The Working Mom or the Sit-at-Home Mom?

Been a while right? Not like I abandoned you my darlings, it's just that the week has been kind of busy for me. I tried to put together a post but it didn't come through.

Personally, I want to thank God for the safety of the Orekoya kids, I just heard this morning that they have been returned safely to their mother. For the benefit of those that may not know the story, the kids(three young boys including an 11 month old baby) were kidnapped by their nanny who started working with them a day before the kidnap. From stories that went viral on the internet, I could gather that the working mother of the kids got the nanny through a site online (name withheld) which offers local classified ads for jobs, for sale, real estate, services etc. She conducted her ''due diligence'' and was convinced she had gotten a nanny for the job after speaking via phone call to two guarantors who attested to knowing the nanny. Long story short, the next day, the kids went out with the nanny and never came back. A call was later placed by the nanny and her cohorts for a ransom of 15 million naira (then 13 million) to be paid to secure the release of the kids.

Yesterday, while having lunch with my colleagues, one of them spoke of how she caught her nanny beating her 8 month old son. She said the way she felt at the moment was indescribable because the nanny knew she was around the house but still beat her son that way. Just make a mental picture of what happens when she is in the office and the nanny is alone with her son.

Sometime ago, I have gone to get my niece from her crèche only to meet her crying profusely, with red eyes and catarrh dripping from her nostrils. She was unattended to, as the nanny just sat at the other end and watched her cry her eyes out. The way I screamed and drew rain that evening is a story for another day. Some humans are wicked and that is putting it nicely, for lack of a better word! Why would you derive pleasure in making innocent children cry or inflicting pain on them?
The day my niece fell ill and had to be admitted, my sister almost resigned her job. The pressure was too much! There's even pressure when the kid is in perfect health, and you have to joggle a 7am-7pm(unofficial time) job, with caring for the kid(s), and caring for the husband  and house chores and other life issues, imagine it the other way round when the kid is ill. It is just crazy. Women are Heroes.

So I ask, would you rather be a housewife or a working mother?

Be aware that both ''job designations'' has its pecks. If you are a housewife, you'll have the whole time to watch your kids grow and monitor them. Being a housewife also means little or no personal money(not always the case), idleness and sweeping your degrees under the carpet. It could also mean no friends or contact, your mates are ahead of you career wise and a whole lot of other things too.
Being a working woman, you'll have little time for your children, hence, you may fall into the hands of evil nannies(there are some good ones though), you may not be so productive in work because your mind is elsewhere but you'll have enough to take care of the child and support the family too, you also have the opportunity to rise in your career if you want to. Considering the economic and financial challenges of life, more money is never enough. A relative staying with you might not be a bad idea, but some husbands or wives do not like that, they prefer a neutral party to avoid conflict in the home.

All through my childhood, my Dad prevented my Mum from working so that she could take care of the home. I thank them both because they made me who I am today. We all need both the financial and moral care of both parents. No one is more important than the other. I didn't have any experience of nannies, so I can safely say that I am among the lucky few. Some others where not too lucky, you hear of cases of child molestation, rape, kidnap, brutality, witchcraft, husband snatchers and the likes and some kids have to live with such nightmare all their lives, this leads to some of the vices we hear about. The kids grow up to be hardened and may derive pleasure from inflicting pain on other people (remember ''Fifty Shades of Grey''?).

It's a Catch 22 situation. Either way, there are bonuses as well as challenges. As a lady, which would you rather indulge in? As a husband, which would you have your wife do? If you're unmarried now, and you hope to be one day, how do you plan to overcome these challenges?

I would advice that ALL companies; private or public, large or small should have a crèche in the office complex where their staff who are nursing mothers can keep their kids. That way, the kids are closer to the parents and the parents can have routine check on them and also the nannies are kept in check. Everyone goes home happy. Don't you think?

