Truth be told, I had no plans to blog today. 10 days to the new year, and it’s beginning to settle in that 2016 is done and dusted. All I feel now is: AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Yes! No better title will do justice to how I really feel. I started this year on a low. Real low. At this time last year, I was fresh outta NYSC with no job or prospects. Even though I wanted the service year to end as quickly as possible, I was not sure what direction my life would take. I went back to my father’s abode with no plans for my life. Don’t get me wrong…I made alternative plans ahead of time. I wrote examinations for my Masters programme whilst I was still serving, I sent out CVs to different law firms and organisations, I wrote several examinations, attended interviews both within and outside my domain, and I spoke to a few persons about helping out with a job. I can say, I did all I could do, but, things didn’t work out as I envisaged. I was downcast, without a job, back at my father...