What Inspires You???

Good Morning Great Minds.

I woke up this morning and was blank as to what we should discuss. So many things to write about but you know there has to be an inspiration to be able to pen your thoughts down and avoid writing O.P (off point) and bore my darling readers. You know I hold y'all in high esteem and I just cannot afford that, right?

Back to the topic...what inspires you?

An inspiration is a thing that makes a person want to do something. A quick twist; an inspiration may also be a person that motivates another to do something. Therefore, an inspiration can be a thing or a person.

Where do you draw inspiration from???

Is it from your surroundings, your friends, colleagues at work, your siblings, your children...the list is endless. Again, do you think you are an inspiration to someone else? The humble you in YOU might want to think that asking yourself this question is thinking so much of oneself, but my darlings, it is not. When you begin to think that your attitude can influence another person positively or negatively, it activates a consciousness in you to be at your best in every thing you do.

That brings me to another group of persons who never see the best in you and never compliment or commend u. If u like, break iron with you bare hands, they'll NEVER see that as a ''big deal''. My brothers and sisters(LOL), just leave those ones oh, they have a problem, believe me, you are not the problem, they are their own problems, they are fighting with themselves and never let them stop you from doing good or being a good person.

I draw inspiration from a lot of things; from people around me, family and friends alike. From successful people in my profession and other professions, from women who are trailblazers in different facets of life, from men and women of God, from the ordinary man on the streets to non living things like the rose among thorns which still blossoms despite the unfriendly environment. Please dear friends, do not be someone who brings others down, instead, by words and conduct, try to lift a person up. Encouragement goes a long way in spurring a person to do more.

I have gotten a lot of feedback from friends concerning this blog and this has encouraged me to do more and increase the content and scope of the blog. This is my inspiration, and I hope this piece inspires you.

I love you all.


  1. Keep it up! More strength and wisdom from God to you!

  2. Keep it up! More strength and wisdom from God to you!

  3. Thanks Efoma. Keep visiting. More interesting piece soon. Tell a friend.

  4. Flowing from your admonition I can't help but say thumbs up, Charly just told me you've decided to pick your pen up. Its not easy this writing thing, it will bore you and it will leave you unsatisfied but don't stop. It was Epictetus who said if you wish to write, write; writing is like any other form of physical exercise, the more you do it the better you get (I've heard it said that the brain is a muscle) so don't heed flattery and of course don't let anybody put you down.

  5. Hmmm...what abt some of us dat dnt actually knw what inspires us? U pple berra giv us clue as to hw to knw o....nice piece....we await more interesting nd captivating 1s...we sidon kampe...lol

  6. my inspiration mostly come from sleeping jawe, dnt mind the way im wired. nice piece again. best source of inspiration is actually ones connection with the society and the orientation one gets from its expositions.

  7. Inspiring. Great stuff Barbie. Keep it coming!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 🐦/📷 @arnoldaycee

    For writing scripts: I draw inspiration from events. Things happen, whatever it may be and my mind flips it and manufactures many angles to it that means different stories

    For music it has to be anything

    Fashion: People and adventure inspires me. I try not to go over board.

    Life: I inspire me. I learn as I go along


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