Is it an ''act'' or an ''art''?  Take note, that one of them is the doing of a thing while the other is the skill or craft in doing a thing. Don't get confused dear, I'm talking about the ''Act and Art of  Prying''.

Thumbs up to some peeps!!! They can be nosy for Africa or even the world! They don't understand the word ''privacy'', everything is community purpose for them. They feel that they have the unreserved right to know what is going on in your life. Those of them that confronts you and even ask bizarre questions are ''respectful''. Have you met those who wouldn't ask but would find out by themselves??? Like, they want to know who's the guy you're seeing and would check your dialed calls, missed calls, messages, chat history on social media and co just to be well equipped with enough info. Friends fa? Not even the boyfriend and girlfriend ish.

Ok na.

Even if it is the boyfriend and girlfriend drama, does that make prying right? Doesn't that translate to a lack of trust between you two? It's a two way thing; the guys and the gals are equally guilty. I have done it, and you may have done it too, but if you haven't, you are a hero of some sort and you can cast the first stone (not at my direction though). Hehehehe.

 Some guys/girls are skilled in prying(this is where prying as an art comes in); your phone may have a password, but they will still find their way around it. They'll form "asleep'' when you are punching your password and they'll cram the digits like their life depends on it. Some other peeps cannot wait for you to drop your phone in peace and use the restroom before they hijack it and make sure it doesn't lock before they feast on your messages et al. The ''ogas'' in prying don't even need to see you punch the keys, if you stand a distance from them and they are on the opposite side, I bet you, they can tell if you just punched an ''A'' or a ''Z''. They are bad like that. LOL.

Believe me, the mind of a prier is made up. They already know what they want to see. They only want to confirm and satisfy their prying urge. So, imagine their joy when they see what they set out to see and even more? If it's a bf/gf situation, you may have a lot of answering to do. If it is a friend who is just being nosy, then, he/she is up to date on your life and they can decide to make or mar you with their findings.
Prying has led to the break up of many relationships and friendships. It is the same prying that has led to the leak of many nude pics (though it beats me to why a person might have that on their phones *confused face*. Don't you know how you look already?).

I have had my own fair share of prying. I once saw a chat on my friend's phone, though I have forgiven and let go, whenever I remember, I just hate the never ends well, especially when the content isn't ''well''.

Over to you! In your opinion, what are the benefits of prying? Why do people pry? Is it a trust issue or is it more like a person's character? Do you pry? Do you wish you can stop? Do you have a password enabled phone? Why? What's the worse you have seen while ''searching''?

Let's discuss pals. I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Trust issues. Benefits: Nil. We already know no one is trustworthy.

  2. Lol , Austin. Thanks for stopping by. Is it true no one is trustworthy? Can we generalize like that? Or isn't it better not to trust a person not bcos they aren't trustworthy but bcos you don't want to hurt urself if perchance they are not??? Dicey right?

  3. to my mind actually, what's troubling a lot of people is inferiority complex and the thoughts of someone doing better than they are. we all in some way want to be ahead of others especially our peers. whether its outta trust or not, people will pry into your affairs. i always make myself comfortable with that as a sense of doing well ahead of persons, to be deserving of being "pry-ed" or monitored self. you are doing well Barbie-gurl/lady, i am already proud of you. permit me to share links to the blog on my timelines.

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  6. Hmmm...this 1 is really interesting...d pryor or the pryee...( wch do we fall under lol) Well, i think some pple do it as an hobby or habit nd some others do it bcos their partner gave them a reason to..i am tlkn abt relationshp nw...i hv done it b4, bt certainly nt as an hobby or habit bt d latter reason..either ways, i think its bad. If u really wanna check his or her fone, ask for it...nd if its passworded, ask for d password...D funny nd embarrassing part of prying is when u r caught..jeez, ul look like a bigfool dt does nt 1 barby...go girl

  7. Mehnn! I used to pry oooo,but I changed cos u must get hurt in one way or the other. As for trust issues,i hardly trust men cos I don't want to get hurt,but u just hv to pretend to trust him to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.@ Austin some persons are trustworthy is just that u havnt met them yet! @ barbara nyc one

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  9. Yea I have a password enabled phone! Why? Well to keep nosy friends away from ny biznes,and emmm! To make him jealous!yeaaaa,u are really not hiding anything from him ooo,but as a lady u just wanna be asked these questions to make u feel fly..."y did u put a password on ur phone"? What are u hiding? Sweetie please can I watch pictures on ur phone? Babyyy can I know ur password?lolz and all u just reply him is "abeg take the phone jare,the password is ******,and he smiles like a fulfilled man! Funny hw men behave like babies sometimes! As for the worse thing I ever saw while prying,hmmm!OMG it was a suicidal message, mehnnn!,but u know nah,its a man's world and they will always deny!

  10. LOL at Akpos. Someone that wants to pry would never ask for your password. And being caught while prying isn't nice at all.

  11. @ Efoma, thanks for commenting. I laughed at ''pretending to trust ur man'', *lips sealed* on that one. I also have a passworded phone and I think i'll still have that even if I lived alone. I have gotten used to it. You don't want to know things I have seen when prying. Story for another day.

  12. Lateef; inferiority complex is definitely a factor I must say. But is there anything like ''healthy prying''? Cos I think I do that too. Like following up on a mentor's life. Can we justify that?


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