My Darlings, I hope you all woke up well? And how's the voting exercise going on at your end? Some of us are free to move around today because there's no election in the FCT. If you are out and about performing your civic responsibility, please do so in peace and be security conscious. Stay out of trouble. The world needs you.

I was going through Blogger's statistics on my blog and guess what I found out??? We have 1000+ pageviews already! We have readers from Nigeria, US, UK, UAE, France, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia n co. Wow!, we only just started this less than a week ago! Imagine what we can achieve in a month or a year or in years to come. Despite your busy schedule and the multitude of blogs that we all know today, you still found out time to stop and read and comment. God bless you.

I'm grateful, I'm grateful, I'm grateful.

This feat wouldn't have been possible without every one of YOU. The feedback is amazing. When I say you inspire me, I mean it. Do I know a 1000+ people all over the world? No, I doubt it, But a 1000+ people know me now!

I'm not going to write too long today (I'm trying not to) because it is the weekend and you need to rest and do other things. But I have a few questions to ask; do you think the posts are unnecessarily too long or too short? Do you want articles to be published on weekends too, or should we do just weekdays? I don't use pictures to illustrate my you care? Or should we try to do that too? Please let me know. Anything for you loves!

Then again, if we are having a 1000+ pageviews with just 12 comments, that's not nice na. Some people will only visit and not leave a comment. God is watching you oh! Please be an active reader and leave comments and advices. We can learn from your wealth of knowledge and experience. Shout out to all the active participants already. Should I mention names??? Akpomedaye, Lateef, Efoma,  Frances, Ziggy Banks, Gift, Ovo, Ogbolu, Toju and the Anonymous. However, I cannot undermine the complains of some persons that it is difficult to post comments on the blog. I have tried to rectify this issue from my end by making anonymous able to comment too, I hope that resolves the problem. You may need to make enquiries from friends on how to go about it. I thank this group too and I ask that you don't relent in trying to post a comment. Try and try again. We cannot afford to lose that comment!

I promised a short post, and I couldn't help it, sorry. I can go on and on. With you all, I feel at home. Lemme run before I continue. Ok bye.

THANK YOU, OBRIGADO, GRACIAS, ASANTE SANA, SIYABONGA. ( I had to look up ''thank you'' in different languages) *sigh* the things we do for love.


  1. Thank you too for keeping some of us busy nd smiling anyhw in d pics nd co wud nt be bad too

  2. For pictures: it won't be bad at all
    On the length : as long as it stays entertaining who cares?
    Please do post every day even if it's at night the inspiration comes pour it out. We shall read them like they bring good luck (eminado) It's cool how you care about our opinion if only our govts care this much. Keep the articles coming. Well done.

  3. Haha. Very welcome dear..... Now that we can comment anonymously, I shall promptly log out and say WHATEVER I WANT!

  4. 🐦/📷 @arnoldaycee

    It doesn't mean babe. Volume doesn't matter as long as content is interesting. Write as it comes to you, just make sure its good

  5. Lol, Austin, I'm happy you were able to change from your name to anonymous within a short time. It is a clear indication to our readers that it is possible to comment anonymously on the blog and that the problem they are encountering may not be from the blog. However, we would love to see you comment as Austin Ogbolu Jr than as an anonymous. Thanks dear.

  6. Thanks Arnold, do visit us everyday. Add the blog as a bookmark, we wouldn't stop putting out interesting pieces, so be prepared.

  7. U are welcome dear,keep up the good work!like arnold suggested anytime u have a good piece u share,writing requires a lot of positive thinking and patience,so take ur time and bring out the best in u anytime!

  8. You don't have to make it an everyday thing. Write only when you are convinced that you have a publishable content. Quality is the watchword, not frequency.

  9. Yeah I'll go with Gift, quality is the watchword but consistency is also key. The blog will die away without make it quality consistent content(if that makes sense)
    As time goes on, you may just have a schedule that works for you.
    And pictures makes it all interesting/appealing to the eye..but don't get pressured, go at your own pace.


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