The Travails of a Working Single Girl (2)

Personally, I think that the pressure on young ladies to get married in this part of our world is unfair.

Although the biological clock does not tick in their favor, please afford them the opportunity to be mentally and physically ready for the huge step. I am not one of dem ladies who would get herself  worked up because of this marriage issue and I advice all single ladies to do same.

There's nothing like ''You don finish school, where is the man?'' Please did you send me to school to hook a man? I thought it is books they read in school, when did that change to the study of man? I didn't get the memo. Sorry.

Me I sha wouldn't subscribe to such nonsense from anyone, especially outsiders (I can give excuses for parents and siblings but anyone aside them should take several seats abeg). Have you noticed that it is even the outsiders that are more ''concerned'' than your parents and siblings? When the see you at your friend's wedding, they ask you questions like ''when we dey come chop your own rice oh'' (must you get married before you can offer them a plate of rice and chicken if that's what they care so much about in this life??? It beats me seriously) or ''you no dey go husband house?'' Really? Please just tell me you aren't serious about that question? Lol, life is not that serious jor. You guys should chill.

My darling singles, don't fall for these pressures oh, they are just set up. If you think you are reasonably old and should be married already, pray to God and wait on him. But if you are just outta school and got a job, do you. Don't be pressurized. If the right man comes along during the time, marry him, if not, do things that you can be proud of and he would be proud of when he comes along; get more degrees, climb your career ladder, invest in properties, travel and treat yourself to some good stuffs. DO NOT RUSH INTO MARRIAGE and do not fall into the wrong hands because you were so in a hurry, a man can spot a desperate woman from a distance. Do not go and suffer for free what others are enjoying in peace. The ''world people'' that made you rush wouldn't be there when you get in and you need to joggle between work and the family. They'll not be there when you so want to breathe fresh air on a vacation in some serene location but you cannot go because there's the kid and the husband to put into consideration (sometimes, I just want to be alone from everybody. It happens to you too right?). They'll not be there when your Boss gives you a warning signal that you have become less productive at work due to your combined duties as wife, mother and career woman. My dear, I pray for a good home for all of us and I want to enjoy marriage, parenthood and motherhood, but, I am not so much in a hurry that I would then miss my singlehood. Mbanu!

Recently, Wendy Williams suggested that ladies should build their careers in their twenties and get married in their thirties and this became a debate on many social platforms. While I would not want to put an age bracket to when a single girl should get married, I would say its best to have explored life PURPOSEFULLY before delving into marriage. The reason for this is not far-fetched. Marriage requires a whole lot of sacrifice; for the sake of your family and kids. If you are someone who hasn't lived life before getting married, you'll just hate yourself and in no time, you'll begin to transfer the aggression and frustration on your family. Who you help? I read an article somewhere and the lady who is 27 years old now, said she got married at 23, she has two kids and she is already tired of everything (this is not a case of domestic abuse or the likes oh). All the aspirations she had growing up were not fulfilled because she had to truncate them at some point for the sake of her family. She wish she had waited a little longer and fulfilled her dreams before getting married. This story scares the shit outta me. How do you already get tired of marriage at 27? As in 1, 2, 3...27 kwa? Your life should have just begun by then. You should be full of life and smiles now. If you fall in this category, it is never too late to pick up from where you stopped. Do things that make you happy and rejuvenate yourself.

PS---There's no hard and fast rule to all of this, infact, this is not a one story fits all kind of thing. For each, his own. Therefore, your story can be different. Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde got married quite early, she glows everyday. You may have her kind of story, I may too. But the discourse here is that ladies shouldn't succumb to societal pressure to get married quick. Enjoy your youthfulness. Further your education, visit new places, rise in your career and be better for yourself, because when marriage comes, the whole story changes, it will never be about YOU anymore, it'll be about putting your family first and you wouldn't want to be the last to do so.

NOTE: Single as used here means ''unmarried'' and not a relationship status. So please don't bite
Please share your experiences and views in the comment section, We await you.


  1. Cool stuff. You should write something for the guys too soon.

  2. Weldone. Nice write up.

  3. Hmmmmm....daz all i cn say to this article, hmmm. Its actually interesting...jus like a very interesting movie u jus finished watching at d cinema, then u realise ...haah, its actually a movie. Lol... Some of those in marriages r tired already, alot of those outside wanna go in by all means...Some age r definately too young to get married in my opinion bn u male or female,bt age is jus a numb abi? Kk, some numbers r too young to be in a marriage. Use ur early nd mid 20s very well nd purposefully,good men will line up for u nd with God on ur side, everything wil fal in place for u....Xplore d world nr b ashawo o, bcos dt is d undstdn of many young girls, to xplore d world is to taste all type of men dt wil pay flight tickets, lodge u in xpensive hotels, tk u shopping etc. Wch is nt bad too,bcos ul be balling, bt these stuffs hv price tags of una don use una real husband do friend wt benefits,fling nd even runs.. then marry anor pesin husband. Yet u wnt diaisgod...In d end, my final submission on this article is, there is nothing interesting about bn single. If u r a girl, nd u r more than 30 nd u dnt even hv a serz man in ur life, in all fairness, u need Jesus. Nd if u r a guy nd u r more than 35 nd no serz lady in ur life worthy of settling down with ...U need serz prayers...I repeat,there is nothing fun abt bn single o, even if na dream u single, wake up nd pray against

    1. Nothing interesting about being single? Haba! Is one's happiness tied to another person? You should make urself happy, regardless of the situation. There are single people living happier than some married folks. Very true. Nobody (male or female) deserves to be pressurized into marriage. And yes, explore the world doesn't mean prostitution. Glad you emphasized that.

  4. Being single is a not a curse! And if there is no reasonable man or woman to be in a serious relationship with u cannot force anyone on u becos u want to get married by all means! Age is what people use as a mistaken factor to enter into marriage,yes an unmarried girl at 30 should know what she wants or even b4 30 should pray to God about the kind of man she wants to settle down with, and observe the necessaries,and again I guy that is up to 35 and umarried is not cursed,the only thing he needs to do is to make up his mind to stop his games and know what he really wants and pray! In our society today a lot of divorce cases everywhere,everyday, why? Becos pple get married for the wrong reasons,it's a pity! As a young girl or man who is up to a marriageable age, and when marriage doesn't come u dnt have to kill urself,make the best out of ur life,the ur destined life partner will always come,so my submission is being single is not a curse but a blessing, make the best out of singlehood,becos some life partners are dream killers,so b4 dey kill ur dreams achieve every.......

  5. And I forgot to say this! Barby a good article uhv got!

  6. And I forgot to say this! Barby a good article uhv got!

  7. Thanks Efoma. I was almost going to do a post on ''Where is Efoma?'' on the blog, been a while, we missed ur comments. Thank God you came along right in time. Lol.
    Singlehood is a blessing and not a curse...I should rewrite the title of this article, don't you think? Thanks for your wise counsel.

  8. Smiles,ur article is just perfect! U are welcome!

  9. nice post Madam, i am actually the serial father type and that's why i am a fan of Tuface (keep ur moral judgments to ursef on dat). in all honesty, ones happiness should top the list of priorities cos nobody is really interested in the woes of marriage after their dancing shoes are off. you should be the one to determine and ascertain when you are psychologically and physically ready for the journey. love does not really last more than a couple of months or luckily year, buh ur perseverance and carte blanche or what is called will keep you going.
    best wishes Barby, ure doin so well

    1. Carte Blanche, u people will sha be blowing my head away with big big grammar. I had to quickly pick up my dictionary b4 I carry last. Lol. Thanks.

  10. dont mind me fa, i ve been reading stuffs..


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