Women, Love Thyselves!

My people, my people...this week must be good oh, I wake up every morning feeling happy. But it seems I know the secret; when you dress well, and you get compliments, you feel a certain kinda way. Yesterday, I wore the same dress worn by one of my fashion icons and she reposted the picture on her Instagram page. Cool right? Lol.

Yesterday still, this happened...

On one of them blogs, I saw this picture and you cannot imagine my displeasure. Like if everything on earth is an issue, should this even make the list? Haba na. And I could only reasonably conclude that this was put together by a woman. I'll tell you why; a man whose wife is pregnant and at the point of delivery usually doesn't care if the baby comes out from down there or up here, his priority is that mother and child comes out safe and sound. Secondly, I have never seen any man who has been in the delivery room with his wife and who wouldn't come out and praise and respect the womenfolk after that. Thirdly, men has little time for these petty drama and that's true. I am sure that this mindset began from a lady who gave birth the natural way and wants to feel better and superior to other ladies who had a C-Section. Not nice at all. Why would you even think of it in the first place? The heart of man is really wicked oh! Fear God my people! So it is not good enough that mother and baby are healthy and living again? You na have to make a distinction between eba and hot water again abi? Like seriously? Okay.
The envy and hate has always been pronounced among the womenfolk. And it is worrisome. You see a fellow woman doing great and you are wondering; ''what the h*ck is she feeling like?'', ''does she think she is better than the rest of us?''. Or your friend enjoys a good relationship or she has the guy who adores her and spends heavily on her and you're praying they don't last or you go and tell the guy how his girl isn't so serious with him and how you feel he deserves better. La wa oh! World people! I hail. I once had a friend who broke up with her guy (after the I pleaded with her not to)
and she was busy going back to see the guy at his place when the guy already had a new babe. I told her straight up that it was wrong and that she had had her time, she should give the new lovebirds their chance to fly and guess what? She was furious with me, she expected me to be on her side as against the other girl. I couldn't, despite the fact that I didn't know the new gf, I couldn't just condone the wrong thing at a fellow girl's expense. It isn't right.

Some ladies just have this ''bring down'' syndrome. So long as it is a fellow girl, they'll always be against it. If it likes, let it be the ''rightest'' thing to do, they'll always find an error and be against it. Borrow a leaf from the guys, they always have their backs each time even at OUR expense and they'll never kill themselves because of us. But we are ready to pour acid, prepare poison, visit that native doctor to fight our fellow women. An example is this picture. Separating the naturals from the ''artificials''. And if this flies, they'll then separate the premature from the rest and tag it one name again. Irrelevant issues. Do they know how many lives would have been lost but which has been saved through C-Section? Do they also know how many lives we have lost that could have been saved if only the doctors explored the other option of C-Section? Dear sweet ladies, support each other and let's all be one happy lot. Disunity breeds violence and we don't want that.

On a lighter note, this caught my attention yesterday too. Permit me to laugh...



  1. Nyc article....ladies...behave like a lady nd think like a man..lol

    1. In summary, act like a lady, think like a man. Very apt.

  2. Like seriously! When I saw that picture and write up. I was angry,i said to myself"who is this senseless woman"?its a " big" pity! C section and normal delivery" who cares ?if u gave birth to ur baby normally,the most important thing like barby said is for the mother and child to come out alive from the labour room! Whether c section or what have we! And as regards that jealousy part ehennnn! It's so disgusting! Haba! Them jealous ladies I hail o! This life is simple only when u make it simple for urself,y give urself headache about another person's progress,u only create room for untimely death. Biko be happy for people when they are prosperous in all ramifications of their lives and u will see urs will come in no time! In a nutshell,let your mind always be at peace and be happy with people's happiness!

    1. Darling, thanks for reiterating. Truly, when you're happy for other people, your mind is always at peace and your own happiness is sure.

  3. My girl,Tanx 2 my guy,I can comment on Ur blog over n over n as many times as I wanted

    1. Yaaaaaay, Aunty FG is here. Now I can get ur opinion on our hot topics. Welcome.


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