Photo Credit: @MOTA_Quotes

Enjoy the rest of your day,


  1. To say i am pissed right nw,is to say d least...i hv written my comment then clicked on preview nd zamssss...i cnt find d comment, i vex ehn... I guess i hv to painfully write anor 1...Wetin we go do na?some of us look 4ward to barby's write ups...i cnt help bt say barby is a genuis in her own way..Nd ur posts of late hv taken anor dimension oh,d issues r very sensitive nd delicate dt 1 wil hv to read a sip nd read agn...match d post wt his/her life b4 commenting...abeg is dis ur intention?bcos its working.. Back to d post...dis is a very sensitive issue as it affects d innocent child more..workin mum or sit at home mum?hmmm. Let us marry it wt reality, for d hussy,u either meet ur wife already workin or unemployed...if sh is workin already, then u may need to plan hw to raise d child(ren) b4 dey strt comin...if sh is nt wrkin...then its easy, sh bcoms d home maker...wat abt wen sh gets a job.. dis ofcos wil influence d kinda jobs sh seeks...My point is, pple plannin to get married shud discuss dese issues serzly nd mk adequate plans for them, bcos child(ren) wil come nd things wil definately change...I grew up wt plenty loved 1s arand bcos alot of pple r ahead of me, so growing up ws swt(i am among d lucky 1s too) lol. ..Personally, i wnt a working class wife, nt a biznes woman o,xcept dt 1 is part tym...i really wnt a career wife. Aside d assistance sh wil bring to d ouse, sh wil also be hapi workin instead of sit at home idle nd be professionally lonely...we all want hapi wives,dnt we?...however, i prefer her to be employed wt d govt or private corporations dt closes on time...latest 5pm. Given d reality, its almst difficult to stay alone(hussy nd wife) . A relation or helper is almst d kids wil stil need helper nd d parents wil try their best to do their best..I support a helper in d home,relation or nt,God wil bring good 1s ...This is my opinion as at nw, xcept Future wife has a better plan...y am i feeling my post is too long?lol.

    1. Oh dear, so sorry about the challenge you experienced. For you to try to comment again shows the interest you have for the blog. Thanks and God bless. Back to the topic...
      Unlike the days of old where the standard of living wasn't so expensive, things have changed now and a breadwinner's salary may not be able to sustain the family, hence the need for women to work and contribute. Plus, women are agitating for better positions in the society rather than to be relegated to the background. Permit me to say that ''a working woman/mother is just plain sexy''.

  2. Well I can humbly say that I have always dreamt of becoming a lovely mother to my family and also a working wife, and YES! U can achieve both positive agendas perfectly, NOW the question is how do we achieve this aim? First as a married woman who intends to work u have to equally balance the joy of ur family and ur career, and the only thing I ask God for is to give me a job with a mouth watery salary that will not sap the time of my family,atleast I pray to work in a govt parastatal where they close by latest 4-5pm,i believe that would create enough time for my kids n husband,lolz! And again in oda to get closer to ur kids if u feel work has really taken u away from them,spend quality time with them during weekends,to that end I think it will contribute to the joy of their upbringing.

    1. Hi Efoma, I agree with you that we can achieve both perfectly. Getting a job where you close early, say 4pm or 5pm would afford you enough time to be with the children and husband. Everything in life requires balancing of priorities.

  3. You may be right to say you are among the lucky few but I think the rest of us did not do too badly being raised by working class moms. Infact, It was blessed because all I see is my mom and I cant remember any nany's face. I would like to be a working class mom and May God helps us all !

    1. Hi dear, thanks for commenting. This article does not intend to portray working mums in a bad light or as choosing work over their children. I only highlighted the sacrifices in both situations. Ironically, some sit at home moms also have nannies. I would also want to work and take care of my home...please do visit us again.

  4. it is such a difficult decision for the guys , you want a working wife not so that she can earn her own money but so she doesn't become idle, lazy and possibly unattractive from sitting at home everyday or some shop. Then again you need your kids well taken care of while you are out hustling for the family.
    i really agree women are superheroes though. Nature bless them all

    1. I share your reasons for men wanting a working wife. It is really a tough decision to make considering the wife herself and of course, the kids. Thanks for visiting. God bless.

  5. i humbly think its easier these days to combine being a mother (good mother), a wife (good one too) and working nw. i would rather have her working buh with a good sense of prioritising.
    on a lighter mood also, cant there be a full house husband?

  6. Full house husband? Let's start with you, can you do that? Allow ur wife work while u sit at home and baby sit and even cook. Your answer is as good as mine...You know men and this ego thing. But nowadays, you'll see men who wouldn't want to work oh, they'll also not want to do the chores and co, they'll want the lady to work, bring all her money, cook, clean, take care of the kids and also perform her ''wifely'' duties too. Una try.

  7. i dont have a problem with it, in fact i joke with my friends about it most times. i can always dust ma papers anytime and go in search for job if i gt bored or start a business to be managed by an expert or work smtin out. i can cook and take care of the kids and with the help of a house maid or two u will do just fine. if she is my "wife", there is a reason she got that far...


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