What's Your Plan?

What's your plan?

Have a drive, have a goal, focus on the dream, and watch yourself excel.

I have never been a fan of ''take each day as it comes''. Very wrong statement. Taking each day means you accept whatever comes your way like you don't have a choice. You do have a choice, and you shouldn't take each day as it comes, instead, OWN each day. Push yourself and try harder.

A friend once said that there is a difference between ''working hard'' and ''working smart''. The two entails working but the difference lies in how you work. Do not labor in vain. Work hard, and if you are not achieving as much result as you hoped for, try something different. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid of pushing yourself. Every man has the ability to be better. It is also said that; ''no matter how long and hard you work on a wrong route, you can never get to the right destination''. What a wise statement! The wrong route only leads to the wrong destination. There's no two way about it, except, you retrace your steps and make the right turn which would lead to the right destination. It hurts so much to see people who work hard but are not getting as much results as they desire, working hard is hard work in itself. If only they tried working hard and smart (and by smart, I do not mean dubious means).

Confession time; I hate failure, but I am ready to risk failure, so that I can succeed. I hate poverty; not being able to afford what I NEED. I can deal with not being able to afford what I WANT, but not having what I need is just traumatic and that's why, when I wake up very morning, and I want to be better than I was the previous day. I want to try new things, I want to challenge myself, I want to be a step closer to my goal because I don't want to be docile in life, I know what and where I want to be, and it takes a lot of hard work to get there and I am not relenting till I get there.

My plan is to wake up each day and strive harder than I did the day before, men and women are doing great things in the world, let those people inspire you, you can be a part of them, you should be part of them. My role models are numerous, and they are models for different reasons and for different purposes. From educational models to professional, to marital, to fashion to religious models and the likes...and these people motivates me and I want to be surrounded by them because they challenge me. Success is contagious, catch the fever!

What's your plan? Take the bull by its horn today and soar higher and PRAY harder. All the best.

See you at the top,


  1. Motivation for the suffering junior counsel

  2. Let God giv us d ability to turn ugly workin environment into a blessing....bcos some of us r smart bt r in d wrong places...the worse part is, u cant leave til a certain future d8. Wont u live each day as it comes in such situation?

    1. Hi. Except you're barred by some factors like yours, moving ahead shouldn't be a Herculean task. But you should have a plan as it is, so that when the time comes, there's no delay. Some people have the opportunity to be better but they choose to remain the same way everyday of their life, they'll just keep praying, forgetting that prayers without work doesn't work. I pray God gives us insight.


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