a boxer b4 u sleep with my "unborn Children" Hahahahaha! It's funny but am dead serious! Its really crazy,and even more crazier when he says,its in our nature to cheat,hisses!!! Too bad,becos I keep on asking myself what do these men want in life!!! Sadly it's only God that can forgive and forget a continuous sinful act, not humans! Forgive my manners o,i can cannot hide it anymore,but it has to be said,i always get sooooo happy when I hear and see guys being cheated on by their bae,hmmm,my reply would be"ohhh! Well! Ok! It's cool"! Lolz! Bye!

  4. Again,two wrongs cannot make a right,if his cheating becomes disgusting forgive him and kick him off,a woman should not cheat becos her partner is cheating,she should never change her beautiful personality becos of a man, instead walk away,in life I know there is no perfect human,but she will definitely find that man that respects and appreciates her big time! Afterall all men are not the same,dats life!

    1. I can like Efoma's comment ehn!. ''As e take pain you naim u talk am''. Well said my dear. LMAO at ''sleep with your unborn children'', I bet some men would do that if it were possible. Just like you said, I think no lady needs to lower her standards by cheating to pay her partner. If it is too much for you, please walk away. God bless you Efoma.

    2. Hahahahaha,am a realist! God bless you too barby

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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