B.O, M.O, or Any O at all...

Hi Sugars...hope you had a good yesterday? Don't worry, today will be better. Just put it in prayers and put in more efforts. Between, T.G.I.F! What's your plan for the weekend? Are you voting? Please stay outta trouble.

So i'm all for cleanliness is next to Godliness and that's why today, we're talking about something very important and very delicate too, which gives me so much concern; Body Odour, Mouth Odour, Vagina Odour, Shoe Odour and any odour at all. Any of them or all of them is BAD!!! And what is bad is bad. No two way about it.

Haba na! Pity friends and family that come your way on a daily basis. How can one be so cruel? LOL. Some days ago I read a friend's PM (personal message) on BBM and he said ''people should invest in soaps, deodorants, perfumes and co if not for themselves but for the sake of other people they meet daily''. I couldn't agree less. What does it take to be clean and smell like a million bucks really? Not so much. Some peeps be smelling like rotten fish mixed in spoilt beans. Not nice at all.

Hygiene is important and cannot be overemphasized and we should preach it till it gets to the end of the world. Yes, I said so. From the little baby that wears dirty clothes because the mother thinks he/she is a child and you cannot separate a child from dirt (really?), to the babies having catarrh dripping from their nostrils, to the adult that doesn't use a deodorant or cannot change underwear. I can go on...

These things are simple as A,B,C and your budget doesn't need to add up to hundreds of naira to get it right. Let us list the simple things and in no particular order-
  1. Use a good soap. It doesn't have to be 5k to be good. Just make sure it is a disinfectant or anti-bacterial.
  2. Use a good sponge. Of course we know this shouldn't be hard to do. Let it not be too soft like the cheek of a chubby baby. There's this Yoruba sponge called ''kan kan'', I use that, and it can literally wash your sins away. E dey scrub die.
  3. Wash properly. It's your body, so no fear or shyness. Scrub all dem areas, with particular details to your armpit, under the breasts, veejayjay, between your laps, behind you ears, etc.
  4. Invest in good and long-lasting deodorants and perfumes.
  5. Wear clean underwear. Wear ONLY once and then wash. Wash them preferably under running water, rinse properly, dry them where the sun can reach them.
  6. Ladies, wear girly colours (white, peach, cream, light blue and the likes) underwear, the black shouldn't be regular. For tights, make sure they are perforated in the V region to allow there breathe and air pass through.
  7. Use a good toothpaste. Again, it is not the name that matters. There should be a purpose the toothpaste is serving if not, you could just use the regular OMO then. Ok, scratch that. But you should understand what I mean. If you have a decaying tooth, visit a dentist asap. There are toothpaste for whitening, for sensitive tooth and co. Buy the one that suits your ''condition''. Don't follow the bandwagon. Also, have chewing gums, and menthol sweets in your bags.
  8.  It's ok to sweat and natural too considering the peculiarity of our weather conditions here but do well to wear clothes that fit the weather. Why would you wear sweaters in a hot weather and be sweating like a Christmas goat??? Why would someone hate his/herself that much? Keep your handkerchiefs within reach too, don't leave sweat running down your face like the world is on your shoulders.
  9. Apply cream under your feet and air your shoes occasionally.
  10. Carry your body sprays and perfumes everywhere you go.
Dear friends, do well to make a healthy nation. I use to have a friend in secondary school that had a particular scent to his name. If you close your eyes and he passes by, you can tell he is the one, this was in Secondary school oh! Big ups to him, I hope he still remains that way till now.

There's a challenge to all of this though, if you have a friend with any of the Os, how do you help out such friends without embarrassing them? Do you tell them nicely? Or do you just buy a pack of soaps, a tube of toothpaste or a body spray to help their ministry? Would they not feel offended? What's your experience with this kind of people? What other hygiene routine do you have or make? Please tell us, we waiting...

Cleanly yours,


  1. Oh my God,sori O my God since we r tlkn abt Os...i cant stop laughing. Mayb u shud try stand up comedy too barby...when i saw d bo mo. Nd Os...i ws wondering what u were tlkn abt until i read it...i am even stil smiling. Bt serzly, pple shud consider others even if they dnt consider themselves...varginal O is d worst..,bt w8 O, mouth O nr easy too o...Too many Os. Barby u killed dis 1...lmao. Its vry difficult to tel a friend abt any of d Os sha...bt pple shud advice themselves abeg....we need good Oxygen in d world...daz anor O..lol

  2. All the Os are really terrible MO, BO and V.O. Have you noticed that it is people with MO that bring their mouth close to your face when talking to you? Have you been sandwiched between two people with very exotic African BO from Ogbomosho and Gboko in a bus, while stuck in a terrible 3rd mainland bridge lagos traffic ? When I am in the above condition I usually unleash the most potent of farts from my bowels. Most annoying of all is VO. The puerile stench that oozes out from some ladies' pleasure palace can send the queen of England packing from Buckingham palace to a grave in odiologbo of enwhe's palace. I find myself asking questions like "how can this beautiful, sophisticated, tush girl produce this abominable stench?" I still need answer to that question. But wait oh, how do we tell a beautiful girl that her Veejays stink? Hmmmm. Ever wondered why it is so difficult for the cum to come along when u re busy with a smelling veejay. I am sure you know how hard it is to stop when you haven't cum. Cum is a bastard. Why won't cum come when u need it most. So much to say, about these Odorous merchants of destruction. My admonition is simple, save the planet, stop destroying the ozone layer with your odours

  3. Pardon my erratic punctuations.

  4. Lmao...dis gift guy is a naughty dude... veejayjay.lol...as if its an indian movie title. All d Os r rili terrible...I think Channel O is stil safe to watch musics wtout any smell......thnk God. ..i am stil laughing at d queen moving to ehwen...D Os when go kil her there eh...sh shud jus face Otuoke..atleast na O

  5. @ barbara I guess this issue is centred only on the ladies ooo,what about guys that have POs lolz u know what I mean! And guys that keep very dirty boxers,dey can wear one boxers for a week or even more.i remember when I did a one year programmes in abk,I was staying off k,and one day I washed my clothes,and went to hang them,lo and behold when I got to the swing, I saw a guys boxers,it had mixed colours,mehnn,if u see the middle of this boxers ehenn,it was like mud water,i got bewildered and said to myself"a guys boxers?i was forced to call. My neighbours who were guys and asked them the owner of the boxers and they all denied,it was damn funny that day I swear

  6. Funny enough wearing of those dirty boxers and pants for leg has a way of naturalising the odour genes, this leads to procreation of offsprings with inborn hereditary BO. Save the future kids, Buy a new boxer or pant for someone today.

  7. Some guys boxers sha...God abeg o..lol...some hv turned wrestlers nd even street fignters....even some singlets,aside d brownish sides, some r like girl's bra...jumped to almst deir chest...Bt i think if u c dt kinda guy..ul knw dem...nd its common wt fat boys...i am nt generalising oh, bt its common wt dem...Bck to women...u cn hardly tel a woman has d Os frm her looks....even some slim women r d real smellus...

  8. AKPOS; LOL. U cracking me up seriously. So many Os actually.
    Gift Onoriode, I see you. And u're right, the peeps with M.O always talk very close to you. You can only help urself be moving farther from them.
    Efoma, I didn't intentionally make this article abt the ladies oh. But I see what you mean. Just like the boxers you saw, guys get their own 4 body too.

  9. Nobody mentioned how shaving is also important. I missed that in my first article. Some peeps be keeping their pubic or armpit hair like they want to sell it. Not cool. Keep those places neat and allow air flow.

  10. Vaginal odour. I've been unfortunate enough to come across some. But they say douching isn't healthy, so??? Really, some girls I've been with actually take the pains to scrub the area thoroughly enough when bathing. In fact, I've helped with scrubbing. but the odour seems to return naturally after a few hours. VO discourages cunnilingus. No cunnilingus means dead sex. Pardon my seeming obsession with VO. It's the most disturbing for me. I don't even get close enough once I notice either MO or BO. I could be vocal about it tho. "Did you just wake up from a loong nap? Your breath is unusually disturbing." "Have you been sweating? Maybe you should shower" lol. You know me Barby, I must yarn.

    In other news, accept my most sincere compliments and encouragement. You write very well.

  11. Haha. Shaving? I actually like my women quite hairy. I mean, not exactly all bushy, but certainly not bald. Am I weird?

  12. Barby this is a really nice write-up. For peeps with MO, I'll encourage the use of mouthwash after each meal, as well as an intermittent use of mouthspray (say once in every hour). BO as you advised can be doused by proper body hygeine and use of perfumes. As for VO, it's a discussion for me, uncle pee and other sabi boys over a bottle of something. Lol. Anyway please keep up the good work. Remain blessed.

  13. Hi Austin; good to have you join the discussion. You have made valid points. I also love how you drop it nicely for those with MOs and BOs! I bet they wouldn't hurt but rush off to do the needful. As per the shaving thing, we cannot all agree on that though cos I have heard little hair down there is kk. True. But armpit hair is a NO NO. And I hope we both agree on that one.
    Thanks for the encouragement and do read us again.

  14. Hello Toju, where have you been hiding??? Thank goodness the blog was able to find you! We love your tips on BO and MO. Thanks and keep refreshing this page.

  15. 🐦/📷 @arnoldaycee

    All I can do here is laugh and list punchlines that had me rolling

    BARBIE: What does it take to be clean and smell like a million bucks really? Not so much. Some peeps be smelling like rotten fish mixed in spoilt beans. Not nice at all

    UNCLE PEE: Have you been sandwiched between two people with very exotic African BO from Ogbomosho and Gboko in a bus, while stuck in a terrible 3rd mainland bridge lagos traffic ? When I am in the above condition I usually unleash the most potent of farts from my bowels
    - Most annoying of all is VO. The puerile stench that oozes out from some ladies' pleasure palace can send the queen of England packing from Buckingham palace to a grave in odiologbo of enwhe's palace.
    - So much to say, about these Odorous merchants of destruction

    AUSTIN: Did you just wake up from a loong nap? Your breath is unusually disturbing." "Have you been sweating? Maybe you should shower

    I still can't stop laughing. Barbie you just outdid yourself... I'm looking forward to seeing how you'd top this.


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